How many book do you read to your child each day?

I read around 10 books a day to my son, once in morning, afternoon, evening. Hmmm, How u manage 50 books? Mine are all simple board books that I borrowed fr library.
Please share with me how u do it! wow!!!

my question is:the same books or every day changing books?
how you can get so many books?
buying them?
one pages books?
how many words?
I’m reading to my son classical polish literature: the most famous polish poem, about 30 verses a day,
and other poems which are sample and rythmic, he likes it very much,
in the morning he reads some book at the kindergarten, he goes there for 2 hours a day,
at home we makes LR and in the evening we reads some short stories (from 2 to 8) like Maks (Max) of Barbro Lindgren Eva Eriksson.
Just for funny sometimes we are reading one page or some words of Junior Enciclopedy of Larus
Sometimes we use little theatre and marionettes to make some storirs from books
that way Flavio is listenning more, he prefers to play, run, and read himself even he can’t read yet…

My question to cassidy336 is if you ever get tired of reading? I also read 40-50 books a day, sometime the same one over and over. I find that by the end of the day I do not wish to read anymore. I try to engage my daughter in other toys, but she just keeps pushing books in my face and crying until I read to her. How do you keep your interest?

I go to the library once a week and take out about 100 books, varying from baby board books to grade 1 very small chapter books. Even so, I am tired of reading childrens books! Any suggestions to keep me going?

Thanks. Khatty

50 books a day, that’s a lot. I only have time before and after work. We usually read about 10 books a day, in English, Chinese and Thai. We dont have a nearby liabrary to go. I have to find materials online and print my own books.

my son is 21 months and loves books so much every five mins its book,book,mama,book some times its a little much to handle but i love that he seeks information!

My 14 months old baby will aske me to read her books,she will wake up go to where are her books,ans handle them to me, I read her 3 spanish books a day sometimes more,mu husband reads to her 2 books in english, you know mommy is the one who speaks only spanish to hear and daddy is the one who speaks and reds only english to her.

I read as many as my dd brings to me. She tends to go crazy and bring me every book from her shelf. When that happens we read a lot!

I get board books for her right now (17 months) because she likes to tear soft cover ones. I have had great sucess finding them at second hand stores, but I also ask for books as gifts.

I read her around 7-9 books through out the day. With Goodnight Moon as her favorite, read it to her 4x/day. She also loves the YBCR flap & sliding books. Other books are read either before or after doing the flashcards. I like to read to her Counting Kisses 'cause it incorporates counting, identifying body parts and of course kissing and cuddling too :slight_smile: I’d love to get her more books though, the ones with bigger fonts.

I haven’t heard of the counting kisses book. I will have to look for that one. :biggrin:

We read about 4 books a day besides the YBCR booklet. Right now she is to bussy tryuing to grab the books, so it gets a little bit harder to read to her because she is not paying attention.

Counting Kisses is by Karen Katz, this might help your search stacey :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! I will go look for that today.

Oohmama how do you keep you daughter still and manage to read all those books to her? When and where do you manage this? (I have a daughter about the same age and reading books to her is my biggest challenge atm)

We read 2 before nap, and 2 before bedtime, usually 1-2 for each potty break, so it usually ends up around 7-10.

i can’t stop my dd from wanting to sit and read. She will bring me book after book and climb up beside me on the couch to read.