How smart is your baby

I know about this book from Glenn Doman and his daughter Janet Doman but I do not have it and I am thinking about buing it. It is everything you need to know about what to do with baby in his crucial first year of life. Has anyone read it? Do you have any experience? Thank you.

I haven’t read the book but I suggest you read the articles on the website if you haven’t yet … they’ve got TONS of info and will keep you quite busy :wink:

:biggrin: Thanks for the plug nohayo, and yes pupisek, BrillBaby does have an excellent resource of articles that discuss everything about early childhood education, including gists of Glenn and Janet Doman’s work along with other experts in the field.

I’ve gone through some of Doman’s books, and they were mostly interesting reads and very informative. It talks about everything from infant stimulation cards, high contrast patterns to stimulate brain development and so much more. We have taken some of the books insights and developed our free products from it, and yes, I do believe that it’s worth the read. : :laugh:

Yes, I’ve read the book that you mentioned (that was before I found Brillbaby).
In my personal view, Brillbaby actually is the-short-cut-way and simplified version of Doman’s method where you can get started 3 steps ahead (and earlier) than if you do all the flashcards by yourself. Happy teaching!

Thank you first_mom,
can you tell me in more details what the book is about? I read some of books of Doman (How to teach your baby to read, How to teach your baby math, How to teach your baby encyclopedic knowledge, How to multiply your baby inteligence) but I would like to know if there is more then what I already know from these other books. I do not know much about physical stimulation (I would love to read How to make your child physically superb) only what I read on BrillBaby website. I read that the baby contains everything you need to know about what to do with baby in his crucial first year of life.
Can you tell me more in details what is it about? Thank you.

If you haven’t already, I suggest you read the reviews on Amazon.

Personally, I bought Doman’s Reading book, Math book, and Physically superb book, and maybe How to Multiply Your Child’s Intelligence book. I didn’t buy the others because from reading the reviews, it seems like a lot of it is the same information. And actually, even between the Reading, Math and Physically Superb book, there is already a lot of overlap information.

KL, thank you, I will definitely read the review.
If anyone is thinking about buing any book from Doman and has not read any yet, I recommend “How to multiply your baby’s inteligence” because it explains in shorter way - how to teach your baby math, reading and encyklopedic knowledge. So
instead of buing and reading three books you have one that have all three inside.

Hi I suggest not to buy the books first form Glenn Doman.Instead i suggest you to pick the books from community library center because i read those books from library.They are good books.And than if u like it than think of buying it.


That is definitely true. I got so many books and CDs and DVDs from library. It is great resource if you decide to use it. And I have to praise library system in USA - when I lived there in Miami, I used it a lot because I chose book or CD or DVD on the internet, they transfered it from other library for me to library in my place and then they gave me a call that it is available for me and I could pick it up. And I could renew it every month over the internet. This great system is not definitely in our small town where I live now in Czech republic and I definitely miss this great system with so much resources.

See dear it’s all about how to teach your baby.If you cannot find those books fine You can teach your baby through some innovative way.I teach my 2 yrs old son through I write in a book the spelling which my son likes the most.Like for example my son loves the song of HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO in one page of drawing book i write HAPPY and in another page o write BIRTHDAY and so on and i write daily for him in a drawing book.and he enjoys that and learns too.and apart from that i teach him standing line and sleeping line and so that he feels that i m also doing something in that drawing book like mummy.


Hi, I attended the class at Glenn Doman’s Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential almost two years ago. The class was a 7 day course covering basically all of his books. I am really glad that I went. They have a very interesting concept that has been developed after working for decades with brain injured children. They have had great success, and still do, with these children. So they began applying these techniques with children without brain injuries. I have been using many of their methods with my two and half year old son and while there are some things that I don’t implement, I have been quite pleased with the progress my son has made. He has memorized and can identify 50 different kinds of trees by their leaves and bark, all the presidents of the US. The entire periodic table of elements, 50 different breeds of dogs, 50 different wonders of the world, all the countries of South America and the list goes on. I taught him before he was 6 months old all the sounds of the alphabet. We have had so much fun teaching him and he is having a blast learning.

