it so difficult for me to brush my little one teeth

help me pls.

eveytime when i brush her teeth she cries a lot and i cant clean well.
do any one of you face this???
what can i do to solve this

Have you seen Maddy’s latest blog? She’s having a brushing problem of her own

I haven’t had a problem with Gabriel. What kind of toothpaste do you use? If you are using an adult toothpaste, it’s probably too strong. I use baby orajel toothpaste. It is fruit flavored and safe to swallow. I guess it taste pretty good because Gabriel eagerly opens his mouth for it! There are several other brands available. Just look for something that says baby or toddler on it.
I also use a finger brush. It has very soft rubber-like bristles. Maybe the bristles, or toothbrush itself, hurts her mouth the if you are using a regular toothbrush. Also, make sure you aren’t scrubbing. Be very gentle.

And like everything else, try to make it fun. Get all goofy, happy and excited when it’s time to brush her teeth and she might start looking forward to it :slight_smile:

thanks nhockaday
i use kodomo toothpaste, i tried many flavors but no result come till the date. i also use the rubber one. but she is not enjoying it. she some times ask me to give mine when im brushing

anyway thanks for your idea. i will try to find the toothpaste you mention.

You could also try using a wash cloth for a little while until she gets more used to you being in her mouth.

The problem I have is Jacob wants to do it himself and of course doesn’t do a proper job. lol

One thing that helps my lo is to let her “brush” her teeth with one toothbrush while I brush them myself with another in between times.

Yeah, things are much more enjoyable when you see mommy doing it too.

I just remembered something else that worked for me - letting the child pick the toothbrush or trying a different style. K likes the battery operated vibrating type of toothbrush.

i let muse brush her own teeth then try to brush them a little myself
she has gotten much better at teeth brushing and now asks to brush her teeth :slight_smile:
just remember no fluoride
i like Tom’s of Maine all natural toothpaste i put the smallest dot of paste i can or else she doesn’t like it

Kids geneally like doing things whih adults do, and as such kids
also have habits of copying others.

Thus, try brushing in presence of ur kids, and after some time,
ur kid may ask u to give brush to him/her.

You could also try First Teeth baby toothpaste. It is an all-natural tooth and gum cleanser that does not contain flouride and is safe to swallow. This can be used along with a finger toothbrush if a regular toothbrush is too much for her right now.

hi, i just would like to ask what age did you start brushing your child(ren)?

i started brushing when she turns one. she likes brushing first but i took no longer when she started hating to it.

You can start at any age to clean a baby’s gums or just wait until they get teeth, which can be at different times. My son didn’t get teeth until 10 months, and that is when we started brushing.

really?my daughter is now 15 months old and i haven’t started brushing her teeth, she has eight teeth right now. but my problem is she doesnt want me to brush her teeth, i just don’t know what to do…

Read the rest of this thread. There are some great tips.

our sisters start brushing for them self. if one is doing something the other follows. now no difficulties in this

I make sure to give my little one apples to eat - which i believe naturally cleans their teeth. Celery is good too.

Plus of course, trying to brush with electic and manual toothbrush and damp cloth.

I use a brush which has music. This music plays for 2 mins. My son likes it now.

We saw this little girl (about 5) who had only 1 or 2 crooked teeth and lost all the others. Whenever my son refuses to brush his teeth, all I have to say is “remember that girl with no teeth?”

We also visited this museum which had a huge mouth (a whole class of kids can sit on it). He saw up and close what a rotten tooth looks like. We are not trying to scare him, but we always tell him there are consequences to his choices.

getting a baby turning toddler to brush his teeth can be difficult. he wants to do it himself but plays around with the brush in his mouth. i dont think his teeth get brushed and then i take the brush and he lets me brush for approximately 2 secs.
im going to try the wipes.
musical brush seems fascinating. maybe that will help