How to increase baby appetite

can someone share how to increase my baby appetite? he is 6 months old and have been rejecting his bottle milk recently…he never seems to feel hungry even though he has miss his time for milk…the easily method is to feed him when he is sleepy…Its very frustrating to see him not drinking… :huh: is there any medication to increase his appetite?

I know there was a similar thread a long time ago, but I couldn’t find it :frowning:

But anyways, it may just be a stage. I have never experienced it (my son has always been a ferocious eater), but I know that some babies can slow down with eating when their growth is slowing down. Have you started feeding a baby cereal and/or baby food? It may that your baby is trying to tell you that you he wants more than just milk. 6 months is the perfect age for introducing some solids. Besides that, I would just keep an eye on it, and if his appetite doesn’t improve, then I would definitely talk to his doctor.

It could also be teething. It may just be sore to suck on the bottle so he doesn’t eat as much. Hopefully it’s just a phase and he will back in no time!

There’s always something to worry about, isn’t there? :wink:

Same with my little son. He has been constupated from the last month and half. He is having a stool every 8 to 10 days. Doctor said that, it’s ok for BF babies to not to have a stool for more than 10 days. But, from the last 5 days he hasn’t been drinking well. He has been drinking half of what he usually drinks every three hours. It is really frustating.

I read that somewhere too, but I think it is absurd. It is not healthy for anyone to go more than a couple days without a BM. My son was going several times a day the whole time he was exclusively BF. If he didn’t go for a day, you could tell. He was very fussy. I can’t imagine how much it would hurt a baby to not go for days. I wouldn’t want to eat either.

to add on, my son is quite small at birth only 2.89kg. he is very skinny compared to babies of his age (even smaller his age) my mum and in-law often comment abt it, making me quite upset seeing other babies so chubby and huge. i kinda of blame myself for his weight since i m the one feeding him.

maybe i have not been feeding him more when he is younger. i had postnal depression after hs delivery…since then i m afraid of my own son…afraid of taking care of him…my hubby has to take leave for a week for care for him as i couldnt face him (he is only 2 month old)

yes, i have started solids on him, but i feel thats not the reason for him to take less milk / reject milk… also understand he may be teething,but seeing him not having milk past his timejust upset him (he can go empty tummy after 5-6 hrs sice his last feed)

i hv seen his PD abt it, but he doesnt seem to be bothered abt his loss of appetite while i m already freaking out…did anyone tried with medication to increase baby appetite?

i rather him to be big and fat than skinny right nw where i often get looks and comments of not feeding him well… :confused:

My son loved milk (BM only though) but refused solid when he was a baby. My little girl eats well but doesn’t like milk. She has to be entertained with a new object for her to play with. And no, toys won’t do. She just throws them down. Everyday it’s a challenge to come up with a bag of new things to keep her going till she finishes her milk. It’s true there always something to worry about.

Does your baby like solids? If he does like mine, then feed him solid after milk. And try to keep him busy.

Yes, it is frustrating to see our little one’s not to eat. Honestly there’s nothing much we can do. Medications are not good especially at this age. I too keep thinking like you but after a lot of research I have come to the conclusion that as long as the baby is healthy and playing well it is ok if they are not eating properly.
May be after 2 years you can ask the doc and try some medication. But, right now it’s not advisable.

yes, i do feed my bb with solids…but he doesnt take much of it…i am just worried that he is not growing up well since he takes little of milk and solids…hopefully this stage end soon… :frowning: it such difficult to be a mum…how i wish he is in my tummy, this way, he is able to take in all the good food i eat…

hello, hang in there… my baby is very tiny too - I have found that not stressing about what your baby is eating actually works. The more you stress about it the less they eat. Remember your baby will not go hungry so let your baby decide how much to eat.

Good luck!

i agree… go easy and dont stress about it. babies pick up on stuff like that.

good luck

try different foods - maybe that will help and create some excitement around meal times

I have to disagree on the constipation issue. It is possible for a breastfed baby to go for a week or so between BM’s & not be constipated. Mine did & they never had any problems or distress when they did go. It may be a problem for some babies but it really can be normal for BF babies to go this infrequently.

thanks gals, guess i am too stressed up abt his weight and not eating issue…as i tend to compare his weight with his peers, they usually weight much more than his weight. 10kg compared mine at 7.6kg making me feel uneasy about his growth…i guess i have to relax and be happy as long as he is healthy…but…i know i know, my in-laws will pass those remarks of him being so skinny as stuff like that (cos she too compared him to her friends’ grandchildren) hopefully he will strive in another few weeks time…

Gabriel is underweight for his age too. The doctor brings it up every time I bring him. But he looks fine. He is not anorexic. It’s nothing to worry about as long as he is not sickly and is growing at a normal rate.

thanks nhockaday, i am a new mummy…still trying to cope in caring for him…gosh…you talk about anorexic…i didnt think bb would have anorexic…mine look fine and active too, just a bit on the skinny side

just feed him some banana, his mouth is tiny, refuses to open his mouth during feeding time…my mum relate this to “he is afraid to open his mouth for the fear of dropping his gold coin out”…struggled a while before finally finishing his food. gosh…its so difficult to feed him now, not to think when he turn into a toddler…

keep the baby occupied with something when you feed him.
that might help…

but, children are always fussy… Dont force him… when he is hungry, he shall have something… keep offering in sometime…