Wow, I don’t even know most of that! Would you share your teaching methods with us? Tell us what you do, and how often?

The Doman Class taught me to make flash cards; lots and lots of flash cards. I made a lot of my own the old fashioned way out of poster board. Then I found Fandex Field Guides which usually have about 50 cards that are fastened together at one corner. I take these apart and attach them to my poster board flash cards with a glue stick. I start with about 10 cards and flash them very quickly saying the name, for example of each state, as he looks at the shape of the state. The Fandex cards are very high quality die-cuts that make it very easy to recognize the item by its shape. Now when the weather report is on he will say that is Rhode Island or Mississippi. The other day he saw the "Do not Walk red hand while we were sitting at a traffic light and he said, “That looks kind of like Michigan.” The field guides have a lot of info on them so that you can add to their knowledge as they learn. Sometimes I copy the back side with my copy machine and stick it to the back. But just this week after making hundreds of cards this way I splurged and bought a laminating machine so I can just pull them apart and preserve the whole thing. I always carry several different categories with me. I take about 10 seconds to flash them and then I try to get him to do something else and then we do it again after a few minutes. The Domans say that a good session is short and you leave them wanting more. Don’t try to do it too long. Just a few seconds and then they always want to do it. Sitting in a waiting room, or standing in line at the grocery store have been wonderful times. Initially, however, you want the atmosphere very quiet without disturbances like TV or radio, or toys. This is actually always best. But after your child gets used to doing cards, they will rivet their attention on them. Just keep it short. If they do get distracted just say, “Are you all done with your cards”? Then my son will either say, “all done”, or “do cards please”. When you first start a new category do it about 5 times a day at about 10 seconds each, going very rapidly. Little children will get the details in less than a second. Don’t be tempted to go slowly. They will be bored.

It is so great to have someone on board that really attended Glenn Doman’s courses. Did he give you also any recommendation how to use his CD Dictionaries? I have all of them. They give me an option to choose 3 categories of 10 pictures each. But does not give me an option to show only 5 pictures of each category and retire pictures from categories and add new ones as he recommend in all of his books. Can you please advise me? Thank you. Martina

Hi Martina,

You know I am not sure about how to add and retire pictures and words from the CD. I only have one of those. What I would do is go online to and they have a toll free number to call. When you get through talk to Gwen or anyone in the store and they will help you. They are all really helpful and friendly. Gwen did a little demo of the CDs between classes when I was there. I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes. Shelly

Wish one day I’d be able to spare the time to attend the course too! But I guess watching the DVDs is the next best thing for now…

As for retiring words, don’t worry, Martina, we’ll have that feature in Little Reader before too long! :slight_smile:

Thank you Shelly, I will do that. But I searched the DVD and I am afraid that it does not allow the option. But I will definitelly check with them.
KL, do you mean watching Doman’s DVDs? If I have his books, do you think it is worth to get even the DVDs? Will I learn anything new that is not in the books?
I found their promotional videos on you tube se whoever is interested watch it. It is interesting

I think the DVDs are great for leaving a greater impression about the main points. And you get to see the institute and the Domans teaching in class too, so that’s why I said it’s probably the next best thing to actually attending the course.


I’m actually planning on getting Doman’s books. Good thing Pupisek mentioned the book “How to Multiply Baby’s Intelligence” already contains info on teaching Reading, Math so you recommend to just buy The Intelligence book insted of the 2 other books. As KL also said there’s overlapping with the 3 books already.

Yeah the DVDs would be good to see the actual demonstration by Glenn/Janet.


Here is a Janet Doman, the daughter of Glenn Doman, talking about (also) her book “How smart is your baby”. Janet Doman is the Director of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, a non profit organization that teaches parents about early childhood learning and development.