How soon did you know?

I had been trying to get pregnant for awhile. After stopping thinking about it so much, one day while taking a shower my breasts hurt bad from the shower water. I was not even due for my cycle for another 2 weeks but I knew then and there I was pregnant and it was confirmed by the clinic within a few days. Even before a missed cycle.

With my first I only knew at 3 months and only because I always do a test before I go to a doctor for medicine (I had the flu). If I didn’t do that test I would most probably only have known only when she really started to kick! lol
I didn’t keep a calender of my cycle as I thought I couldn’t get pregnant (have been trying for 4 1/2 years).

Second one I knew the date when I ovulated; and when my cycle was one day late I had a suspicion, but I had to wait for the test to be 100% sure! :unsure:

We knew within a couple of weeks since we were trying to fall pregnant. I didn’t really have any symptoms until I started being sick all day long from about 5 1/2 weeks.

We just found out !! :slight_smile: I think I m on my 3rd week. I did 4-5 home tests that supposely can tell 4 days before you perioid and they all came out positive!! I have already felt morning sickness here and there (maybe its just psychologically) the bottom line is We are so excited!! and we are going to make an apointment the end of this month just to confirm :slight_smile: wish me luck!!

Congrats MySunshine!!! All the best and good luck! :smiley:

Thanks for your warm wishes Stellajo !!

I also found out around 3 weeks with my first one who just turned one!. We planned both pregnancy so we made sure we we timed the ovulation. and everytime we were very anxious and always prepared for the earliest hime pregnancy test.

As far as the feeling you know without any test …you know that " I just knew" feeling.
I had the feeling with both and even had a dream when I had my 1st one, but I won’t go into detail with that one lol…

with all of my kids I knew before I was 2 weeks pregnant. I just went in for an exam to confirm. I am not sure how I knew, I just did. It wasn’t tenderness of breasts or mood changes or anything. I guess it may have been some sort of a deeper self knowledge than I was previously aware of or some such phooey. lol

I was expecting it so I had the feeling I was pregnant for a whole month before I could do the test ! :blush:

Congrats to all those who recently found out they were pregnant. With my first daughter I knew at 13dpo (just short of 4 weeks pregnant) and I knew before I took the test because I felt very faint one morning. With this pregnancy I should have known at 7dpo (3 weeks pregnant) as my sense of smell heightened tremendously and I couldn’t bear to walk past red meat or drink coffee, but my moods were swinging badly and I just thought it was bad PMS - still took a test a day before my period was due and was very excited to find out I was pregnant.