Flash cards with words and pictures versus just words

Dear Joha,

The IAHP Reading Kit is for How to Teach Your Baby to Read with the premade flashcards for each step, plus the book and I got the DVD as well.

The IAHP EK Kit includes several sets of bits and I believe it depends on what is available. I ordered one set of bits on Insects because I was curious to see what the format is, even though I do not even have the EK book yet. I have planned to order the Deluxe EK Kit, with the EK book and DVD lecture (for parents); in order to know how to use the bits, and hopefully before April 30th to receive the Spring Sale 20% discount.

Did that answer your question?
Ayesha :slight_smile:

Dear Ayesha,

Thank you so much for the reply. Could you let me know what were you referring to in this post?

Dear Joha,

To the original post of using flashcard with pictures or words only. And my selection of 200 words of items that my children are familar with so I do not feel the need to use pictures with LR at this point. For couplets - maybe. For phrases - books, I will use pictures defintely. The IAHP Reading Kit has flashcards (words only) for each step and the book, Enough Inigo, Enough, has pictures on pages following the sentences.

  • Ayesha

Ahhh!!! Now I get it. Now I know what you were talking about. Thanks again for the info! Have a wonderful day!

Thanks the discussions have helped me to decide to go for teaching a word with a picture …

I have started with couple of weeks back with the flash cards. So right now I am showing pictures too. Let’s see how the sessions progress then I think I would be in a position to decide which approach to take depending on my child’s comfort level/ interest.

if i put word with picture then how i will know if she recognize it bec. of pic. not reading .
may be this is right for baby but im starting late 2 years she nows the pic so i give words first then pic then when she on computer after she see word then pic. and suond i turn off sound i let her read if ok the pic will tell us

Hello Everyone!

After this long debate I wanted to give everyone my feedback. I initially printed the flash cards from this website, laminated them and was doing each word and fliping the card to show the picture while I was repeting the word. The first couple of days my daughter was paying attention, but then she wasn’t into it. I put them aside for a week and then started again. She was fine with the first words, but after that she will look away, which meant session was over! Yesterday I started showing her just the words and she is doing great. :yes: I realized I wasn’t flashing the cards fast enough for her and she was getting bored.

With YBCR, she likes the video, laughs while watching it, but once I want to show her the word cards (the ones that you open to show the picture) she doesn’t want to do anything with them.

Now, after I’m done showing her the words I flip the cards and show the picture while I say the word, she is attentive, but I want to get some comments on this. Should I just eliminate the pictures for now all together? Or just doing it like I’m doing it now, flashing all the words first and then all the pictures? :confused:

hi ayesha do you teach your kids english and arabic langauge?how you do it? do you concentrate on one of them ?

Do you know which method of teaching a) only words b) only pictures c) word1 picture1 word2 picture2 etc. is better for
right brain stimulation?

I don’t think it matters, as long as you flash them as fast as possible. That’s how you activate the right brain.

thank you nhockaday

In Little Reader Lite I find that the flash takes longer time than it should take when the program has to load picture(s) :(. So the speed varies in a session if some words are with pictures (takes longer) and some words are without picture (flash very fast).

I have to agree with Aguh. We have been doing more physical FC lately because my daughter looses interest because it is not fast enough. It would be great if they can adjusted so it is a bit faster. :yes: This happens even when the speed is at max.

Dear Aguh & Joha,

Is the speed dependent on your RAM? My laptop slows down when the RAM gets too low and the audio/videos move in slow-motion.

  • Ayesha :unsure:

It does have something to do with RAM and how many other resources your pc is using at the same time, but the speed is something that the programmers are working on for future versions. It also depends on the recordings. Some people do not trim their sound files, so there ends up being silence before and after the pronunciation, which makes it flash slower.

I doubt that. I got this laptop not too long ago, so I would be surprise if it is too slow. Does anyone know what a good RAM number is? :unsure:

Did you read my post, Joha? It is not only dependent on the RAM. Do you have Vista or XP? I recommend having 3gb if you have Vista.