How to increase baby appetite

haha is me again, mine are also a tiny baby, she is 14 months now and only weight 7.4kgs (she was 2.97kgs when born) :closedeyes: , even my pedi said she is underweight but as long as she is active than is fine. So my experince is don’t give yourself too much pressure, coz you can’t force baby to eat or to do anything they don’t like to. I did start to feed rice cereal when my baby was 4 1/2 months coz my GP point out that my baby don’t like milk but maybe love solid. I fed her plain rice ceral for until she turn 6 months (at that time she can ate up to 150ml cereal a day, but max. she only drink 600ml milk per day :wacko: ) but is changed when i start to feed her other food like mix the vegi into the cereal,custard,congee & fruit. She suddenly drop her appetite again. She love to try every new food but all only eat a little bit (she only want to taste it).Even now she only have last than 400ml milk per day and 2 solid meal + snack. Anyway i also have so much pressure from my parents-in-law & my hubby grandparent, they always blame me don’t know how to cook for the baby and even blame me feeding instant baby food as well. But my GP did told me the instant baby food may content more nutrition than “homemade” coz normally is hard for as to put 5or 6 kinds of vegi + meat or even +rice or pasta. Anyway hope your baby will start to eat more as he grow.

Hi! My first baby was always small and skinny and she still is skinny. However she was following her own curve line on the charts and so her doctor wasn’t worried. He said it was just her genetics that dictated her shape and size. As long as she followed her curve line and was healthy and energetic I was not to worry. So I learned not to worry or compare her to all the other huge babies that surrounded her. Hope this post is reassuring.

Most babies survive even when they seem to have no appetite. The best advice is to be sure that the snacks your child gets are nourishing because it would probably surprise you how much she is eating in snacks.

haha…as I said before my baby was born 2.97kgs which is around 25th of the chart, but when she was 9 months old she is already drop to 3rd of the chart, now she is far under the bottom (3rd line) of the growing chat, and i have brought her to saw 2 GP and 1 pedi, they all give me the same answer > “As long as she is health and active than is fine, coz can’t do anything on her.” But i still take few months to face the true and not give myself anymore pressure on her weight problem.

And for the snack i have choose carefully, even a little biscuit i will choose the one with iron rich (rice cake) or high in calcium for her. Pasta or noodle i rather use Japanese soba, buckwheat pasta, vegi twist instead of the plain one. Make sure every bite she have is with some nutrition in it.

Here is a helpful article.

could it be really a passing phase only for babies? because i am having the same issue now with issam, he used to love eating/ drinking his milk, there are time that i had to make twice in one feeding since he has for more. but now, he only taste solid foods, he won’t even finish his bottle and i am really getting worried about it. he likes drinking water and juices but i don’t think that it will be enough since he is very active. :frowning: :frowning:

Don’t stress so much abt the eating and the growth. I’ve seen so many parents so stressed up about the small size of their kids and about them not drinking/eating enough.

As your stress may pass onto the baby and the baby may end up getting sick.

Most important is that baby is not sick.

If baby is sick, must see doctor and take doctor’s medicine even if baby does not want to take medicine.

can’t really help it!i think its mother nature to worry every time!

2 Things…

  1. My son, a 100 percent BF baby, when he was 3- 6 and a half months would go 21 days between bowel movements… TRUST ME I called Hospitals all over North America… and got 2nd opinions on my second opinions… the conclusion…

It is 100 percent healthy… My son never strained to have a BM when he did go his poop was a healthy poop… It was not hard and it was the proper color… a mustardy color (you have to worry if it is black that means blood in the stools) It meant that my son was not overeating and breastmilk is considered pure and healthy… and hencce there is often not a lot of waste… and breastfed babies tend not to overeat and they control their portion sizes

  1. My son lost weight from 7 months to a year… we solved it by doing the following

  2. Increasing his physical activity level

  3. We taught my son to sign thanks to a local signing class and Signing time videos, we noticed that my son was addicted to reading books… he would wake up in the middle of the night asking for books instead of food… hence we started to read stories and do finger puppet plays at lunch time and he started to enjoy eating time better

  4. After about 11 months I used liquid oats and this increased his appetite (under supervision)

  5. We noticed after a year and a half that he was allergic to milk products… his reaction was different in the sense that he was irritable, he snored at night and would develop a slight rash around his mouth at times (we assumed this was due to the soother) After doing tests with our pediatritian because I felt he was pale we noticed he had a milk allergy. He put on 1 pound in a month after taking him off the milk.

  6. I noticed the less I stressed the better he started eating… I would make his breakfast with choices I deemed healthy and if he signed finish after 1 bite I would let heim down from his High Chair and put asnack plate at the kiddy table… this worked great. I ould let him snack when he was hungry on table leftovers…
    Hope this helps.


You guys can also try these

They have tons of vitamins and calories for extra growth, and they also have probiotics for immunity support. Gabriel really likes them.