Home stay mom

How many mom’s here is home stay mom???

I am.

I do too! But feel guilty that I’m not helping out with the income. It would be great if I can find something to do from home part-time. Everything I come across seems to be a scam or totally difficult unless I lock DD in the closet :wacko: It drives me crazy!

I sell stuff on ebay-- Any old junk lying around the house or other peoples junk, baby clothes too. That’s my contribution. But I am perfectly content with staying home, even if money’s tight!

Oh, believe me, I am content. Money just gets really tight at times.
Good for you though, gotta make it work any way you can. :smiley:

I am soooo hearing you. I keep thinking some fantasic thing will come along so I can pull in a little cash but i dont want to leave my bubby :nowink:

Same here guys.Even i m a home stay mom.But thats fine.we should not feel guilty about it because we are teaching and raising our kids.Which in anyways a good home income isnt it???.So feel proud about it and lets enjoy our PARENTHOOD :slight_smile:


I think the sacrifice made by home stay mom is worthwhile with the infinite benefits for the child.

yaa you are correct.It is worthwhile sitting at home and teaching our babies

I wouldn’t be anywhere else. :yes:

Im a stay at home mommy and I love it! I do have a “part time” job that allows me to work from home at any hours that I want, so that helps me to have a little spending money and be able to stay home with Matteson. It works out perfect!

If you don’t mind me asking…how’d you find your job? :wink:

I am the secretary/treasurer for a non profit organization; it kinda found me becuase I am a memeber of the group. :wink: I know not everyone can be this lucky, but I have to think that there are other small businesses or organizations out there like ours. I do the billing and handle the payroll which have a specific date they have to be done by, but no one cares if I do things at 8am, 3pm, or 2am! :smiley:

Good for you, sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time. :nowink:
Like you said there have to be more company’s like yours out there, it is just finding them and the rest of us fighting over the same job. lol

Has anyone tried to apply for a home-based ‘online teaching’ job? You just have to have a PC and a quiet room as your ‘office’.

What’s online teaching?

I think it’s either data entry or sales job.In that they will teach you first and than we have to sale or we have input data

Here’s a topic close to my heart. My mum worked from when I was 3 months old, and has never been that maternal. I barely even remember her being around until I was 10 and she was unemployed for a year or so. I myself am a stay-at-home mum, which after my marriage breakdown years ago was something I worried I wouldnt be able to continue long-term. Thankfully Australia is the lucky country and has a great welfare system, so I was able to stay at home. I have 3 kids in school and I see the effects of both parents working… kids coming to school infecting my kids with lice continually, because the parents dont have time/energy to check their kids hair…it’s too much of an inconvenience to them. So I’m stuck treating my kids, wasting my time and money treating hair, pulling out eggs for hours and hours, because of the neglect of the other kids parents. It’s a painful reminder to me that I spent my childhood riddled with lice, never treated. I didnt even realise it COULD be treated, I just thought that was the normal way to live.

Years later, determined to give my children a different upbringing, what really hurts me now is that my mother has no interest in spending time with my children. She’s a careerwoman, but in times of unemployment, she still does not want to spend time with her grandchildren. Stay-at-home mums tend to become stay-at-home grandmums, who can babysit while mum goes to work. I have to ask working mums…what sort of grandmother will you be?? It’s all about whether your child or grandchild feels wanted and valued. One of my daughters is having love-life issues with a boy whose very troubled. His parents are very driven to succeed and be the fitest, most attractive… have a nice house, posh car…but in all this the kids have been in care of others all the time. This boy is asking girls out and dumping them after a couple of weeks… totally messed up emotionally, and messing up girls emotions and breaking their hearts. And I have to pick up the pieces in my kids lives of the neglect by the parents who are too busy to care. Because kids problems are time-consuming!!!
Thankfully I’m there straight after school to hear about the bullying and cat-fighting etc that my kids might be experiencing. And I’m able to take bubby to playgroups rather than put her in daycare all week and have no clue what she gets up to, how she behaves and interacts with other kids. If you can stay at home at all, do it! Try to avoid being away all week. I didnt feel loved growing up under a working mum. And my kids comment now, “Nanna loves her dog more than us”. She has plenty of time for walking her dog, and buys lots of presents for her dog, but not for spending time or energy on her grandchildren… we live in the same town. I see grandparents out pushing their grandkids in prams, and I realise…my mother has NEVER done that. But in the end, all that work will be for nothing, because she wont have FAMILY… I doubt we’ll visit her in her nursing home down the track.

I’m at home with Flavio and I’m trying looking after him, but it isn’t easy. Early learning is a great idea to do but I’d like studing something for me too…


I understand what you are saying. You are doing a brave job taking care of your kids single-handedly. Your children are very fortunate to have a mum like you and they will (beleive me) love you much more than you’d ever expect from them. :yes:

I too am a stay home mum of two. Though it could be hard at times, I always think of the positive side. We earn each dollar so that we can be happy and happiness can be found with our children!! :biggrin:
