How soon after did your baby start walking after learning to crawl?

My son will turn 11 months old in a few days. He first started to move himself forward about 6 months. Then he actually started crawling at 8 months. By 9 months he was crawing so fast I couldn’t catch up. Then 2 weeks later he started standing by holding onto furniture. At 10 months he was crusing by holding onto furniture. Then at 10 months and 2 weeks he was able to stand alone without holding onto anything for 30 seconds or longer. I was hoping that he would walk before his first bday.

My question is:

  1. How soon after did your child started walking on their own after learning to crawl?

  2. At what age did they start walking?

My son started crawling at 9 months. I think he was pulling up on furniture at about the same time. He became very good at crawling very fast, and he began walking around the furniture not long after. I really thought he would be walking within a few months, but he didn’t. He loved crawling, and he crawled for over 6 months. He started taking steps on his own at about 15 months, but he would only take a couple of steps and then decided to crawl instead. He would walk all around the house with a push walker though. He has only been walking exclusively at 17 months.

Crawling is supposed to be wonderful for brain development. I would encourage you to allow him to crawl as much as possible. I know walking is an exciting milestone, but I believe the longer babies crawl, the better. It will happen when he is ready anyways.

I have found with all 4 of my children that they are so very individual. My eldest son was able to stand and walk around things at 8 months. He would also walk hlding onto a push toy. He would not walk if he didn’t have something to hold onto even though he was very capable. He lacked the confidence. He took his first steps on his birthday and didn’t stop after that.

My daughter however barely crawled she was always in a hurry to reach the next step before she had fully mastered this one.
She was walking, running and climbing at 7 months.

My younger son was like my older nervious to try anything. He loved crawling and wasn’t in a hurry to try anything else. He did start walking about 11 months but prefered to mostly crawl.

My younger daughter has a little bit of both. She was hesitant to take steps but also eager to walk. She walked just before her first birthday.

my baby girl started to crawl at 9 months ,then at 12 months started to stand up, at 14 months started to walk in her own.

My baby boy started walking 2 months after crawling. He was nine months when he started walking independently.

my friends baby usually clawing after3 month and can walk around 1 year olds

My daughter just turned 9 mos. She is just creeping & cruising for now, though she can stand for 30 secs./more & take a step or two without holding anything. I’m not rushing my baby to walk, i didn’t even get her a walker, i just use Walking Wings mainly for her to work on balance.

I agree with nhockaday,we shouldn’t rush baby to walk,coz it helps the brain to activate nerve cells thereby stimulates to create neurological pathways…

I read a great article on Child’s Genius Magazine regarding Developing the Child Brain: Creeping and Crawling Foundational to Child Brain Development.
Here’s the link:

Hope this helps… :slight_smile:

It can take a while between the moment they are able to stand up on their own and walking. My daughter could hold on to furniture at 6 months for a while (provided we were helping her grab the furniture), at 7 months she was standing up and holding on without help, at 8 months she was pushing the furniture, letting go of her hands for a a few seconds. Well she is more than 9 months now and she has not made any more progress. She might not walk for another 2 months. So it’s really hard to predict…

my son started crawling when he was 8 months old… by the time he was 9 months he could easily hold things & stand & in about 15 days time he started walking holding finger. he was too scared to walk on his own till 13 months.

First 2 girls, 6 months crawling, 7 months standing up with furniture. 10 months walking independently. Son, same but walking 11 months. I think bub4 was same, but walking 12 months. Boys tend to be later. But bub 4 has different dad, so I think genetics really plays a part, and her legs seem bandier (more bowed) than the others. So I’m betting if next one is a girl, she’ll walk 12 months, and if a boy, maybe 13 or later…

my son crawled when he was 6 months old, his crawling is very funny, he does not used his knees to crawl, his feet flat on the floor and his bottom is up,he crawls really fast almost like running even in this position then pull himself up while holding into furnitures at 7th month.he was 9 months when the endless cruising begun, but dit not walk on his own yet till its almost his 1st bday, i think it was a week just before his bday!but he still crawls as well even if his walking skills is good already.i think he resort into crwaling when he intends to be move faster as i said his crawling way is almost like running.
when his on his crwaling position, i try to encourage him to be on his feet again.
walking will be on the child’s own’s phase just like real talking!this is one milestone iam so looking forward now!

my daughter crawled when she was 7 month and had not yet walking until now. Still interested in crawling but had begun climbing the stair and also the cofee table. I just wait for her having the confidence to take the first step and we will be there to support her…

