How many homeschoolers are out there?

I know it may have been posted before but how many of us are homeschooling? It would be great to have a round about number. It would be interesting to find out actually how many of us there really are. In my home town more and more people are starting to homeschool.

My child is too young for school but I don’t plan on homeschooling (if that helps) I want to send him to a dual immersion spanish/english or chinese/english public school or a montessori school.

I plan to. My husband is the only person who really supports this decision so far.
The people at my work, with the exception of maybe two people, are TOTALLY against the idea. Most of the people who I work with, though, are old pea hens. :frowning:

We have done both. Some homeschooling and some school.

My younger two ds10 and dd 17months are being homeschooled right now.

We are fed up with the lack of education happening in the schools.

It seems my son has learned more about what drugs are out there and how to use them than he has about math in the last two months. They brought in police officers and did an in depth study of drugs for the last two months. It was supposed to detere the children from doing drugs but has had the opposite effect and instead created intense curiosity in most of the children.

My son knew nothing about drugs and honestly in the fifth grade I prefered that.

Mean while he struggles with math and his spelling is horrendous.

So next year ds10 and the baby will be full time homeschoolers like my other children have been in the past.

We support ya purplefungi, and we’re smarter than your old pea hens. :wink:

We’re planning to homeschool. I doubt it will take a lot more time and energy out of me (and I work at home), and his mama will be helping out a lot more managing his studies when he gets older, we figure. So it’s doable.

Not many people I know have expressed any criticism of the decision to homeschool. But they know not to mess with Papa. They know he will wipe the floor with them in any argument about education. lol

Personally, I’m greatly looking forward to it. Both mama and I are excited about giving the attention, one-on-one support, books, educational materials, etc., that we feel we didn’t get enough of growing up.

I was homeschooled, as were all my siblings (5 of us) and my husband was also homeschooled (along with his 9 siblings). He’s a software engineer now (without attending college I might add) and we plan on homeschooling our children. I guess we already are for that matter. Joels only 2, but I’m constantly teaching him something.

That’s great everyone. I too have been criticised about homeschooling, but I worked in a public school system for many years and have been very disappointed. Some Schools now teach children about the birds and the bees at grade 4, how babies are made part. I have also met several 4 year olds who can tell you every body part that each other has and what to do with that part. All of those things are just my preference to teach them when we the parents feel right about teaching those certain things.
Best of Wishes to us all who is or going to homeschool. We all deserve a cookie :yes:

They teach the mechanics of “the birds and the bees” here starting in the first grade.

It’s not even that i’m against my children knowing but I believe there is a time and a place and I want to monitor how things are presented.

hi there,

hot topics there! I am currently planning on homeschooling all my children eventhough right now I just have a lil angel… :biggrin:

It is just that, I am frustrated with school education in my country that obviously exam-oriented and thus I don’t want my child to be stressed out and depressed because of not getting high marks :frowning:

So for that, I supported parent that homeshooling their children and my husband also very supportive with this… :slight_smile:


Ha, ha! I needed that! :wink:

That tends to be true about ours too. I have test anxiety as well so I know how children feel about testing. I too do not to test my child with the traditional way but I do evaluate to see if I am teaching him in the correct manner.

I actually surfed on line and looked up homeschooling groups in my area. But the wonderful thing is that I go to a small church with ALOT of children and most of the moms there homeschool and have come together to begin our own homeschooling group.
This is a great site to keep on file if you have already not gone there.
Home School Legal Defense Advocates.
GREAT SITE with alot of information.
I taught for eight years and enjoyed it but I would prefer not to send my children to school if I don’t have to.

Good Luck

My sister in law has triplets aged 9 years old and she homeschools… Single mum and doin a gr8 job I might add…

Are we talking about Germany here???

Wherever you are even in Germany. It’s nice to know that we homeschoolers or even part time homeschoolers have people just like us all over the entire world who can relate and support us.

I am glad to see so many homeschoolers or future homeschoolers here.

I am doing a mix of both. I school my 12 year old at home through a virtual public school. The curriculum is awesome! I taught school for 5 years, and this is his forst at home and I can honestly say this is the BEST curriculum ever. I can choose from activities in each lesson to meet the learning objective. He can participate in online classes with a teaacher and peers (esp. helpful if he need another explanation of a math concept, etc) We choose the pace.
Since it is public school, the computer and curriculum (texts, materials, manipulatives, etc) was free.
opportunities to socialize with others from our school.

No negative school influences - no bad kids, no drugs, no questionable lessons, no exposure to things too early. Just personalized instruction.

Best decision I ever made! check out if you are interested. they have virtual schools in several states and countries - or you can purchase the currriculum.

For me, i like the idea of home schooling, but no one around me support it :frowning: , even my husband… My sister in law has 4 kids ALL in school age, but NON of them enter a school!!! the eldest is 10 yrs, and the youngest is 5 yrs… they mainly depend on the computer programas and bring 2 teachers 3 times a day… they look great.

mindy 1127 Best decision I ever made! check out if you are interested. they have virtual schools in several states and countries - or you can purchase the currriculum.

I wish they had this in my state.