Encyclopedic Knowledge Courses in Little Reader!

Here is the sample of the first in series of Encyclopedic Knowledge Courses in Little Reader!


This is a sample lesson from our 165 lesson Geography “Countries and Cultures” Course. Kindly forgive the typo in the first slide (it is corrected already!)

It includes:

** Anthem Videos (playing Anthem and showing iconic images of the country, flag, symbols, using photo-eye-play effect)

** Four learning sessions in each lesson (which can be played in one sitting for older children and in separate sessions for younger ones)!

** Each learning session has picture flash, 5 country EK facts and a game!

** 40 countries and territories of the world are covered in this course!

** Two Break Time Geography videos in each lesson. Each of Break Time videos is about 30 seconds and features music and images or video of cities, world heritage sites and cultures from the 40 countries the course is be covering.

Children are learning new facts and review what they learned before! You can learn more about this project in a separate thread here:

Geography Country EK Course Collaboration

Course Building Feature in Little Reader turns Little Reader from pretty incredible Reading, Language and Comprehension Learning System into amazing Early Learning Tool, which enables us create EK courses – organized, customizable, versatile and easy to use, with build in review and rotation cycles, using variety of Media!

Stay tuned for updates and write us if you would like to join and contribute to creation of any of the courses you always dreamed of. You will gain access to courses we create, as you contribute to their creation :yes:

curious as to why the photo eye play

looks well constructed!

Hi Poker Dad,

Here are some of the notes from my conversations with TwiddleWink aka Right Brain Kids company on PEP

I compiled it:

  1. “How does it exactly work?”

There are two different kinds of photo-neuroreceptors in the eye: rods
(black/white) and cones (3 primary colors). The rods are responsible for
depth perception, shading, contrast and definition. The cones are
responsible for perceiving color. The rods and cones work together to
send their visual impulses to the brain to create an instant picture of
the child’s surroundings. The stronger the impression, the stronger the
mental picture, and the stronger the child’s overall memory and cognition
tends to become.

There are 4 sets of cards: black/white, red/green, violet/yellow, blue/orange

  • the black/white sets stimulate and strengthen the rods
  • the three complementary colors (red/green, violet/yellow, blue/orange)
    sets stimulate and strengthen the cones
    Twiddle Wink for instance systematically presents each set, and are able to stimulate each type
    within the four lessons in each DVD.
  1. “What research has been done to confirm it?”

The importance of infant visual stimulation (exposure to light, color, and
movement) was established in neuroscience circles during the 1970s and

Here are some research links:

The Institutes For the Achievement of Human Potential: Stages of Sensory
Note: This is an archived page.

McMaster University
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Vision Development in Infants: Visual field, eye movements, pattern

The British Psychological Society
“Salience of primary and secondary colours in infancy” : substantiating
color relevancy

The National Academy of Science of the United States of America
Newborns’ preference for face-relevant stimuli: Effects of contrast polarity

  1. “I also am curious if there specific rules so to speak on which colors
    and combinations of colors/shapes and combinations of shapes to use when
    using photoeyeplay. I’ve seen certain combinations on your videos, what
    did you based your decision on using this particular ones? Another
    question is whether you would use the same shapes/colors for the whole
    duration of the poem/song, or if it is a longer piece, would you change
    the set to a new one? When you do that with a song for instance, would you
    take into consideration a beat, or when you read the poem do you taej
    poetry rhytm into consideration?”

We based our color presentation on exposure to rich primary and secondary
colors. The shapes and style of presentation was designed upon specific
feedback from the children in our classrooms over the years. There is a
lot behind it, but we’re a little careful of what we release.

From talking with some Shichida parents, I learned that Shichida also teaches that smth similar to photo eye play can open the right brain pathway and make the fact memorization and retention easier

So of course we do not know everything about it, but those are some of the points. If nothing else, it keep attention and possibly helps with memorization :slight_smile: I am not religious about it, as I have not seen much research, but it does not hurt to use it, where it is pretty easy to implement… Those are just some thoughts.


this is beautiful…
when n where can buy them from?

Hi dr pradnyac,

Thanks for your compliments and interest in the Country Course project. Unfortunately this course will never be available to buy with money. When you help in creating this course or following courses, you gain access to it. This country course is scheduled to be finished at the end of November and thus far, only the 38 people working on it will get access keys for the course, but anybody willing to help with our courses, this first one or future ones, can also gain access.

thanks for the reply,
yes i would love to contribute to this or any other such projects of future as well.
can i know the means to do so?

lots of love n regards,…

Would to contribute too, about India. I live in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India :slight_smile:

I would love to help and get access! I live in Russia…
How can join your group?..

@swarnavenkat and dr pradnyac, I sent you both personal messages, check your inboxes please

oh, this is so nice. I am vietnamese and would like to join the program. Please include me!


This sounds wonderful! I’m from Thailand and would love to contribute, please let me know how can I do that. Thanks!

Hello…I am from Guyana in South America…I would love to contribute, please inform me how I can do so…

I would love to contribute too about Indian History/Geography/Culture, as I am Indian have taught these subjects in schools and colleges

i also would love to contribute this wonderful course . please let us know in detail

First off, I just want to state that you will need to own Little Reader for this project to be of any use to you.

This course has been running for long, most of the work has been completed and new people are mainly asked to search the internet for images or do voice recording, averaging about 10 hours’ work in total per team member.

Anybody asking join gets a Personal Message in their inbox on this forum, and we communicate further from there.

The course is scheduled to be completed at the end of November.

You can read more about the specifics of what the course includes in this post here on the forum:


The video looks excellent. Please do include me.


Wow. I cant wait for it to be done. I would love to join. I am from Sierra Leone.


I’m interested in contribution. Pls let me know where to start.

This video is great! Congratulations:-))

Thanks & regards,


This is great!!! Please send me more information also about how I can get involved in this project. Thanks.


wow , how can I get to this project
I am from Saudi Arabia