I am a bit jealous for parent that have a child that can walk early but, every child are different… :slight_smile:

Yes, every child is different. I think we shouldn’t compare too much and just appreciate our little ones as they take their time to learn. I have heard babies who hasn’t walk at 18 months but they still eventually learn to walk. Consult a doctor if it’s past 18 months, but otherwise, just relax and enjoy! :slight_smile:

Well, I’d have to ask my wife to be sure on the exact age-- I am thinking that it was around 10 or 11 months. BUT I do know that our daughter only crawled for maybe 6 weeks tops before starting to walk. I think she could have used more crawling time because she was one heck of a crazy walker! But nothing was going to hold her back!

my son started crawling really late, around 10 months, but he was sitting with some assistance at around 7 months. he started walking at around 12 months…maybe it was because he was a late bloomer. Even his first tooth didn’t come until he was 12 months and 3 days old. Which is really late, but my mom told me I was also a late bloomer.

I would like to check do we need to assist our child to learn to do the walking? Or one day they will just know how to walk by themselves? My son has been creeping since 7 mth old and I did not try to hold his hand to let him learn how to walk as I know the importance of crawling. Just that I don’t know if do I need to do anything to help him? I didn’t let him use any kind of walker as well. He will stand with support to furniture for a long long time but so far won’t move fr one place to another. Just wondering if I need to do anything as my mom keep on commenting why I didn’t let him learn to walk. Kindly advise everyone. Thanks


I think you should just let him do whatever he wants to do…when he’s ready to walk he will. As I heard it’s not good to force him to walk by holding the baby’s hands. Their muscles need to be strong enough for walking.

My daughter started to crawl when she was almost 7 months old. She stood up at 8 months and started to walk 2 months later. She used to hold onto furnitures and everything else she could grab…:))

My mom was commenting on everything i did or didn’t do, like when to give solid food, meat, she even wanted to buy a walker. She was giving me such a weird look when I told her that it’s not good for babies. I know it was a little bit different back then, but times change.

Good luck to you!


Hi Beatrixk,
Thanks for advise. That is what I am thinking just let him do whatever he wants. I am just not sure if we are suppose to guide him to walk or one day he will just walk :slight_smile:

When you say “walker” are you referring to those little saucer type things that the child sits in and pushes himself around by using his legs? I believe that those are illegal in my country. We used a little toy on wheels that he held on to and pushed. Is that considered a “walker”? He LOVED it! He experienced being somewhat independent and I think that’s what pushed him along a bit in the confidence area.

Our little creature started crawling just before his 11 month birthday - up until then he just sat where I put him. I worried a bit, but frankly, it was kind of nice for me to always know where he was! He only crawled for a month and a half and then ZOOM!!! He won’t stop! He’s everywhere at every moment! We had to put baby proofing into high gear!

Other than making the little push toy available to him, we didn’t hold his hands to walk. We sat on the floor and helped him up on his feet sometimes and, after saying “ready, set, go” we’d let go - counting in either French or English to see how long he could stand without loosing his balance. Then when we caught him we’d have a little tickle. He loved this “game”. He started taking a step forward when he was falling and then he basically just figured out how to take two steps, etc. We only did this after he seemed to enjoy holding on to the couch, chairs and his little push toy.

I don’t know when my neice started crawling, but she just started walking last month (17 months)…but lets just say, she’s no ballerina…she’s a solid little girl. I hear that factors into it, as well…(my little guy is small). But, like my son, she’s quick on her feet now that she’s discovered the freedom her feet can give her!

I’d just encourage you not to stress about it too much. There will come a day when you’re chasing after him in the mall or the grocery store aisle and you’ll wonder why you ever worried!

I am getting very, very worried: he is over 16 months old and still isn’t walking. He can just about stand on his own but doesn’t really like to without holding on to something. I have seen him standing and kicking a soccer ball - even “cruising” to the ball to kick it. But he doesn’t really crawl a lot - and not nearly as far (at one time) as he used to. He likes climbing up and down the stairs (but nearly as much as when it was a new skill for him).

Also when he was born, one of his feet was bent - with the toes closer to the ankle than usual - but that eventually went away (and got him some free physical therapy). Perhaps his infant ankle trouble - or early falls - are causing him to be more cautious.

Does any one know any statistics or hard facts (or where to find them) regarding late walking?
