I often read about parents saying their babies knew their colors at 12m, or to read 100 words at 15mo, or count… Most of the time those are babies which-I’m assuming- do not speak yet.
So I’m just wondering how you know-for sure- your baby knows these things.
If I sit my 15mo down, put 2 words in front of her and say ‘Which word is ‘DOG’’, she will most likely look down, look at me, get up and busy herself with a toy. Or she might look at both words, but at one more so, and i would then assume she looked more intensely at the correct word. Or she could point. To either ones. Which is why i never ‘test’ her as I can expect a very different outcome depending on her mood.
I’ve been showing her the alphabet on the alphabet wall and she will point to the letter O while saying “Hoooo” if i ask her to. But does she recognizes where the letter is on that specific alphabet poster and does she REALLY know that this shape means and sound like O?
I could go on and on. I mean I’d love to assume my daughter knows all her colours. God knows she’s been hearing about them since she was born . But I wouldn’t think of putting ten crayons in front of her and go through the list hoping she would ‘obey’ me and pick all the right ones. I can just guess that when I ask her to pick the red crayon and she does, that she knows it. Then if she picks another color, she might simply be more interested in the green crayon at that very moment…
I know it is all about trusting your child’s ability. I’d just like to know what makes you think it is real knowlegde-not just luck or habit. :rolleyes: