Is anyone using the Doman dot cards math iPad app?

I see there is a iPad app for Doman flash cards math and another app called infant math program, has anyone tried these yet? How did you find they worked? Do they automatically start going into addition etc.
I’ve tried the dot flash cards with my 14 month old, i also tried when she was younger but i think she’s just not into them. I tried to make it interesting by skipping around the room looking at the dots and playing peekabo behind the cards but she just wouldnt have it. I tried to re introduce the dot with the free trial little maths and re did the cards to her again but now she can sign “finished” and i really know shes not into it. Maybe im just too slow (even tho i go as fast as i can).
I’m keen to give the app a chance, if I can get past 15 dots then it will be an improvement on what I’ve done so far. I’d love to know how anyone else is going with these ipad app.

Its still early days but my daughter signs “more” now when I get to the end of the short maths session so maybe this app will help.

Come on, there must be other people out there with an iPad that are keen to give this math dot app a go? I see there has been 190 views of this post so there must be people interested. Or are you all just waiting to see how we get on?
Well we are still doing it, we are only up to day 8 (15 dots) altho we have been doing it almost each day for the last 15 days. Sometimes we only do it once and some times we do it four times in the day, it just depends on her mood.
I deffently think it’s better than the paper flashcards, the app goes really fast and is nice and short whereas when I tried with the paper flash cards I found I went to slow and she would just grab at them.

I did a little “test” today (I know I shouldn’t but I made sure she thought of it as a game) she got three out of four right, so maybe she does know her numbers and maybe just maybe this method could work. I’m going to keep going and just see how we go.

we used it for about 2 weeks. no luck here, but my son is too old for it anyway. he really didnt like it and I had to convince him to watch. If i had a baby I would give it a go, using the ipad is so much more convenient than any other option. Ipad is even faster than putting on a dvd!. Keep going we are all reading the post because we are dieing to hear your stories :slight_smile:

Hi, I think I’m using the infant math program one (it was free)… I dont’ have it handy to check. But whichever one it is, I’m not doing it very consistently. How can I not have time to fit in 6 x 10s sessions per day? We use the cards too… I have no reason yet to think that the whole process works. But I suppose I am exposing my little boy (21m) to numbers which can only be good. He goes & pulls the cards out to carpet the floor but the minute I try to call out the numbers, off he goes.

Truth be told we are not focusing on maths right now, we’ve got reading, languages, music & swimming going on so maths is only when I remember to count his toes or his cheerios:)

Keep us updated, it’s always encouraging to hear of someone else’s success.

I would love to use this but my I-pad is too old. Do you know of any other good apps?

We are still slowly using the Doman dot app but not as much as we could i guess. We sometimes go four days with out using it and might only show it once a day. So who knows if this will be helping her but we will slowly keep going as it is a easy app to use.

I think the app would be even better if it had addition subtraction multiplication and division built into it. Maybe down the line it will.

We gave up because it was moving too slowly. I wish we could have skipped all the early dots that my son knows.

If you are using the same app as I am you can skip ahead. Its under free sessions rather than strict session. I just now skipped ahead and found that it does have addition subtraction multiplication and division built into it.

Hi kiwimum!
May i know the exact name of this app? Im using one called Infant Math Dot Flashcards, but there is no option to skip ahead. The only 4 buttons there are Start, TellFriends, Feedback and Community.


I did find a way to skip ahead in that one actually. It was in the settings or something area. I skipped ahead, tried it and promptly deleted it. James will be 3 in a few months and is doing Kindergarten (reception, prep) math standards. So I think the use of the app for us has dwindled.

I do intend to use it if I have a second child.

Thanks korrale4kq!
Under settings i can only change the notifications, and flashing speed… Maybe im missing something here…

Ok i emailed the app developer and got the solution.
Here’s his reply :

Hi, please download the iPad version of the app. It has this feature. Also we just submitted an update to the AppStore with new features and the new app is universal.

The one I use is called “Doman Flash Cards Maths” I also have the Infant Math Program but I liked the look of Doman Flash Card app more because there is no pre recorded voice, you use your own voice by reading the quick numbers in the bottom right corner.There is a free trail version you can try first but once you buy the actual app there are two options. Strict sessions and Free sessions. Give it a go, id love to know how you get on.

We’ve been using this for a few weeks now… No stringent with routine with this app (or with any other learning materials)… My boy (1+) looks at the cards but not in an overly excited way or anyhing :stuck_out_tongue:

my girl doesn’t get excited with the dots either, but sometime she does ask for “more” (by signing) so she must be taking some of it in. She will sometimes turn her head away and not be into it and i just dont make a big deal out of it and just try again when she is in a better mood. It only takes less than 10 seconds.
I’m up to day 17 at the moment, each day has about 6 rounds of the 5 dot flash cards. We are just getting into the 30’s now.

Oh, I has the iPad version of the app. And I did update it recently. I guess the skipping option was implemented then. I thought I had not seen it until recently.

Aghh no… how can a long post just disappear like that!!

I’m using the Baby doesn’t count app which is free, the Doman one was $1.99 lol

The maker (Josh) did some updates, there are equations after 20, initially it blocked you from progressing but now you can get in a few sessions at once. I know you are only meant to do 1 at a time, but my son always asks for more too. Only because I let him press the “start lessons” button & he thinks that’s the point of the app… to press that start button as quickly as you can :wink: We use it inconsistently, at least once a day & sometimes get the physical flash cards in too. Pretty haphazard exposure :blush:

To be honest I was beginning to think that the whole subitizing thing was an exercise in futility… but I have held off teaching numerals because I was curious if it worked/ could be taught. Now FYI my little boy is the most gorgeous delightful thing in the world. I would say that he doesn’t seem to be as advanced for his age as some other children on this forum or at least maybe he’s doing well in different areas - he is 22m, understands several languages, has great social skills & I’m delighted with how he is progressing with music. But he is ++ resistant to being tested & so at times I wonder if anything is going in until he lets slip that he knows it:) His speech is coming along but he doesn’t say many numbers yet. He refuses to admit that 4 could be anything other than wheeeeee (1,2,3, wheee on the swing)

So today, he points over my shoulder & says “one” & there on the wall was a solitary dot! Well I of course had to call my husband immediately with this breakthrough… I thought I would chance it & ask how many bananas I was holding = “dos”. Later I asked how many spoons I had & he held up 3 little fingers - how proud was/am I 8) Something’s working…

How could I keep such major news to myself - I just had to share it, ha ha - I live in a country where yesterday someone told me that their nearly 5 year old could count to 20 already! Maybe this will encourage someone else, it’s wonderful to read of the amazing sucess stories on here but I suspect that there are plenty others just like me looking at the apple of their eye thinking well maybe in a year’s time lol

Good job mama Lois and little one! :))Whenever i open this dots app, my son always go and press the ‘home’ button so he can open his favourite classical music player app! Lol!

Thanks so much for sharing!!! I’m downloading the Baby Can’t Count app as I type.