Talk about a last minute decision! I just booked my spot at the “How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligence” course. I only learned about the course date last week - on a random whim I went to their website to check the dates for future seminars and was like “holy cow, it’s next week!”. I hemmed and hawed about my decision as it’s a hefty investment. But it almost seems as though the stars were aligned for me to go: my husband is able to take time off of work next week and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of teaching my soon to be baby #3 in December (and I’m not nursing!! :).
A little background on myself: I discovered Doman about 10 months ago - my older son was 30 months and younger one was 13 months. Yes, you’re hearing me correctly - come December, I will have 3 under 3.5!! Crazy right?? You’re telling me. :hi5: At any rate, I put his methodologies into full force and my older son was reading within 5 months. We delved into every facet of Doman life from teaching both boys how to swim to creating an academically and exploratory rich environment. It was a complete mental shift as to how we spent our days and how I perceived them and their abilities. But like most of you, I had a hunch that there was more I could be doing with them which is how I stumbled upon Doman (I’m still surprised at the lack of familiarity people have with early learning!!!).
I know this forum is an immense source of knowledge but for me I feel like my knowledge and execution is similar to a colander. It has holes - and I would like those holes filled. Sometimes I spend an hour or two at a time on this forum scouring to see how others are approaching something I’m stuck on but it’s only a hole or two at a time that I’m able to fill and if I read something counter to what I’m doing it starts to shake my confidence. What’s worked for my older son doesn’t always seem to be working for my younger son and I need the confidence and conviction to believe I’m on the right track. I know the courses at the Institutes get mixed reviews - some say they are redundant to what’s in the books and if you’ve read them then there isn’t much added value to attending the course unless you are a newbie. But for me I need the tangible - I want to see, feel, touch and ask as many questions as I can so that I’m better prepared (and more relaxed) about throwing another one into the mix and to keep on track with my older two. Plus, I’ve never executed Doman’s methods with a newborn and that somehow seems like an awesome task to me. Now, I’m realistic and I know I’m not going to come back and be able to do this stuff with my eyes closed and I’ll probably still have many questions- we all have stumbling blocks - but just the knowledge to keep trekking along and the confidence to weather those stumbling blocks will be worth every penny to me.
Enough babbling from me. I’ll be sure to post my thoughts/take-aways upon my return. Curious if anyone else is attending?? And for those who have in the past - any thoughts/advice?