Hello and welcome, from BrillBaby/BrillKids Founder

Hello, everyone!! :happy:

I’m KL, the founder of BrillBaby/BrillKids, and also father of Felicity, the baby/toddler featured in the reading videos on the sites.

Firstly, I’d like to give everyone here a very warm welcome, and to thank you all for being here.

Ever since my wife became pregnant with Felicity, I’ve wanted to make sure that I do all that I can to maximize her potential, so I vigorously read up on all topics relating to baby intelligence, including prenatal stimulation and early learning. I found the topics immensely fascinating, and soon found myself wanting to spread the word about what I had learnt. Hence the creation of the BrillBaby website.

Teaching Felicity was really fun, but I felt it could have been done in a much more efficient manner, and hence the creation of the BrillKids Little Learner series of software products. I hope you all like them/will like them as much as I enjoyed creating them! We strive for perfection, so we look forward to receiving comments from everyone, whether good or bad, on everything we do here.

Hope everyone enjoys their time here and that your kid(s) will benefit and have lots of fun from our efforts!

Lastly, please feel free to ask me any questions, whether on the boards or via Private Message.

Best regards,


Thanks for creating this software. My kids love it.

It seems like a great learning tool so far. Thank you. And thanks for all the help and understanding.

I’m glad that you guys are enjoying it!

And thank you both for your kind comments - these always encourage us to give you all a better product!


Thanks! My baby Emma is 2 years old and enjoying your “Little Reader” daily.

I should really thanks my Buddha to have meet your website and know “Little Reader”. When I just get “headache” with the teaching methods.
Now, I just need to click the “Animals” and when my daughter hear the “bird singing”, she will comes forward to me immediately.

Iris :biggrin:

Hello Everyone!

My son’s name is Jeremy. He is turning two on October 26.

Thanks KL for creating this website. This is very very useful. I owe you a lot. Great job! I saw this site December 2007. There were just a few useful information and as I recall there was only one video of Felicity. Felicity really inspired me. But when I visited again the site, it’s expanding. I’ve read again almost all the information here. I found the other videos of Felicity. And great she can read the Cinderella book. Wow! It’s really amazing. :biggrin:

Thanks, JemJem! Glad you found us! :slight_smile:


O.k., I just found this thread and am putting it all together. Now knowing that you are Felicity’s dad leaves me with a lot of questions. I’m sure we are all inspired by what you have accomplished with teaching Felicity and would love to know what methods you used. What age did you start with her? Did you use Doman’s methods? Did you modify the methods and make them your own? How were you able to keep her interested and still in those I’ve just learned how to crawl and have to move days? Sorry for all the questions but you are an inspiration and I would love to be able to do what you have done to give my little one as much of a legs up as possible.

Thanks for LR and Brillbaby!

Dear KL,

your daughter is lucky to have you and all parents around the world as well. Your program is truely brilliant and your webcite addicting.
Please, let me know if I can be of any assistance to you.

Thanks, Fileneviana! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Koala girl!

Actually, most of what you asked is discussed and answered here, so please check it out:
[edit - the above link won’t work properly because of the “!”, which we’re fixing. Until then, just go to the Early Learning board and look for “teaching Your child to read - share your experience!” thread.]

Re how to keep her interested, we had a much harder time with flashcards, and that was when she wasn’t even moving much! She loved YBCR, and even more so when we did our own word set printouts which were all customized and personalized - eg., all body parts shown were of her own or her parents. Same thing with powerpoint slides and the early version of LR. I think what helps (as I keep stressing to everyone) is to have variety. Don’t let any one method (not even LR) be the only method you use. Use as many as possible, and ultimately, take the cue from your child.

hope that helps!

Thanks so much KL. I hadn’t read that thread yet and keep finding more to read :). Thanks for all the info. and for creating LR. I just purchased YBCR and will start that as soon as I get it. All this info just inspires me even more.
Best to Felicity and, of course, your family. :clown:


Thanks for providing this software, I have only just started using it after downloading it for BETA testing. It is definately a good idea, there are too few resources for babies. I work in IT, I used to be a software developer so I hope to be able to supply some decent feedback.
I found your product as I was searching around the Internet for Baby Flashcards. My son is 15 months old, I have a book of words and also about 5 months ago I printed about 20 home made flash cards for him. Then I found your software and promptly downloaded a whole bunch of powerpoint resources. Now they are downloaded I have them for keeps MuuuHAHAHAHA!
But more seriously… now I’ll be looking to see if your software offers me the flexibility and simplicity that making my own powerpoint slideshows does.


Hi Janiwaka,

Good to have you here! Would really appreciate your feedback from a software developer’s point of view! Please let us know how your review of LR is going!


Thank you so much for creating this site. I think more people need to know about the potential that children all carry inside them. I think you have done a wonderful job and thank you for making my life much easier. It can be very stressful making so many bits for your children and never enough time to keep up with the housework, social agendas, BIT making, reading the latest studies… etc.

So I truely thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Hello Mandiq! :blush:

Welcome to our BrillKids Forums!

Be sure to browse through the different topics on early education here in the forums - and please feel free to participate in the discussions, too! We hope that you will share your parenting experience with us here, and I look forward to reading about your adventures while teaching your little one!

We’re glad to have you!

Lappy :happy:

Hi and thank you for your warm welcome. I just joined today and quite excited to know more about this site. I hope to meet new friends, sharing information on the nurturing our children. I have 2 boys and 1 girl (my girl is turning two this december). All the while I done phonics with my two boys at home (they can read at the age of 4) but I am looking other alternative to introduce reading to my girl.

:biggrin: Sida…

Thank you, Mandiq and Sida!

Welcome to the Forum! :slight_smile:

Hello KL,
thanks for putting this all together. I am a homeschooling mom of 4 and paper flashcards are out of question at this point. I am glad to find a way to make teaching my little ones more consistent. My first two read Ladybird Peter and Jane series by 3 and 1.5 y.o. respectively. With the next two life got busier and I slacked off. I’ve been finding my motivation anew. Tx for a great tool!

Greetings to you all my name is Fitzroy and my five year old enjoy using this program and so do I.

Thanks alot Brill Kids. :biggrin:

Hi Nikolett and Fitzroym,

Sorry for the delayed welcome! Hope you are both finding this site helpful! Please give us a shout if you have any questions!
