Homeschool Teaching Course


I won a free class from another BK member’s blog, Nikita. basically, all of the lessons are provided in albums and you follow along with the class. It is good information, but you have to be self-motivated. I think they have sample pages on their sites. I would only use it for personal knowledge and not for employment purposes unless you specifically call a school you would like to seek employment at and ask if they accept that certification.

Check out the blogs of other members here who post reviews all the time, I have won free things on several occasions!

Hi TeachingMyToddlers,
Thanks for the info, will take a look. I just want to take a course for the purpose of my son.

I don’t believe that furthering your education as a homeschooling parent is a waste of time. I do hold a certificate from the mentioned course and it does serve me a great deal. I am a founder and homeschool co-op leader and with this professional certificate it helps me in this ministry even though in the US it isn’t required it does help for those interested in starting their own co-op, homeschool group, etc. and if you are ever faced to have to go to court over your homeschooling your own children then this gives you a leg up in the court system or with social services. In KY there have been tons of families checked out by the local county school districts and even went to court so the certificate will help in those cases for the positive.
I do offer a free homeschooling course if anyone is interested, And no it is not a scam, either one. yes some colleges and places of employment does accept my certification as well from this company. Even the public schools know that the children I teach will be taught the legal way and the correct way because I have this certification, and the children that return to 12th grade for social reasons all of their credits get accepted by the school because I hold this certification, when before they would not accept the credits as most don’t in my area.
It has helped me tremendously with the homeschool community in my area.
thank you all for the free links provided. I will check them out. I love free education.

Yes, but if your just going to homeschool then this would be very expensive and books would be the better way to go. If you worry about legal issues. That is what the Homeschool Legal Defense is for ( ) For $100 a year they will be there should you have someone threaten your homeschooling. You can get it for a lower fee if you join a homeschool co-op or sometimes homeschool newsletters in your area may offer them if you sign up for subscription.

Unless you plan on doing something with homeschooling then this would really be a lot of money for something you can easily learn about in books written by homeschoolers.