Homeschool Teaching Course

Do you want to get a certificate as a homeschool teacher? It doesn’t qualify you for the state teachers licenses but it does for other job opportunities. I am going to be enrolled in this program this December.

If any of you check it out before I do please let me know about it. It seems to be a good choice.

Do you know if anyothers like this?

I just enrolled, the first class is Dec. 08, 2010. So I will keep you posted. It actually works toward getting a certification as a homeschool teacher.

This is super. Thank you for sharing. I think I will be enrolling in this as well, I will let you know when I complete my registration.

I can’t wait to get started. Maybe we can share ideas about it on here, or talk about the class. Maybe help others out that can’t afford the class. They said that you can get a certification when you take the exam that is included at the end. Glad for that… :biggrin: I am going to save and print all of the lessons so I can teach my volunteers at the co-op some things as well. They also have a teaching certification class for teaching special needs children as well. That is my next one for next year…? Let me know how things are going, maybe we can help each other in the course? Can’t wait…

Yes, I have to talk to hubby about it tonight but I would very much like to sign up. We could help each other along in the class and share info for sure.

Started my class yesterday seems to be good so far and very interesting. I will share some items on here as soon as I can.

Oh dang it I forgot about this and missed the boat!!! I will have to sign up the next go round. I am/was on the fence anyway. Leaning more and more towards going back for a masters in Montessori Early Ed next year, we’ll see how it pans out.

This course is good so far. If anyone else is interested in this course let me know. I plan on publishing my own book and course about homeschooling if anyone is interested.


i am interested, please let me updated, My email,

Thank you

Yes, very interested in the homeschool teaching course as well as some of the other courses you’ve mentioned. Keep me posted.

The webpage isn’t very informative. Why in the world would I need a course/certificate to be a Homeschool teacher, AKA My Own Kids Teacher?

I don’t need an inspection from the Health Inspector to prepare a meal for my kids, or a certificate in Home Ec. Science to make a shirt for myself…Is this perhaps a soon-to-be mandated/required thing?

For those of us taking the course, what the heck is it?

Please let me know when you have your class and book ready. Susan

You don’t need a certificate to teach your own children. Some states and or countries are all different, however. This is just a course to enhance your teaching knowledge, and for those who may be new to homeschooling to learn about the laws, does and don’t of homeschooling, how to modify content, teaching multiple ages, credit hours, and so on is helpful to know. That is why some homeschool parents give up the fight thinking it is to hard to homeschool and send their children some where else. This certificate is good if you decide to teach others outside of your family and or lead a co-op, such that I am doing and or writing your own book, curricula, or publications on homeschooling your own children. My course and book will go beyond just the normal teaching homeschool information of the does and don’t. Having a certificate to some doesn’t mean anything but to some it may mean more.

The course that I am taking is informative and full of resources like how to prepare your older children for college during middle school grade and tons of stuff like that. If you are an experienced homeschoolers who has graduated several homeschoolers already then the class maybe boring to you but for those who haven’t mastered it all yet may find the course helpful.

I am working on writing my own more in depth course with my experiences as a homeschooling mom, co-op leader, and teacher in the public/private system.

I hope I have answered all of your questions?

I have started creating the homeschool teaching course so those of you who are interested still can take the basic course for FREE. The website that it is located at is One lesson at a time will be uploaded. If you are interested PM me to learn more and or to enroll in the course. Homeschooling 101, there will be more courses available as time goes on.
If you are interested in other course PM me and I can fill you in on those or you can visit the links that are below my postings.

The lessons 1-6 have been uploaded and ready for those interested. go to the kia link below

hi, those mummies taking course from here

any feedback? thanks!

Umm, seriously? I don’t know the rules of other countries but if you live in the United States this is just a HUGE waste of money. Because ,1) you don’t need to be certifired to be a homeschooling parent. Really its not rocket science. and 2) You culd never do anything with a homeschool certification. You can’t use it to become a teacher in a brick and mortar school.
Honestly there are lots of great homeschooling books out there that cost FAR less to help get you started with homeschooling. In all honesty when I had started homeschooling 8yrs ago there wasn’t hardly aanything out there to help guide you. You just did it.

I say that’s a scam at its finest. That certificate would be the most expensive paper you’ll ever own , not to mention worthless.
Stop on over to the Well Trained Mind website, the parents there can help you get started and guess how much that costs? Its free!!

I cannot speak for the others, but for me my original interest in the class was intended to fill a need in my business. I recently started teaching classes on infant/toddler education at our local library and my bachelors is not in education. While this is not a teaching license by any stretch of the imagination, people (customers/other parents) like to see related certifications that show some kinds of credentials in the field that I am “teaching.” I ended up taking an online Montessori training right now that is filling the need so I did not enroll in this, but that’s what I had intended to use the course for, just for helping build credibility, fully aware that I am more than confident in and capable of teaching early learning topics. That was the value in it for me.

Hi TeachingMyToddlers,
May I know which online course you are taking? I am interested!

Thank You!

Thanks Tracy and tmt for replying. It’s true what both of you have said :slight_smile: there are a lot of free sources