How to start with 3 -month- old baby?

My DD is now 2,5 months old and i’m gonna wait until she turns 3 months to start teaching her to read. my question is how do you start teaching your baby this age? i read the book “how to teach your baby to read” by Glenn Doman. the book was published long time ago so i think the idea presented might be old. they recommend teaching baby first two words mommy and daddy, mommy first and then daddy, letting baby see the words for ten seconds. but is it too long? is it supposed to be better showing words briefly since it fits right brain’s feature?

please share your experience and your thought
thank you so much!

That definitely sounds too long to show the cards. I started to teach my son at 2 1/2 months with videos. We started flash cards at 3 months old. I had a stack of 5 or 10, I don’t remember, and I just quickly flipped through the stack. I did this 2 or 3 times a day. By the time he was 5 months old, he would view about 40 words or more per session. He loved learning to read, never remembers me teaching him and never knows of a time when he couldn’t read. Can you imagine that? I really believe that babies are intellectuals and they are interested in learning and soak it all up. This is such a great time to teach your baby because they cannot do much else and this is a great way to interact with your child. I can tell you story after story of results I experienced while teaching my 4 children as babies. It is truly magical and enjoyable and amazing and a time you will treasure forever. The biggest challenge we face as their teachers is providing enough stimulation. Just do the best you can and realize everything you do will benefit them in some way and you will never have a perfect program because life on this earth is not perfect.

I wish you all the best and honestly wish I had another baby to teach because it is just so much fun! :smiley:

Thank you, Krista. Your post makes truly me excited. which videos did you use when you start teaching your son? i want to use flashcards first then move on to videos. i think at first, flashcards should be enough to get the baby’s attention. what’s your opinion?

Have you downloaded the Little Reader two week trial? From the grey bar above, click Little Reader, and then Take the Trial. You can check it out for two weeks at no cost, and you can even print off all the flashcards if you prefer to use paper cards with you baby. You can also hook up your computer/laptop to your TV with an HDMI cable and watch the lessons that way. Just follow your baby’s preferences!

Also, from this link you can scroll to the bottom and download the free e-books on teaching your baby. There is lots of other info, too!

I started with Your Baby Can Read and did lots of homemade flash cards. You can definitely teach with just flash cards. I used the videos for those times when I needed to get stuff done in the house and needed the baby to be content. It is nice to know that there are good quality videos you can use during those periods. If you are interested in videos check out the videos we have at The Little Reader program is also super nice. If I were starting over I would use paper flash cards, videos and Little Reader. As I stated above, keeping up with what they can learn is a bit of a challenge and having resources is so helpful.

My niece also almost three months, can laugh.Very cute, like other people and talk to her.Want her to get a good education.Can anyone tell me how should I do?

Hello, my son is 8 month and i would like to start teaching him to read. have you all have purchase the brillkids program?. I have been reading about it , and the program seems to be great, but i can not buy the program at the moment. any suggestions on free material? does the Brillkids program offer in other language ex. Spanish?
thank you!!!

Hi everybody!!! I have a baby of 2.5 month old too!!! I have begun to use the first sessions with her… She likes it. But I think it is very soon. Even is it not very soon before she is one year old…??? Is it good for her sight??? Sometimes I think to make this question my doctor, but he is going to think that I am crazy… you are putting videos in order that your baby reads… :clown: :clown: :clown:

I have a lot of flascards… I had thought to work with flashcards, then I found brill kids and I bought Deluxe… I am waiting for the packet… Many doubts… :ph34r:

Hi all, when my baby was 3mo I started with random free materials on Brillkids. Only when she was 11mo I managed to buy LR & LM. I didnt miss a single lesson for the first 3months. It’s just a few minutes work, flash it and go. I kept doing it and wasnt expecting anything from her because that will make me lose my focus right…(haha) … but at 14mo she read thru pronounciation and signing. First she smiled n signed ‘apple’ when holding a box of apple flavoured tea (no picture of apple at all. just word of it). Then, all the words started come out from her head. Not only that she learns to read, she learns to move, parts of her body, colors, shapes, animals and lots of other things too.

Now, she is almost 2y9m she reads well independently. She loves when we read books out loud together.

Suyapa, it doesnt come in Spanish but we can always download the spanish files from the brillkids sites.

nuria2012, no dont tell your kid’s paed. I did tell my kid’s paed that my baby can read now and he rolled his eyes!! :smiley:

hello Nellie, thanks for the info. If i buy the one in English can i easily adjusted to Spanish? what do you think?
are the spanish downloads for all the lessons in the little readers program?

thank you!!!

If you mean ‘adjusted’ by clicking a button to change the language, then it’s a no. It cant be adjusted to spanish like that.
The spanish downloads are available in the Brillkids website, not in the little reader program. But you can always download the spanish files made by other parents in the forum into the little reader program.
I can’t say if they have it for all lessons but I think it’s enough for a baby to learn or for a beginner to learn. It’s an ongoing process, we keep adding the lessons later.

happy teaching! :smiley:

Nellie you said your little one also signed apple. Did you also teach her to sign. If so when did you start teaching her signs?

hi jainarei,
yes I did signing too with her. I started when she’s around 2mo. And her first sign was, ‘milk’ I think? She never signed ‘apple’ before (at the supermarket holding the tea box) that’s why I didn’t catch it until she got my attention with her big smile. Like, what are you so happy about?..Ohh…you could read that? lol
Lucky I was at the supermarket or else I’d be jumping up and down. (Or not. I dont practice jumping up and down when my baby accomplishes something. I just gave her a fair applause and a cheer)
How about you? :slight_smile:

Hello Nelly, thanks for your response. when i said adjusted i mean if i can edit the words in the program. for example change the english word that appear and write there the Spanish word instead. I am a native Spanish speaker, and i wold like my son to read in Spanish ;).

Hi Suyapa, yes of course you can. you can edit things the way you wanted. Any languages any pictures any voices you preferred for your little ones. If you want them in papers or flash cards you can just print them away no adjusting needed like what you did in Word or Powerpoint files. (more to left, more to right, like I did before :huh: )

Thanks for your reply nellie. I found the whole idea behind signing brilliant but was unsure how early you can start. The Australian website recomends 6 months but I thought if you are already starting with reading earlier it would make sense to start signing around the same time with a few key words like milk, mummy & daddy. So thats my plan at the moment but we’ll see what happens when little one arrives.

Nellie, that is great! thank you!!!

Hi JainaRei
I started signing with my daughter at 3 months and I’ll be starting from birth with my next little one. It’s so easy, especially if you have good resources such as Baby Signing Time and Signing Time to help you learn the signs yourself.

Nelly, thanks for your answer.

Advice Now I have downloaded the colours with their names and pretend to begin to teach my daughter by means of flashcards. How many flashcards in each set? How many times per day?? Every week must I show her one topic, such as colours, two topics, three… Is it not better to begin with concepts words that are familiar for the baby, such as mummy, daddy, toys… I hope your answer, friends, please :slight_smile: I am lost.

My daugher is almost three months, although she looks like a baby girl of four months. lol I love her. :yes: :rolleyes: :clown:

nuria2012, I was super lost too. I think I still am, but lost in different ways. Everytime like that! :slight_smile: If I want to mess with my head I will look at other parents’ achievements and what they do with their kids…but that’s a good mess I guess if I can measure where I’m at in teaching my girl. My girl’s developments it’s up to her I won’t worry but it’s how much I teach her worries me sometimes. I’m always worried if I do less, for example when she started to do her output, she finally telling me that she got what I taught her, I always thought I should teach her more, more words, more language. When she kind of excelled too much beyond the kids older than her, I got scared I pulled back some of the lessons, day off. Momma’s dilemma…huh…

See, it really depends on how much time you want to spend flashing the cards to her. Doesn’t matter how many times a day. If you use Little Reader, yes you can do at least twice a day, it’s automated, it’s on the screen, it’s different thing. But for paper flash cards it’s up to you how many times a day you want to do it. I kept those flash cards next to me everytime, she sat with me almost all the time. I started with 4-6 sets, 10 flashcards each, added new set every 2-3 days, I just put in any words, any subject but for picture I use the real picture ones, no cartoonish picture. clean and clear words’ flashcards, no decorations around the words. hang the words around my house.

print out your family member’s picture, put in their names on it and show it to her. my girl loved that!