How smart is your baby

How do you get the Fandex Guides apart?? Can you get them back together??

Thank you so much! You have all been very inspirational

(I took the course as well - and read many of the Domans books and the “The Education of Karl Witte” - where Doman gets his “gentle revolution” quote from!! - if anyone has any questions…)

I have all the Doman books and I think there is a lot of repetition in them. However, the How Smart is Your Baby is a great book to have to follow the activities laid out for the first year. They cover music, physical, reading, bits and math. It seemed to be more up to date and current. Definitely a good read.

I also have the videos from them as well and found them to be informative.

The Picture Dictionaries allow you to create a custom set which may be how you can get your 5 words and then retire them.

KL, I inquired about going for the course and they straight out were offended that I would even ask. They felt like I would be stealing their information for personal gain. I can understand where they are coming from but I have so much respect and admiration for all they do. They have changed many lives through their work. When I discovered them I wanted to move to PA so I could attend all their courses. Too bad, I would love to teach my children foreign language and violin and all the other amazing things they teach parents how to do.

You still can teach your children languages, violin and just about ANYTHING you or your child wants!! That is the main message from the Domans!

I would tell you that you can teach your children BETTER than the IAHP would. For example: they DON"T teach piano/keyboards, but you could very, very easily and this would do more for your child musically AND developmentally than teaching any other instrument. You could teach your child any or ALL the instruments! IAHP teaches mostly Japanese (as far as I could tell - I never heard any other language from the students - although they did talk about one of the Doman kids studying for a year in Mexico - but they don’t really talk in depth about how well prepared he was for that…) You could teach many, many languages…if you wanted to and had the inclination…

Best of Luck


Folks, any clue about which instrument to start teaching a baby? I mean, the easiest!!!

The world is a drum (in other words you can “drum” on anything that makes a sound: everything makes a sound). And rhythm is the most fundamental of the four qualities in music (rhythm, pitch, tone, harmony). (And by far the most complicated and beautiful part of music can be rhythms!!) However, the voice is an instrument as well and teaches rhythm, pitch and tone. But the easiest instrument to teach all the qualities of music - the actual mechanics of music - is the keyboard.

The keyboard layout IS music theory - the white keys are a major scale from C (or any of 8 “modes” C Major or Ionian mode, A Natural minor or Aolian (sp?) mode, E phrygian, etc. starting on any of the 8 keys) the black keys are any of the five pentatonic scales (mainly F#/Gb Major or D#/Eb minor) AND this leads to almost all of music harmony being laid out before your eyes and hands!!

Anyone can play a chord almost instantly on a keyboard (skip every other key and play three keys at the same time and you are playing a proper chord - any three notes is a chord by the way). Anyone can certainly play single note instantly on a keyboard (violin takes a lot of training just to produce any proper note at all - which makes it good for training the ear - voice is great for this as well!)

EVERYONE should learn to drum, sing and play keyboards!! Playing with two hands is bi-dexterous and great for developing both sides of the brain - spatial, temporal, language - almost everything comes into play when singing and playing keyboards. After that, you can learn or teach ANY musical instrument with relative ease.

I teach and play ALL musical instruments.


This message has been deleted by nhockaday as spam!’s post count has been reduced by 1.

You just keep trying to sell your product… I thought you had been banned for spamming?

i just checked it out at the library. check to see if they have it at your local library. and many people don’t know you can request the book if it is checked out, so you will be the next to get it. so ask about that too.

Sorry just saw this. What do you mean, Krista? What happened exactly?