Here comes another one

Well, we’re getting a relatively late start I guess, but we’re having another baby due in early October, another boy. We’re very happy of course, and just gave the news to my little boy (who just turned 4) today. I was curious if he would figure it out on his own, but he didn’t. I asked him if he wanted to read to his little brother and he went on for some time about this. Seemed to like the idea. But then he said, “Well, I will read the more advanced stuff, and he will read the easier stuff.” I had to explain that when his brother is born, he wouldn’t be able to speak, let alone read.

Anyway, I guess we’ll have fun. It will be fun to take another pass through all this stuff, do YBCR at an earlier age, try my “Flesch cards” once again, etc. I’ll have more motivation to make more educational material myself and, I hope, get to work on a big free “encyclopedia for tots” that is essentially a compilation of my presentations, with more features and much more content of the same type.

Congratulations, DadDude!

It will be interesting to hear about your adventures now that you’re a “seasoned” baby educator! Are there any things that you know you’ll definitely do differently with your second?

CONGRATS!!! I think I’ll have similar feelings whenever we have a second. I’ll have such a different perspective on everything and really look forward with confidence and a plan on what I can teach him/her right from the beginning. Very exciting and fun!!!

Congratulations!!! I think is such a wonderful blessing. Being parents is such a wonderful hard work! :slight_smile:
I hope you guys enjoy the pregnancy.and of course later on the delivery. Keep us posted.
God bless your family and the new baby on the way!

Congrats!! I too look forward to the day I can take all I’ve learned with my son and start it much earlier. Its nice to have a second go. I’m sure your son will love reading to the little guy!

Thanks to everyone!

I don’t really know that we’ll do that much different with the second one. I think I’ll probably “test” even less (not that I test my own boy much, unless you count asking him to read). We’ll also start YBCR when he’s a baby, and I’ll try Doman stuff (including math) then. I’ll be very curious to see if he actually learns anything from the math stuff.

Congrats DadDude and also to your wife. Chiuldren are a special blessing.

DadDude - I have two kids, too. My youngest is just turned 6 months. I found out about early childhood education kinda late and missed out on the Doman Math program for the older boy so now I’m really keen to see how it goes with my younger boy. It’s an exciting time for us.

What I’ve learned - test less, and go faster. I made those mistakes with my older son because I started teaching him way before I’d even heard of Doman, let alone Shichida, TW, etc.

Congrats and good luck!

Yay DadDude!!! So happy for you!

I wait in anticipation for your encyclopedia. I went onto YouTube and saw the way you taught your little boy puzzles and I was ASTOUNDED! HOW AMAZING well done!!!

Im guessing after I have written this, some people will want the link. Can you send?

Congratulations daddude… Your children are gifted…Your work had inspired me a lot to do with my son too. I search for your posts and try to get as much info as possible to implement it with my lil one.Thanks a lot…

Congratulations, DadDude!

Have fun.

I don’t have a link to an encyclopedia because all it is now is a rather vague set of plans. Don’t hold your breath…it won’t appear for some time yet.

If you mean a link to the video in which my boy does a puzzle, here it is (from when he was 29 months…he’s now 4 yrs):

Congrats, we had number 2 this October. And teaching 2 has benefits and drawbacks. The older does read to the younger and we did start YBCR earlier, but it can be hard to give each as much one on one time as I’d like. And because of the older ones interests we don’t read as many “baby” type books as we read when Blaise was a baby.

Congrats Daddude and family.

I’m also expecting another in December and I am currently worried I won’t have enough energy to keep up the teaching with all of them. Looking forward to your inspiration.

Congrats on your 2nd little one! We likely will not have any more & didn’t know about early learning with our 1st. I sometimes wish I was able to do it again!

Congrats DadDude! A child is truly a blessing! All the best. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much to everyone!

Hey Daddude! Congratulations on the news of your new baby!! :slight_smile: That is so exciting! We’re only planning to have no more than just our son, and I didn’t come on to any of these programs until AFTER he was born. I started a lot of the Doman things, but I had to do all the prep work whenever the baby was sleeping, and well, I would have rather been sleeping myself! :slight_smile: If I had known ahead of time, I would have prepped then. Oh well! You have so much of your work already done, since you’ve been doing it with Henry! Tweak a little here or there as you see fit, and your baby will be blessed with all the love and energy you have to give! Blessings!! :slight_smile:

Muziql, you’re right! We’ll have plenty of stuff to start with, but I hope to make more.

Obviously, if you can involve your husband in your efforts, you might get more sleep…

Congratulation Dad Dude!! Lucky you!