Indian early learning courses

I was reading the Indian posts, and wondering what is garbhsanskar, ISP and super kids? How do they work?

Garbhsanskar is a music CD to be played when you are pregnent or after. This CD has very special sounds that stimulate the baby when listened every day or more than once in a day. Here’s some more information about the cd,
"Garbh Sanskar
Garbh Sanskaar is an album featuring mantras for the pregnant women. Since ancient times, it has been known that the child in the womb adopts impressions from its surroundings and the behaviour of its mother, and also starts learning things. This fact has now been confirmed by modern science.

The well-known story from Mahabharat of Abhimanyu tells us that he learned the art of Chakravyuha while he was in the womb, when his mother was listening to the technique told to her by Lord Shri Krishna.

The ancient scriptures and Ayurveda prescribe music and mantras to be listened to during pregnancy. The sound of the veena (Indian string instrument which is held by the Goddess Saraswati) and the Samaveda mantras also give health to the pregnant woman and the child within. It is possible to give energy for the development of the body, mind and soul of the child in the womb by listening to special music. The important qualities of leadership, bravery, creativity and love for all can be cultured in the child by listening to specific compositions. The music and shanti mantras will also help the entire family.

This album is the first of its kind in the world, based on traditional practices and prepared after much research, with the hope that children born with good health, intelligence and love will ensure a bright future for our planet.

The well-known ayurvedic healer Dr. Balaji Tambe has developed this concept & composed & sung in this album. Sanjeev Abhyankar has also sung in this album. The commnetary / Address to the child is in the voice of Shri Amitabh Bachchan. As you can see, we have some very big names associated with this album.


ISP is Infant Siddha Program. This program is a online class taught by a live instructor. One session has 9 classes. They cover a lot of topics from GD to Sichida and a lot of other things. Each class is about 2 to 2 and hours long once a week. I attended it and is a very nice and informative class.

I have no information about super kids

Have you, or anyone you know, used the CD? It sounds interesting.

i have used cd for sometime while i was pregnant. But i cant tell if that had any effect on my kids…

I used the CD and I used to listen to lot of classical music. Both my kids never cried…they both used to nurse well respond well… I definately think there are lot of advantages.

Listening to Garbh shakar during pregnancy,gives you lots of relaxiation to pregnant mothers.And these chantings has lots of vibrations which chanalises your energy levels and also leads to more relaxiation during pregnancy and also it helps to stimulate your baby’s brain,
Here is an important thing that is if you listen to that music by sending special time to your baby in the womb,then only you can find the results.other wise if you dont get the special time to listen then you will not find more results.
Finally here are few tips on how to listen to any music or any chantings for your babies in the womb…
(1) Keep your hands on the belly ,close your eyes and just be with the baby and listen to music.
(2)Visualise your beautiful baby’s features,characteristics that you want.
(3)See that your beloved baby has all these characteristics and features that you want.
(4)Be with that feeling…
If you follow these tips and listen to music or chatings,then it will be very easy to understand your beloved one in the womb.And our beloved one always says thankx to you. :slight_smile:


I remember when i joined ISP classes when i was pregnant they give beautiful cd for meditation and it is wonderful way to meditate during pregnancy.They say u have to visualise while meditating that jal(water),vayu(air),aakash(sky),agni(fire),dharti(land) all these are showering blessings to ur baby who is in ur womb and in between they say ‘whatever thoughts u r getting let it come while meditating’ and relax ur body …and so on…nice it was to hear when i was pregnant.I njoyed a lot.Till today i am doing the same meditation for my son.It makes me happy…


YOU CAN EVEN ATTEND ''joy of parenting ‘’ classes conducted by ‘‘5SENSES’’ at jj hospital and you can listen to many music cds and also they provide you the toddler excerses daily at JJ HOSPITAL,KALYAN NAGAR,BEHIND CHEST HOSPITAL,HYD, thatz a school for pregnant women and young parents.They are also online classes for many pregnants and also they give you live meditattion to you and to your baby in the womb.

Thats great.Can u pls share the website which gives live meditation to babies in womb.Coz i am new to this i never knew…And it will be great also for other parents to know…


Hi sapna can i have the details about you pls?
there is no website we just give online meditation only for pregnant women for their babies.and we charge Rs.500 per session and the people attend monthly twice,but we also do it for 9months and also we give special meditation during labour pains. which really helps the pregnant women during delivery.and till now many pregnant women shared their great experiences with us and we give these classes at jj hospital hyd also.
and we have regular toddler exercises for who deliver the babies at jj hospital.

Wow!!!I can give my email id. .My email id is send me the details of everything…


Dear Jessy,
Do theu have similar branches in Mumbai as well for meditation in pregnancy. Pl. let me know.Thanx.

Hi sapna…
I donno about mumbai but we have only in Hyderabad.We doo conduct online meditation classes for the pregnant women.
pregnant women can use baby plus and also continue meditation while listening to that.and few of my students also used this Baby plus and they got good results.


Could you please from where can i get baby plus in delhi.

Jessy i m looking for online classes.Can u explain more or pm me abt online classes.


Hi sapna…
If u don’t mind.r u pregnant now? because we give online mediation for the pregnant women. this is my mail id you can send me the mails to this!!.By the way where do u stay? and what you do? pls let me know.

Hi jessy naidu,

It was so informative to see that in JJ hospital,kalyannagar you conduct such interesting program. My house is in kalyan nagar. But I am unfortunately stationed in Dubai.(I really miss the opportunity). I have a 4 month baby. Can I have some more information about toddler exercies. My email id is


hi all, i have used the garbh sanskar books and cds right from 3rd month of my preganancy. its a very beautiful couse, and the results are extra ordinary. the program includes various indian chants to sing daily that are helpful in development of right and left brain of a child . besides this they use various easy methods to develop your child"s mental physical ,and emotional growth. there is no online course. but if any body wants i can give more information.

hi sapna in mumbai the course is conducted by DR Gitanjali shah and her husband . if you want i can give u more information

Yes Awantika pls give me informations.U can email me if u want
