Flash cards with words and pictures versus just words

So far I have been showing my daughter flash cards with the word AND a picture, but I have been reading in other post that you can do flash cards with only words, but it doesn’t specify in which cases they are doing it. Does anyone know in which cases you can use flash cards just with words? Are there any kind of “guidelines” that I can follow ?

Thanks! :smiley:

I started out using words only and it does work but having the picture on the back actually allows them to recognize the meaning of the word. My toddler did learn the word but when it came to recognize the actual object he was struggling, but he could read words. Also I started word only flashcards with my infant to help him with his eye corrdination and concentration. He says more words and recognises the words, we will move on to the picture flashcards soon.
I hope this helps.

I sent an email to the YBCR website and asked if they had plans to make more sliding flash cards with the pictures (right now they offer 25 cards). I actually told them that I though it would be great if they made sliding cards for the 1000 most commonly used words in the English language.

They sent me a response email that just said to see their website for their products. Obviously the person didn’t pay much attention to my email. So I emailed back and asked them please answer my question and to also pass on my suggestion to Dr. Titzer or whoever heads up the company (I was polite of course).

It would be really helpful if others also email them with the same request.

sorry to disapoint you i tried to send emails to dr titzer but no reply!
anyway cheer up .we think that our kids will love words with picture but actullaly they get a little bit confused for my daughter i tried cards with words that she like and know e,g. cake<mama…

I show the word first and then the picture, so the picture and the words are on separate cards. In my experience, I found that my daughter loses interest if I just show words and it is the picture that comes after the word that holds her attention. I hope this method is ok.

Thanks to everyone for their replies! My instict told me it was better words AND pictures, but wanted to double check to see if I was going to be able to cut my preparation time in some cases :blush:

Regarding the YBCR flash cards, I’m actually waiting for our program to arrive, so I’m sure I’ll understand what you guys are saying much better once I get it. That is too bad they do not have good customer service. It will make them more money lol

I have been using flash cards with words on the front and pictures on the back. I usually just show my daughter the words for one session then for the next session I show her the word then the picture. I dont know about right and wrong ways to teach her but I find that she is learning this way so I’ll continue to do it. She is learning to read the word and also understands the word in relation to the picture.

I actually prefer teaching to read without pictures (if the child already know the meaning), because I am afraid that he/she see sthe pictures most and pays less attention to the words.
At the first time I maked flash cards after the Glenn method, but soon my daughter get bored (we stucked with dots cards with the same problem by the way) and she just ran away. Now I have to use words and pictures together (with LR), otherwise she doesn’t want to learn at all. For some words it is hard to find an approriate picture, therefore I mix those words together with the other one with pictures in a set :).

I think it is better to have flash cards without pictures on the same side as the word. A child is going to be more inclined to look at the picture instead of the word when you are flashing it. So, you’re not effectively teaching reading if your child is mostly seeing the picture. I think flash cards with pictures on the back are better so you can flash just words, show the word and then the picture, or play different games.

In regards to the YBCR people answering emails: I am sorry, but you are never going to get a response from Dr. Titzer. He has nothing to do with the company that sells his products. They market his materials. So, sorry, but your attempts are futile.

Great! We have always have the picture on the other side of the word. It had not even occured to me about having them in the same face, I guess that is good! :slight_smile:

Thanks again to everybody for saring your experiences. It really help me cleared things up!

Dear Joha & Everyone,

In the Doman reading book, if you are following Doman’s method, you start off with words without pictures. When you teach the words pertaining to colors, you use the color on the opposite side of the card to teach the concept. And you begin to use pictures consistently with introducing phrases (3 words) and make a small book with 5 phrases followed by 5 pictures; and the same with sentences and books (5 sentences/pictures).

The Titzer method is to show pictures with everything because it is a multi-sensory approach, and if you notice it is always the word first and then the picture - just as in Doman’s method.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

I think it depends on what you are showing. If it is EK than picture is necessary. But just for reading I use sentences instead of words, and without pictures. It is something between GD and Titzers methods.

I write my sentences in powerpoint so that there is one word per slide, and the story allways is about my child. For example. Lelde goes to kitchen. Lelde climbs on chair. Mom is cutting cucumbers. Lelde is eating cucumbers.
Some words repeat more than others but I don’t care much about it. And there are no pictures.

In this way, we both enjoy reading. Randomised words are rather boring.

So I think that if the words are randomised than they are better with picture but if the words are binded together somehow than they are interesting also without the picture.

I’m actually just in the reading process. I want to work on this first before we start with the EK (that way we have time to get the materiales ready too :wink: ). However, I thought with the pictures I was kind of killing two birds with one stone, she learns to read and also knows what she is reading. My fear with just words is that they may be able to read it, but won’t know what they are saying. This is just my own analysis and I may be wrong.


Thank you so much for your point of view about the binding of the words. That makes sense to me. That is a good example of when I can use only words.

thanks :slight_smile:

I think there is not a big gap between reading and EK and you should not be afraid of it.

I show sentences without pictures -
but I also show slideshows about body parts, vegetables, clothes etc., from brillkids slideshow libruary. Here are words together with pictures. I don’t know if it is just reading or it is EK because these words are among the first 300 words which should be tought but they are grouped by subjects like in EK :slight_smile:

Dear Joha,

I believe your point about connecting words with meaning/context is why Doman recommends beginning with selecting 15 words the children are familiar with - and then you add vocabulary words from categories of: self (body); home vocabulary (objects, possessions, foods, animals); and for couplets you add actions, colors, adjectives; therefore pictures are not necessary at the word stage. And then you reinforce the reading program/flashcards of words (without pictures) by interactively pointing them out on a daily basis in conversations and such.

It is really a minor difference between the Doman/Titzer methods of when you add the pictures, and that affects the production time. You will notice in Titzer’s work - it is really Doman Step 1 with pictures/audio and a few couplets/phrases/sentences in the cards/videos/books. And in the Parents’ booklet, he encourages creating your own materials and reading a lot to your child. It is a multi-media approach of the Doman method with phonics added. It is nice because the materials are prepared - yet less comprehensive as the Doman method and it takes more time for them to learn with Titzer’s schedule.

I use the program while I am preparing LR sets in English and Classical Arabic .ppt.

The key is to pay attention to your child and how they are responding and adjust accordingly.

Ayesha :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for laying all down this way (karma to you!). It definetly makes more sense now. It is kind of funny because I think that without really knowing this was the approach we have been using. I think putting the labels around the home has been helping with this process of knowing the words of things around her. For her body, we did used the flash cards here in the site, but your point is great so I can work on other parts of her body and also do them in spanish.

I’m still reading Doman’s book. I’m not a fast reader at all (issue I’m hoping my daughter won;t have :smiley: ) that is why I’m still asking sooo many questions!

Thanks again for your time!

Dear Joha,

Certainly - any time. I am far from an expert. What I noticed is that both methods are connecting the written words with the sounds simultaneously, and use pictures/interactive/multi-sensory methods - just at slightly different times - with the entire teaching basis being JOYFUL!

I personally am creating a spreadsheet with all of YBCR materials in order to create more couplets/phrases/sentences in LR that will be completed soon. I cannot imagine how much time it takes to create EK materials! I am still working on Reading materials and anxious about beginning the Math program once I am more comfortable with LM. :rolleyes:

I love BrillKids forums because the members are supportive and encouraging! :yes:

  • Ayesha


I know, as I just posted in toher topic, I don’t know what I would do without this forum. There are some many things, programs and questions that you could go like a dog chasing its tale. Anyways, I would love to se your speesheet is you are ok sharing it since I should be starting YBCR in about a week or so.

My husband and I were talking about the EK materials and we are just going to do it little by little while we do the reading and the math program. We were thinking about bying the BITS from Doman’s website, but they are kind of price and it looks you won’t use them for very long. So we are not sure yet is we are going to get some from gentlerevolution and do some or just go ahead and do all of them. The other think is that there are a lot of pp files here which are definetly time savers. The thing is that we have looked a couple of the files and have found some mistakes, so you really need to make sure the info is correct before you show it to your child. Some of them are just impressive!

I’m sure I’ll meet you again in one of the topics. I seem to see you in the same areas I’m interested. :smiley:

Dear Joha,

I just remembered that the IAHP Reading Kit has words only in each step, and the book has pictures.

I hope that we are able to purchase the EK Deluxe Kit from IAHP sometime in the near future. And once I read the book and understand the program, I plan to purchase the bits as our family budget will allow - even if only one per month, as well as using materials from here.

This is a labor of love for our children! :yes:

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:


Which book are you talking about? :huh: Why would you buy the whole set instead of just the BITS? I just want to know your point of view. I’m sure you know they are having 20% off on all the kits so it may be worth it to get it now. I’m just not sure about the categories they include in it. Also, do you know what the DVD is about? Is it to be shown to the baby or is for the parents?

We are trying to maximize our resources so I’s trying to get all the “facts” of the different products in order to make the final decision :smiley: