How can you tell your baby knows?

Catalina started to recognize words at 14 months old…I always remember her first word was gorilla…she saw the word and made the sign…it was cute!!I think teaching her sign language open a new way of comunication with her, it was really easy to understand her once she started recognizing words, I usually test her to see if she is learning and reforce it. I personal think is important for me to test her otherways I can’t go forward if she doesn’t know it.I have to work on the same on different ways until she learns it. Like I say I always knew if she is learning when she signed the word to me.
Now she is 24 months old,her vocabulary has improved a lot, she speaks like a parrot but I have still some problems undertanding her(sometimes), I ask her to do the sign, so I can understand what she needs or wants. Signing with her and her father help us to build a new fun way to express our feelings and needs. I think it’s pretty amazing. It is just like another language for us.
About the colors, she actually loves performing(I have to hide the camara otherways she will stop) she loves colors,animals and shapes(her favorite is heart). So far she can recognize 12 colors in spanish and english. I am going to start teaching her the pigment of each basic color. There are some different activities children love doing with colors. I will write some more ideas for sharing later.
good luck.

I have a basic doubt. Why dont many people remember their life before the age of three?
I really dont know if our child will remember all those that we teach now!!!
Our family was settled in a place where people dont speak our native.My brother was 1year then and i was around 4yrs. We lived there for more than 5years. Even now i’m so fluent in that language.But my brother who was speaking foreign language until he was 6 years,now could not even speak a word. Why is this so???

Our first daughter, at six months would point to or grab the correct card. Around a year she started to tell us in words what was on the card. Even our little one at three months will stare intently at the correct card when asked.

If they’re watching while you are flashing, their tiny little sponge brains are taking it in!

yea vanichezhiyan, I’m wondering too! Through my observation on my daughter, she couldn’t speak Cambodian anymore simply because my helpers went back to their country for just 1.5mths??? Why is it so? Why she couldn’t recognize not many words though I’d been carrying the flash cards session everyday with her and also YBCR few mths ago??? She seems enjoyed it normally… Can anyone can tell me what has been gone wrong with her???

Testing def has to be done in a fun way, a game!! Dakota LOVES to show off. If someone new comes over she offers to show them what she knows. If I ask her to show me something and she doesn’t want to I drop it right away. And sometimes she acts silly and points to or says the wrong answer, but I can tell she is being silly.
She knew her colors at around 18 mos. She hardly ever gets them wrong. And always offers to tell me what color something is. But she doesn’t always seem to like math. Reading and any encyclopedic knowledge she loves. But math is not for her. I guess they are all different. I like the paint color strip idea. I will look into that for more complex colors.
And I have heard that a lot of LO end up not wanting to do anything but crawl and walk when they first learn how. So incorperating the testing into a game where they need to crawl or walk to the answer is awesome : )
and we loved doing sign language. I think it helped her to speak sooner. Dakota was putting sentences together at 18 mos. And can now hold a conversation with any adult and almost everyone can understand her.
Anyway, I think testing is fine as long as you both are having fun