How soon did you know?

I am wondering how soon you knew you were pregnant?

Did you know in your mind/body you were pregnant even before taking a home test, going to the Dr., or missing a cycle?

Did you ever totally believe you were pregnant, only to discover you were not?

Perhaps my genernal stomach ache, heartburn, and tiredness is just the flu. It is way too early for me to even take any pregnancy test, so I am just guessing and hoping.

I was 4 to 5 months in bouth my pregnancy. I was not feeling anything diferent. (my second I just did the test because my husband said my belly was getting big.)

I knew when I was about 3 weeks pregnant. I had to wait a few days before I could even take a test.

I was three weeks pregnant, I think I just knew, I didn’t even take a test, I went straight for the check up. I didn’t have any usual symptoms, other than missing my period and my breasts getting bigger.
If you’re not sure, I would try to do the test as soon as possible (it should work any time after you miss your period), so you know and you can start taking care of yourself more, even though, if you’re ‘trying’ and ‘hoping’ to get pregnant you should take a very good care of yourself even before the pregnancy. I’m not suggesting you’re not, it’s just a comment.

i knew about three to for week after. i had difficulties in breathing and sivier stomach ache and always feel womiting.

so i went doctor and then i came to know about the pregnency

I knew at able 4 weeks. My breast were so sore, that was my main sign.

I knew at 3 weeks. My breast were sore and I just felt different. Also I had some gastrointestinal problems - diarrehea. It’s an odd symptom that people don’t usually discuss, but I had it with each pregnancy. I think there are some pregnancy tests that work even a few days before you miss your period.

Good Luck, Lori

I was expecting it to happen and when periods got delayed by a day or two, I knew it…Also had breast tenderness and other symptoms a little later…

I knew when I would likely conceive, each time, so as soon as my periods were late, my suspicions were confirmed. I still had to wait for the test.

I knew it at the 2nd weeks as i missed my period and at the 3rd week my breast feel pain and sore

i knew when i was 4 weeks pregnant,and i was expecting it to happen.

As soon my periods get delayed i did a home pregnancy test. The result was positive :wink:

My body changed, mainly my breast, but I was making a trip abroad with my husband, then as soon as I came back to my country I made the test and it was positive. I was 3 weeks. So happy!!!

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With one of my dd’s I knew within a week. I had no physical symptoms, I just knew. I was also totally certain that she was a girl - so certain, that if the Dr. had said it’s a boy I would have told him to check again :smiley: !

Oops, I forgot to answer the 2nd question. Yes, twice I thought I was pregnant when I wasn’t. The 2nd time I was a couple of weeks late which is very unusual, so I was quite sure. The funny thing is that with one of my pregnancies, my husband told me I was pregnant - I thought he was crazy, but he was right!

with my first i way almost 4 months
i didn’t really have any symptoms besides being extra tired
which i thought was due to having malaria
(i even took malaria meds which are a big no no when pg)
thankfully my little girl was fine
when i was still tired 2 month after i had malaria i friend thought i must be pregnant
i was sure i wasn’t but my husband thought i should take the test anyway
i was super shocked when it was positive lol

with my next one i knew right away
didn’t have any symptoms but i just knew
i was less then 3 weeks

I knew I was pregnant at the 2nd or 3rtd day of missing my period.

So, a quick update to this post. Yes, I am pregnant. So, I did in fact know the DAY I became pregnant. Yes, I had to wait another 2 weeks to confirm it, but I pretty much (98%) believed I was pregnant from the moment it happened. My partner also knew - his comment was ‘there, you are pregnant’. Perhaps not the most romantic comment ever said, but in hindsight, a rather true one!

I knew I was pregnant at 2 weeks, I just felt very tired and sleepy. I couldn’t tell anyone because I was not sure, I didn’t want to buy a home pregnancy test because didn’t want to be disappointed. So i didn’t want to think about it, 2 weeks later I still had a cold.
A week and a half later I went to see my doctor for a blood test and a week after that the confirmation via phone and I was 5 weeks pregnant. I know this is funny but …I still went ahead and bought the home pregnancy test at around 11 weeks pregnant…positive…I am 15 weeks and 6 days today!

I knew before I missed my period with one dd. My husband told me he thought I was pregnant also before I should have gotten my period with my youngest. I thought he was crazy, but somehow he was right!