Home stay mom

Hi. Online teaching is like teaching a language or math to a group of online students. Mostly it’s a group of Koreans or Chinese who likes to improve their English.

As in, I, a native English speaker, could get paid to talk to Foreign language speakers, to help them learn English? That’s be great… and my kids can speak English too… can they do it too, as an after school job?

Yup, as long as you can pass their ‘qualifying exam’ first, you and your children can do it! Mostly it’s just basic grammar and accent assessment. What’s good is you get to stay home and earn! =) I don’t know if it’s available in all countries though. It’s quite common here in the Philippines because labor rates are low compared to US.

Can you give us an example of a website that does that, nadia ? :blush:

Hi, this is one of the ad listing from the Philippines. There are also some who accepts applicants who are teenagers or non-degree holders as teachers.


Here’s another website that offers online teaching. I just don’t know if they are hiring.


i am too a home stay mom… We in India believe in jt family system. Peolpe believe that staying in joint family helps u reduce ur responsiblity towards raising ur child…But thats absolutely wrong.I have a mother in law. but she is typical indian Mother in law who hates to even feed her sons daughter… when asked to do so will reply saying “In this modern age childerns dont eat with their Granny.”
I lost my parents at a very early age and was taken care by my dads brother n her wife. My uncle n aunt gave us best possible treatment n never let us feel that we have lost our parents…Today whatever I am in my life I completely owe them n am very greatful to them…They treat my Krisha so nicely but my Husbands mom treats her like she is a curse for our family as she is a baby girl n not boy…
So its really hard time for me to do all the modern teachings for my daughter…But I try n do as much as possible by buying her Educational toys which help me to teach her in much better way. I earn a bit through my Hobby Classes. I teach Childrens between 5 to 12 yrs during their Summer n winter breaks…I teach them Painting, Calligraphy, Paper Art, Embroidery, Mehndi, etc…
Whatever I earn i spend on my daughter for her easy n smart learning.

I will go thru the sites of online teaching refered by nadia…


i am also a home stay mom, but i’m still thinking of other thing to do to help my husband. i’m good in crafts, any suggestion?

i was thinking of making diaper cakes since i never seen anyone making here in dubai. most of them are giving sweets when someone gave birth. i thought diaper cake is a very practical gift.

to all home stay moms, don’t feel guilty. most of my friends do have careers. but as a full time wife, i think this is my career and i’ll make the most of it, specially teaching my baby and see her a smart, brilliant and intelligent one. it’s the best fulfillment in life.

Off topic, but what are diaper cakes?

They’re these cute little cake-looking things made out of diapers and other baby supplies.

I am also a dedicated stay home mom and proud of it. I tried to apply for a job, but on the way to my interview I started to cry because I realized that I miss her so much already and no one could take good care of her as I do. People call it separation anxiety, I think when your baby is so young the best person he or she should be with is her/her parents. So I just give up and dedicated myself on to raising my baby. They grow up so fast and I don’t want to miss a thing. I have many friends, who are forced to work and for me being able to stay at home and not be forced to work to make ends meet is something very special. Watching my baby grow, being a happy smart and confident baby is such a wonderful thing. :slight_smile:

I feel the same way. It has always been my dream to be able to stay home and raise my kids. I’m so glad that I am able to.

Thanks for the photos. I have never seen diaper cake before but they are really neat looking!

I work from home & my clients come to me. There are many other types of businesses you can do at home. I know people who do accounting, preparing resumes, other office type jobs, hair dressing, nails, dog grooming, child care, tutoring, music lessons… & the list goes on.

Good luck to everyone seeking this type of employment!

yes kmum, you can see lots of videos at youtube. different ways of making it.

Hi, I’m a home stay mom too, and quite proud of being so. I was dismissed some months ago, when my child was about six months old and I have to say I prefer being at home with him, seeing him grow and teaching him all that I can. I am not applying for any job at the moment and I even rejected a good job a couple of months ago because it was quite far from the town where I live, and I should have left my home and husband during the working days, and my baby who is the one that I most love in this world with strangers. No No No!! No way! I want a family . I don’t want to work and leave my family although I suppose I wouldn’t mind a part-time job but not now. I want to stay with my bubby until he is three years old, then he will start school and I’ll have free time in the mornings. Moreover I don’t know how it is in your countries, here in Spain there are financial aids for women who have little children and don’t work for a period of about two years so I’m getting some income and I’m with my bubby. How is it in your countries? Are there any helps for you home stay moms? Let me know, please :wink: :wink:

There is no help here in America, unfortunately. I think it would be a wonderful incentive though. The only way to get help is to get on government assistance like food stamps, medicaid, wic and welfare. Some people do not want to be on government assistance, and some people’s significant other makes too much to qualify for it. Oh, or you could collect unemployment, but they require you to actively look for a job, which obviously, you wouldn’t want to do if you chose to stay home.

There are some ways to earn while at home like selling your crafts and hand-made produce. My sister-in-law attended a balloon-making seminar and once in a while, she would have bookings for children’s parties. Some people in my country are into soap-making, processed-meat making, and the list goes on. Most of the seminars are sponsored by the government so the only thing you have to pay is the materials you use in the classes.

I too am a SAHM and love it!! Of course money is always tight, but then again when isn’t it? Fortuntaley for us, my husband came up with a great invention a few years ago. So now that I’m at home, I have taken on the responsibility of customer service rep, shipping department, marketing, bookeeper among anything else my hubby wants me to do. I’m enjoying it because it gives me a chance to keep up my adminstrative skills, it’s a challenge and we’re making some money.

Do you mind sharing what the great invention is?

Sure, he developed Tint-A-Shield “Sunglasses for Helmets or Goggles” www.tintashield.com

My DH is an avid snow skier and snowmobiler. He had a problem with having to wear his sunglasses underneath his helmet. So he came up with the idea after watching me put up my Halloween window clings. We’re also in the process of creating a window sun shade to help keep the sun out of the backseat and to protect our DS eyes. 8)