How soon after did your baby start walking after learning to crawl?

I believe that if a child is not walking on his own by 15 or 16 months, then there’s cause for concern. I would definitely call his doctor.

My son’s foot turned in ever so slightly when he walked. We took him to a chiropractor and were glad we did. My doctor just kept saying "don’t worry about it but the chiropractor gave us actual massage suggestions and footwear advice.

Our girl tried crawling since 6 months, but was not such a good crawler, she would stand and walk holding to furniture from about 7 months and took her first independent step at 8 months and 1 week. Immediately after that she started to crawl really well and did exclusevely crawling and walking holding to furniture for the next 2 months ( have not walked indepenenty for that time at all, but we were happy to encourage her to crawl instead). At 10 month, she switched from crawling to running and walking.

My son started crawling backwards at about 7 months, start crawling foward at 8 months. He prefer walking tho, He mainly crawl to peoples feet and asked to be held by hand so he can walk around that way and direct you where he wanted to go. I try not to be his personal “walker” as much, but daddy and grandparents tend to give in to him. I figured he gets plenty crawling time during day so I just let them be.

I would be worry too if he is not crawling by 15, 16 months, please let us know what the Doctor say. Good luck!

My daughter started crawling when she was 9 months old and then she started walking a few days after her first birthday. She was taking a few steps on her own when she was around 11 months. Now she is 16 months old and none stop. I’m thinking about getting a play tunnel to encourage her crawling a bit for brain development.

My son started crawling at 11months and walking on his own around 15.5 months.

My dd crawling at 6 months walking at 11 1/2 months

My 2 babies crawled at 7m and one walked at 11m she is thinner and the other walked at 12m she was a little fat, people say that we must hold them at the belly height and not at the arms, because the can trust more this way.

my son crawled at 8 months and start walking at 13 months. My doctor told me he wouldn’t walk early because of his weight. My son was 29 pounds at 12 months. Thank god he is ok now, 31 months and 31 pounds. lol

My son crawled at 4.5 months, but didn’t walk until 13.

My son crawled at 5 months, pulled himself up on furniture at 6 months, was cruising the furniture at 7 months, but didn’t walk until just before 12 months. We roughly followed the Doman physical program and our son just loved to crawl. We were happy for him to crawl as long as possible. Once walking, it didn’t take long before he was running everywhere and exploring the world further. I just recommend to enjoy every stage of development as it comes.

As you stated in your question it has progressed from pulling herself up to one hand to standing alone. Those stages all took patience, practice and confidence for her. Good building blocks for life too. I’ll bet within two weeks she’ll take a couple of steps between people who cheer her on. From then on you’ll be wishing she was still crawling… Coach outlet store store receive quite a bit of flack from many handbag enthusiasts. And while this may be the case, Coach handbags continues to be the brand that starts many people’s handbag obsession on coach factory outlets into other brands while remaining the go-to brand for many as well. In fact, my first coach purses was red

My daughter crawld at 8 months and walk at 1yr and 2 months. The dr. said she was affright.

My daughter was a really late crawler, she started to crawl at 11 months old and walking at 14 months old.I didn’t do too much tommy time…I think that is one of the reasons, she just didn’t like it…I didn’t want she to cry!! I know I know sounds silly but with my second child(in the future…I am not pregnant or anything like that) will be different I think.or maybe not…anyways they sooner or later walk…it is not really a big deal for me.

my daughter is 11 months almost… and just starting to crawl… she lys on her stomach and turns around and goes back wards… so lets hope if she will start to crawl properly or start walking… heheh…

well i have heard from other moms… that a second child always a fast learner… coz the second child sees the other child and wants to b quick in learning things… while the eldest one is all alone its us mothers who have to give full time duty… and the mothers who live alone like not in a joint family… they have to look after their house as well as the child… so the child is also busy with their own toys… or explore by them self. while the second child has an elder one to look at and learn things… and both the kids intaract with each other…