Funnix reading program for free

Funnix is giving away their reading program for free. Only this month. It is regularly priced at $249.

You will need to install it locally on your C drive from their website. Otherwise, it won’t work.

The program is designed by the world’s most successful creator of instructional materials, Siegfried (Zig) Engelmann, a maverick professor of Education who has authored many books, including Give Your Child a Superior Mind, and highly successful reading programs like Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

Engelmann says of Funnix,“Teaching the lessons requires a lot less effort, and the lessons are more entertaining. Also, the program consists of 220 daily lessons, so it takes kids farther than most beginning-reading programs-- from being non readers to reading on the third-grade level.”

I installed it and had no problems so far.


That sounds awesome. Thanks!

Great Thanks.

Working moms like me will like to have these kind of friendly user programs which requires less time but which will actually teach the kids more informations.

Valuable addition to my list of things to do with my kid.

Thanks for the site. I will check it out.

I get an error when I try to install the application, it says please choose the directory to install and there is no OK button to move after selecting a directory. Anyone gets the same error? Thanks

I got that same error couple of times. You will need to install it from their website to your c drive. When you click on the download link, you have to click on the ‘run’ button. If you save it to your c or d drive it won’t work. I needs about 2 GB for both files.

I have gone thru some lessons and I like it so far. It improves listening skills, it sounds out every letter in a word. We are in lesson 4 and I have seen my 2 year breaking up words like snowman, he was saying snnooww… mannnn etc. He thinks it’s funny but it’s interesting to see how he is trying to break up words and listen to all the sounds in a word.

Best part I like is, the story time. The voice recites a story and it ask’s questions. They sometimes show a picture and asks you what you think about it or things like what do you think is going to happen next. For little kids you can explain and for older kids you can let them answer and expand on it. I am sure it will improve their comprehension.

I get the same error. I have tried several times. I will work on it and see what I can do.

does the link to workbook work?
Can you print them out?

all the links worked for me . first it didn’t i spent 24 hours downloading and the download stops half way , when i try to open the file it doesn’t open . than i followed somebody’s recommendation on brillbaby and used orbit downloader . apparently orbit downloader picks up from where it stops , meaning you can click resume downloading . all i had to do after registration i got an email from them with the registration code and links , i copied and pasted each link to orbit downloader and forgot about them , the next morning there were there , easy peezy , i just clicked to open the file and and install it on my hard drive .
if it is the same as teach your child to read in 100 easy way , it is good . i didn’t have the chance to look at it yet , but i think i will use it with my younger one who is 2 now that my 4 is reading . i have to evaluate where she is with the lessons , it gives you the tools for assesment than start her at her level maybe with funnix 2 , lots of nice stories , nice readers .
good luck

I had to try downloading it several times before it took. I’m not sure if it has to do with how many people are downloading it on any given time? Not sure. I had to do it three times before it took last night.
Definitely worth it. I plan on using it with my 7yr old. I used the 100 EZ lessons with her and it got her up and running as far as reading goes. From what I understand though Funnix takes them a bit further ( 3rd grade level) and I know she isn’t reading at a 3rd grade level yet.
I’m thinking of using it with my 4yr old but I’m using YBCR with her at the moment. So I’m not sure if I should add phonics in or not. I think it may confuse her ( or not I don’t know.)

oh tracy do add phonics . it might be all she needs to start reading independently. you can always do both .

I had issues downloading onto my netbook, but my old computer had no problems (I would have expected it the other way round!) I don’t know that I did anything differently…

I had a look at lesson 1 and it looks ok, but is a bit advanced for us at the moment. I think once Nicholas is able to vocalise more, it would be good. I’m not complaining if its free :smiley:

I do like the fact that it progresses beyond simple phonics and onto reading properly as I have noticed most courses complete phonics and then stop. I’m looking forward to some reviews (and using it myself in a year or so!)

Did you have to copy and paste the links for workbooks? It doesn’t work on my Pc

. I downloaded the software with the same problems as you all and it’s working. We won’t be using it until my DD is older but it looks good and I am lookig forward to some reviews.

Thanks heath, karma for u

n I was wondering how to install this al this time!!!

I can’t seem to get access to the workbooks

Nevermind it worked :slight_smile:

I downloaded it too. I had no problems. The files are huge, but my connection is pretty fast.
I also downloaded all the odds and ends on this page
Zed is too young to know for sure which we are going to need.

I can not get this to download correctly :frowning: RUN does not pop up as an option when I copy and paste the site. It just says begin download. Please help… What browser do you use?? I was using firefox

susan khan

susankhan, I had the same problem. I don’t think it will download with firefox. I used internet explore and it download right away.