How many book do you read to your child each day?

I was thinking it would be interesting to hear how many books everyone reads to their child each day. Obviously it varies based on the length of the book. My goal is more than 3 (if it is a chapter book usually I will read one chapter and count that as a book). On days when I am not home I am not sure how many he gets I’m sure it varies. However, I also know friends that either don’t read every day or only read one book at bedtime. On the other hand I know some people who read up to 15, 16 or 17 books a day. How about you?

we read about 10 to 15 through out the day other than flash cards and teaching sessions. she enjoys reading so i read for her. repeated reading would help them to learn so i do repeat daily as routing

I always read one at bedtime, more if we have extra time or it is short. We also read a YBCR book every day to go along with our lesson. Gabriel brings me books throughout the day to read to him. It’s so cute b/c if I am busy doing something and I don’t stop to read to him, he will start signing book. That really makes me happy. So the amount varies from day to day.

Very interesting poll - I used to read 2 books (1 english 1 spanish) per day but recently I read one of Shichida books and they advise to read 8 books or more per day - so we are increasing the number of books - the books are small, first grade level, big letters lots of colors and fun stories.

Hope this helps.


Very interesting Gloria, we used to read to my baby 3 books per day (he is 6 months) every day the same books so he get familiar with phoneme of our language.
According to this Schichida book, when is it recommended to start reading 8 books or more per day? Does it have any suggestion about on different ages? thanks.

I am very new with the Schichida Method, I got the books and I am still reading and digesting everything. I will make a note to myself to write back to you in 2 weeks, when I expect to finished them. I attended the Doman class and I am very please with them as well, they advice moms to make your own books as soon as possible, only requirement is for the baby to be able to talk and tell stories, as they are not suppose to write but to dictate at least 1 book per day.

As soon as I have more detail I will be happy to share.
Have a great week.

My daughter will not often sit still to hear a whole book. Sometimes I just read the book out loud while she runs around the room looking at other things. At other times though she is very keen and will listen for a full story aimed at 4 year olds. She probably gets between 1 and 5 a day, but its very dependent on how she is that day - I am having to fill her enormous need for physical activity before anything else at the moment so if anyone has ideas on reading to a child who goes non-stop then please share :slight_smile:

In regards attention and movement; I heard from a trainer that for kids who have trouble staying still, exercise prior to the lessons -as you well stated - will help tremendously, I also heard that some moms use in door re-bounders or a mini kid friendly trampoline and while they jump they are read or given the BITS - it is proven that kids will absorb better the information while in movement so this may even work on your favor if you find what worked for your child, every child is different.

Another thing that has worked for me is the use of little puppets to read instead of me reading… I notice that as long as I make it fun - goofy - ridiculous , Leena will remain engaged - the silliest the better! One time I remember I didn’t have anything handy and we were in the middle of a lesson and I really didn’t want her to lose interest… in a flash the only thing I could think about was to add two red dots (eyes) and a smile to my rubber finger (used to count money or to help you flash the cards quicly) and I loudly said hey Mrs Pluto is here to help today…!! She looked at it… and crack laughing… guess what… now Mrs Pluto is a member of “our school” she teaches her the presidents, states and planets, once she is finished another "creature” - meaning another rubber finger will join us ( I must make it cutter maybe a tiny wig or a mustache drawn with a marker) and teach her something else LOL )

Hope this helps


Hi Gloria,

Thanks for sharing ur experience. I’ll also try using some props. can u please let me know from where you bought Shichida book, as i’m also keen on getting one…


I read between 1-5 books a day depending on missy moo’s mood. She likes to grab at the books and try to eat them, so i have resorted to giving something in her hands to play with. Sometimes I just read to her whie she is playing and if she looks up at the pictures that is just a bonus. I enjoy reading to her so I don’t mind if she dosen’t pay attention all of the time.

Hello there,

The first 2 books I got from this link (see below), easy just send the order form by email and call them with a credit card number very nice peole, easy and cheap - each book is $16 dollars and shipping to the USA is $26 dollars you will get them in a week. - This is the commercial side of the Schichida School- (I belive)

there are more books published in English at this website (see below), but this is a bit more complicated, they will not sell you the books until you download and fill out an agrement form promising never to reproduce or publish any part of the book, as you know they are a very close group and do not share materials or training ideas easily. Once you have printed and mailed this agreeement to Japan they will contact you for the payment information. They will not accept fax or email files, they want your original signature. ( I just send them my form have not jet gotten these books) you will find all the information here:

there is a school, actually now 2 schools here in the usa in NYC and New Jersey but they wont talk to you unless you talk Japanese - I tried… I went there myself - none helped me - If there is any Japanese mom that could help us here that will be much appreciated they have very good materials but I can not even read the “schichida mall” website

I hope this helps it took me over 6 months to get the information and books - just because I didnt know how/where to start. A friend of mine got another book callled Babies are Genius, by Schida as well, she purchased in Hong Kong I belive second hand and it is a summary of two books but I have not been able to locate that one (not critical for me as the main focus of that book is pre-natal education - great stuff in that arena)

I sincerely hope this helps, I want a better world for my daughter and will only get my wish if more dedicated moms can change the fate and potential of this new generation. Actually the Schichida method goes as far as to say that the new world, the world of the future will not be guided by people who have a great intellectual intelligence but by people who had mastered highers levels of conscience, where the brain can adquiere information in a flash and develop faculties that we consider super humans.

This is not for every one - just like Doman or Right Brain many people will have something to say good or bad, but is good that you are aware of the main schools of thought and then you make your own desicions.

Everyone have a reat week !!

and remember:

The human mind is the last great, unexplored continent on earth.
– Earl Nightingale

ps: I do not have any financial interest in Schichida either LOL

Kinba 15, maybe the books are too long for your baby, keep them short and exciting …will work better, if you are quick they wont have the chance to get distracted. I had that problem with the flash cards at the begining.



I try alot of time to read stories to my kids. They pay attention to some books and sometimes when they are a bit long I just make up the story in my short way. Just as long as they sit and listen. I have to consider that children with autism have a very short attention span and very limited sitting tolerance. But sometimes we have good times with the storytelling!

We read at least ten books a day–sometimes much more than this.

However, oftentimes we’re reading the same books over and over. I have them memorized (and he does, too).

I don’t think the exact number matters. It’s the act of reading and enjoying it that counts!!

It really depends on the mood of my little one.
She seemed to curious for everything and didn’t want to stop.
I tried to read the books to her even though she didn’t look at it. Somehow, I wondered if she was really listening to…Usually, I read 3 to 8 books per day and read the same books for at least a week.

Great story about the finger-puppert, Gloria! That will help me remember that I’m not alone coming up with silly stuff:-)

Hi GloriaD,

No, the books are age appropriate she just wants to touchand handle everything in her sight with hands and mouth. Just easier to keep her busy, but thanks for the advice!


Kimba, I think most important is that she is associating the books with fun. Even if she is not hearing the whole story. I would recommend lots of tactile books like"Peek-a-boo Kisses" or “Pat the Bunny” so that she can handle them and play with them with you and just start to associate books with fun.

My son reads 3-5 books daily.And denpends he sometimes read 10 books in a day.And sometimes we repeat the same book over and over may be 3-5 times the same book altogether.

I’m surprised that we still read as many books as we did before we started doing this. My son likes nonfiction as well as fiction. We make at least 3 trips to the library each week and get as many books as I can carry. He loves to read each one a few times and then he has memorized it and is done. We read at least 50 books a day, although some days it is one book 50 times :).

I read something that said you should try to read 5 pages to your child each day. 5 pages? I can’t imagine only reading that many.

How many books do you read to your child?