Home stay mom

A window shade for babies may be a good product to market too! The one we have does not work too welll

i’m a stay at home mom and are proud of it though soon due to financial circumstances i will have to leave that behind and find a job

hi i am a stay home mum too…

to me to be a stay home mum, i need to have a strong mind and focus- why am i here in the first place so that kept me going.

or else sometimes i cannot truly happy being home.

I am also a stay at home mom. I do other things part time (some Christian outreach and also balloon sculpting), but mostly I am with my kids. They need me and I enjoy being with them. We learn together: crafts, Rubic’s cube… all I ever wanted to learn :slight_smile: On the other hand a break here 'n there renews the vision and helps not too “burn out”.
P.S. Your diaper cakes are sooo cute.Now I know what to give when my friends will have a baby! Karma and Tx. :wink:

hi nicolett,

so you learn balloon sculpting on your own? this is what my hubby does for a living… pls chk out his web site you can see what he other sculpture he does…


I learned 12 years ago while doing clown shows for sick kids :slight_smile:
I do it occasionally for extra income, once a month or so, :slight_smile: not as professionally as your hubby

wow, that’s greAT…

i only do it when i go for mission trips…

Hi, I am SAHM too.

I’ve decided to take care of my son at least for his first three years, until he’s able to go to the kindergarden.
I am looking for a part time job, telecommuting or anything else that suits me.
In my country (Romania), moms who want to stay home can receive financial assistance from the government.
But, the law applying now does not allow student moms to receive anything. So, because my son was born right before my graduation, I can’t receive those money.
It’s said, but also motivating, cause I’m able to do something if I take the challenge to find something on my own, suitable for me. Who knows? Maybe I can earn more than the gov would have given me.



u can count me in. resigned from my work last december but have been staying home since july since my nanny has found the grass much greener on the other side of the fence. since july i have been working at home, sends my reports electronically and do my work basically on line.i come to work 2x a week along with my son on half day basis just to keep things running.

however, i am very much happy being with my son, seeing and experiencing with him his every first things.

yes, im here… im staying home with my daughter… its FUN and challenging seeing my daugther growing and getting smarter everyday we must take the benifit of that, you will never know time pass so fast… our kids will grow and will miss them,but as MOm like us we need sometime air and space to breath… yes you take some time to relax…try some… getimusic.com to relax its free…unwine once in awhile…and have some part time income just in the house…not leaving your kid… like me i bake birthday cakes, make souveniers,stuff toys,t -shirts…believe in yourself… be HAPPY think HAPPY… and ifim luck having a supportive HUBBY… :clown: