Hello and welcome, from BrillBaby/BrillKids Founder

Thank you for creating such a beautiful website. It’s like a one shop stop for teaching babies. I appreciate your self less deed.

Hi, I can’t wait to try this on my grandbaby!

hi, thanks a lot for creating such a wonderful website. i so glad that you are falicity’s father.I have seen her reading vedios, only after seeing her vedios i got interested in baby can read programme.how you are keeping her interested. my baby is 1yr 6m when i started he is not at all interested. so i need your assistance

thanks for brillbaby

Music always helps and something familiar to them. Mine comes running when he hears Fuzzy Wuzzy and Twinkle Twinkle. Then after he is there you can show him other things he is less interested in. Can some one help make some art work for Fuzzy Wuzzy? An artist I am not!

Thanks, all!

For Felicity, she is still to this day interested in reading, probably cos we established this habit and love for reading since very early on.

But every child is different, and has different preferences. The most important thing is to treat the whole idea of reading as a fun activity, and never try to force them. When trying to give them lessons, try to make everything as fun and joyful as possible. If one method is not liked, then try another.

One great habit you could foster is bedtime reading. Start by reading them a story (they usually like that). Slowly show them what you’re reading, and point to the words as you read… etc. Some children like video-based programs like YBCR and Tweedlewink, some like the computer-based programs like LR (esp the animal sounds), and even if they prefer to bang on the keyboard, at least it’s a good start to getting them to see words and hearing them.

Ultimately, don’t stress yourself over it - remember to always stay joyful, and trust that your child will learn over time.

Hello! I am currently trying this on my grandchild who has come to visit. She is so interested. This has opened up my mind how children learn. I can’t wait to see what happens

welcome to the forum

thats great. we ave lots of downloads for free. and make sure to browse through the forum to see interesting and important information ans also you could share ideas and experinence with other.

Thank you very much for creating this site! :slight_smile:

It is great to find parents who are interested in early child development, to share our experience and inspire ourselves not to stop! :slight_smile:

Aw… what lovely ‘thank you’ cards…

THANK YOU! :biggrin:

You are always welcome! :slight_smile:

Hey all this while I never knew this great place was created by KL, all this I was thinking Lappy comes from the creator and KL, that you are just a senior member who made it all the way!
By the way my son love watching Felicity and since I showed him Felicity reading from Flashcards, he’d taken a new interest in flash cards and I owe you a THANK YOU for that…

Anyway I say this is one of the best sites for teaching babies and I truly enjoy this site, specially makin the presentations!!! :nowink:

KL ~ I’m so grateful to you for creating LR and LM. These tools have greatly aided our learning program and have renewed the excitement for both my son and me.

It was great to learn a little bit more about you. If you’re willing, I’d love to learn more about about where you’re based and who else on the boards is on your staff / their rolls. This board and all of your insights have been so hepful to me - I’d love to know more about you all.

Looking forward to more Little XX Products!!!

You’re welcome, all! Glad you like what we’ve done so far!

Norcalmommy, we’re actually putting all that info into our site when we revamp it (which is soon), so stay tuned. :slight_smile:

oooo, suspense. Can’t wait to see the revamp and learning more about all of you!!

:slight_smile: Hi KL! I registered today after stumbling across your site by chance via You Tube then via Google…I have 2 step-kids (Sharon 8 & Tyrell 7) and 2 sons (Ethan who will be 2 on the 22nd of April & Anton who’s 7months).

I am on my way to downloading the flashcards to try on the my 2 youngest munchkins & will definitely keep you posted!

Am so excited already…

Thanks KL. U r really helping many parents to teach their babies.

Welcome, Telu and varshak! :slight_smile:

Thanks KL for creating such a wonderful forum. :slight_smile:

Hi, Lappy and KL, and all the parents here!

Thank you so much for posting the downloadable flashcards and powerpoint presentations. I just registered today after stumbling upon this site through Google. Hopefully, I would be able to save up enough to buy Little Reader as well. :slight_smile:

My 3 month old baby, Ségolène Urduja, seems to be really happy with looking at patterns and pictures. I hope that even when I’m away, the nanny would also follow the instructions on teaching her, just the way I do it, too.

Again, thank you and more power to Brillkids! :smiley:

THank you both for joining!