My husband and I are expecting our first baby. He and I both have IQs in the 1 in a million range, but neither of us has done anything worthwhile with our brains and have all the negative issues associated with genius. Given that intelligence is up to 70% inherited we expect that our little one is also going to be a genius.
I think we should nurture his (or her) genius, and if he ends up with a university degree at 12 that’s no big deal. My husband thinks the opposite would be better, to do nothing that could even resemble acceleration so he remains with a similarly aged peer group. He’s even gone so far as to suggest intentionally stunting our baby’s intelligence to prevent the problems he and I have gone through.
We cannot come to a consensus on this particular issue. There seems to be no compromising, either we embark on child-led education from birth, or we avoid doing anything that may accelerate our child.
I learned to read at 20 months due, only, to my mother reading to me; by 3 years I had a concrete phonemic grasp of English; and by 5 had developed reading skills beyond my college educated mother. At that point forward, I was discouraged from coming across as better read than my peers. I went through what my husband is suggesting, and while I am the smarter and better adjusted of the two of us, I cannot help but think that my brains are not only a distinct disadvantage but most certainly a flaw; that intelligence is to be hidden from others like a gruesome scar from a near-fatal injury.
My husband on the other hand was pushed. He was his parents’ first born and was constantly being compared to his peers. He never was expected to be HIS best, he was expected to be THE best. He was the first in his peer group to walk, the first to talk, the first to read, etc. He surpassed all expectations until he started getting in fights as a young teen and found new and creative ways to rebel. He discovered teachers had much lower acceptable standards and that virtually no work was required to meet those. He graduated with honors without having ever enjoyed, or actively pursued, learning. All he knew he learned by osmosis. Even now he picks up new skills or knowledge with no attention or passion towards the subject matter.
I have explained, repeatedly, that I do not intend on pushing our child to be THE best. I want him to be happy above smart, and at the very least not be ashamed of something most others consider a gift. I have no idea how to do that other than letting our child lead his own education.
This site seems like a fantastic resource for entertaining and embracing the genius of a child, and I suppose and equally useful resource for avoiding the development of genius in a child as well, if one were to do just the opposite of what is suggested. Either way, this seems like the appropriate group to ask about my problem.
If you were in my shoes, which avenue would you pursue? Or can you think of a middle ground that would appease us both?
Thanks in advance for your help.