How many homeschoolers are out there?

yes, that is a personal decision.

Thank you mother of faith! You always have such good information :yes: I think thinks may change by the time I actually start homeschooling, but it goes to have a point of reference and have enough time to research what you think may fit your personality.

At what age do you usually start homeschooling?

Hi everyone. I have a ???. What about social aducation? Don’t you think kids need to learn to socialise and deal with social issues, that will help them in the future?

Ofcourse, but homeschoolers can take their kids to lots of places for social interaction. The library, parks, zoo, youth groups, church groups, and even homeschooling groups in the community. Also when kids get older here (KY) they have to perform an apprenticeship where they actually go and work or assist someone at their job. Even sports, and other leagues like that. Here we have 4H club that is awesome. They also have whats known at an Enrichment class that places the children in the social enviroment by placing them in places like the mall, bowling alley, college campus, theater, parks, and so on, with a homeschooling group in your community that can be accomplished, and also mark as field trips but with an activity to accomplish.

so I do not worry about the social part of their education. That will come soon enough. I think there is another post in this forum about it, check out the homeschooling forum to see those.
For some of us though socializing in the ‘wrong’ ways are another reason why we chose to homeschool.

I started what I consider homeshool since my children have been born. Their are tons of things to do with a child at any age. It is a personal preference when to start homeschooling. We have family that have started homeschooling teenagers. So it really is just a prefernece.

I have found the majority of homeschoolers are hyper aware and focused on providing socialization for their children. I have been involved with many organisations for homeschoolers since I was a teenager (my mother homeschooled and ran a very large homeschool group).

For my children they have been involved in Soccor, swimming lessons, diving, syncronised swimming, karate, art classes, gym classes, scouts, guides, church youth groups, and many more.

The type of interaction is much more positive then what happens in a school yard as well.

They are able to intereact with children of all different age groups in a positive environment and with common goals.

My children have never lacked friends or social intereactions because of homeschooling. In fact thanks to my constant planning for get togethers perhaps they socialise to much!

Thanks, Mindy1127. I have been seeking info on homeschooling. This website is great. It’s a little early yet for my little one to need the curriculum, but I want to be prepared. Good on ya!

I wonder if you can be involved with social education groups if your child is not yet “school-aged”. I really want to find some homeschool groups here in SE Iowa, but so far nothing. I think it would be good for her to start socializing with such a group even before she begins any kind of formal education.
Any ideas?

We are homeschooling all our kids. The older two go in for tests four times a year. You need an official school accreditation here, so it’s called “private student”…and the school decides if they accept your reasons for keeping the kids home. The good news- there are lots of schools around!
As far as Germany, I don’t think you can legally homeschool since Hitler’s times… The state has the right to indoctrinate your kids…

I’ve been homeschooling my boys. My eldest is 6, and so far he’s enjoying it!

As for social interaction, I have read somewhere that homeschooled children can actually socialise better as they interact more with adults. I’ll have to go check up on that source. But from what I observed from my boys, this also depends on their character. My eldest is more shy compared to his brother, and takes a longer time to warm up to strangers. But he can’t stop talking once he’s familiar with the person lol

I hate to say this but I believe in a few years Homeschooling parents will be treated like families in Germany. If you look at the HSLDA web site you will see how some homeschooling families are being treated in the USA. We think we have freedom but others think differently.

I was home schooled 3rd through 12th grade. None of my family supported my mom's decision, except my dad. This was back in the 80's when not a lot of people had caught on to the idea. I had family members tell me that mom couldn't teach me as well as public school teachers could, and that I would never graduate from high school and never be able to go to college. It's sad to think that adults would say such things to an eight year old.
Well I did graduate from high school and I went to college and graduated with an 3.98 GPA. Right now I am the stay at home mom of my beautiful 5 month old daughter, whom I plan to (well I guess I've already started) home school. Right now she is getting socialization through our LLL meetings and the nursery at church.

I was part of a home school group as a child that did all kinds of things together. Like field trips, bowling, picnics and we even had school pictures.
Kudos to anyone who would take on the challenge of teaching their children. No one can do it as well as you.

Happy Homeschooling

visit my blog at

Hi, I am one of those homeschoolers. I homeschool 4 out of my 6 children so far and I think it’s great, most of the time. I am looking forward to teaching my 2 and 1 year old now. I never thought about trying to teach babies till i saw the I Can Read TV. Now I have this sight to help me too.

I am homeschooling my 12 year old and 3 year old.

I plan to homeschool the baby in the future and I am soooo excited and nervous at the same time :smiley:

My mother homeschooled my youngest brother in the 80’s. She also started and ran a very large homeschool group and resource library. I am all for homeschooling. My children have all been homeschooled at different points in their lives.

My eldest son (20) from k-3 grade. I would have continued but he was a rapid cycling bipolar and I just needed the break.

My eldest daughter (16) went to school mostly because she needed to be away from her brother. She has always loved school but I would have really enjoyed teaching her. I taught her to read when she was two and she was an eager delightful student. I did teach her only one year at home because the school she was going to was horrible. When we moved for that area she went back to school the next year.

My younger son I taught at home in grade 4 because he was so far behind his feloow students. He was barely reading and hardly grasping addition and subtraction. His printing was horrendous. The school just kept telling me he was fine and not doing badly. I pulled him out the first day of fouth grade when they refused to keep him back. He cried because he wanted to be kept back. He was over whelmed with the material already and they just kept pushing him on. We started right back at the beginning for his reading and math. At the start of the year he was reading beginning readers with limited words and big letters. At the end of the same school year he was reading books like Harry Potter, and loving them!

He went from being behind in reading and math to above grade level in reading and on par with math.

Grade 5 (this year) he returned to school. While his reading has remained above grade level he is struggling in math, and report writing. His spelling and sounding out skills are very weak.

He will return home for schooling at the end of this year and I’m not sure when he will go back to school. Perhaps highschool.

My youngest daughter is only 18months, but after seeing the struggle of my son (his step son) he has decided our daughter is being homeschooled entirely.

we are home educating our 2 and half year old
as well as any other kids we may have
we believe that learning happens all the time
so we are not going to wait till she is 6 to start “school”

I am not sure if you are familiar with One News Now

But it has news that the secular media usually does not have.

A German family has filed an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights after losing a court battle over mandatory sex education.

The case began when parents Eduard and Elisabeth Elscheidt made the decision to keep their 11-year-old daughter from participating in her school’s mandatory interactive stage play titled “My Body Is Mine.” The parents took issue with the play because they say it taught children that if something felt good sexually, then it was okay. The play was part of a four-day sexual-ed program.

Roger Kiska, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund’s European office, explains the Elscheidt’s situatin.

“The family, the Elscheidt family, believe that this was contrary to their faith,” says Kiska. “They did a lot of research on the governing law in Europe as well as international law coming from the United Nations documents, and they determined that since this was so contrary to their faith and that it would do damage to their ability as parents to raise their children according to that faith, that they would teach their child at home on this issue and only this issue.”

But they were then charged by the court for breaching the mandatory school laws and fined heavily. The family has since filed an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights. Kiska believes they have a good chance of winning.

“It’s pretty clear that states are not allowed to indoctrinate their children, and that parents have the ultimate right in raising their child according to their own religious and philosophical convictions,” he comments.

Another German family – the Romeikes – is currently seeking asylum in the United States after facing persecution for home schooling. They fear that if they have to return to Germany, police will arrest the father and remove the children from the family. Mr. Romeike has already had to pay fines equivalent to hundreds of dollars for his decision to home school. The Home School Legal Defense Association is handling their case.

How awful,Parents shouldhave the right to choose what and when their children learn about many issues including sex education.

I hope those parents win.