Doman Math information and questions

After a month of doing math dots based on the information from this websight, my "How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence" book has arrived.  I skipped right to the math chapter because that has been my focus, due to starting at 23 months of age and not wanting to miss a window of opportunity.  I noticed I've been doing some things less than correct.  It is a comfort to know that ANY teaching is good, and my process doesn't have to be perfect.  I am eager to share my mistakes so that others avoid them and to get ideas on how to  progress from here.  I'm high lighting my questions, so they are easy  to find.
  1. Start reading first than math (I read that DomanMom, who I respect greatly, taught math first because of her son’s age. Therefore I know it will be okay, but if you are starting with a younger child, 0-18 months, this is good to know.)

  2. When teaching addition start by saying 1+1=2 and hold up the 2 card. Day 1of addition (1+1 through 1+9) Day 2 (2+1 through 2+8). After doing Day5 (5+1=6 through 5+5=10) Day 6 skip sequences and go to any equations that add up to less than then number of dots he recognizes.

so here is what I did poorly. I went right to random equations. Now I plan to go back and do the original equations, unless some more experienced math teaching parent suggest otherwise.
Also, I used a computer program that flashed the dots and symbols of the equation. So David has been seeing 11 dots on the screen, followed by just the + sign, then 2 dots, then =, then 13 dots.
Is it true that I only need to say 11+2=13, while showing him the 13 card? This will be so much easier!

  1. Continue showing 3 sets of addition equations, and add on your subtraction equations.
    [b][i]I did two weeks of addition equations, then stopped them and did subtraction equations for two weeks, now I have started multiplication equations. I started each with random equations. Any suggestions. I plan to just start addition over and restart the whole equations teaching.

To complicate this slightly I am expecting to deliver our second child in a week and a half, and expect that David will miss many lessons. 2 days to a week for sure while I’m in the hosbital, and some during busy new born days after that.[/i][/b]

Well for those answering my questions thank you for your help. For those learning, I hope this made sense that are more complete summaries in the forum, these are just extra tid bits.


Great this is very helpful.

This is interesting because it is NOT what it says in the Teach your baby Math book. I have heard to start teaching reading first though, but I don’t think this matters - you could start teaching anything first.

As far as I know the Teach your baby Math book tells you to do exactly what you have been doing - random equations and two weeks of addition followed by two weeks of subtraction. The other thing he suggests is never to start over anything you have done, but just to continue from where you ended.

It sounds like you have been doing a great job with teaching your baby math.

Dear Jennifer Joy & All,

Have you read the threads by DomanMom about Math?

And she also has a website with excellent schedules that is mentioned in the thread.

Do you have the Doman Math Book & Kit? Or only the How to Multiply Your Baby’s Intelligience book? I have received the deluxe math kit and will read it after I begin the reading program. One step at a time. So, I am benefitting from your observations and experiences.

And which software program are you using for the equations?

Thank you.

  • Ayesha

I’d like to know of any software available. I have the paper cards but they are hard to flip fast… After reading DomanMom on the other thread,I want to try again.

Yes, it will be better if we have software for Math.

I can’t wait for Little Math. When will this be released?

I would like to know also any other software available.

I used PowerPoint to create the math equations to teach my baby after reading the discussions on the subject on this site, particularly DomanMom’s experience (and am very much inspired by her). The equation slides are mainly based on DomanMom’s dot slides and equations + equations I’ve created myself.

I’ve uploaded 2 week worth of addition equations as well as 1 week worth of subtraction and multiplication equations under free downloads – PowerPoint slideshows. I’ve done more but did not have the time to upload them yet + it doesn’t seem that there is much interest from the others. I’ll probably upload them if there is interest and as and when my baby allows me too (she has been really clingy recently).

Hope you will find the slides useful, while waiting for Little Math to be released.

The software I am using is powerflashcards. You can download it for free and us it the first 30 times, which gave me a good idea if it would work for David. It looks like a very old school program, not as cute as Little Reader, but it does the job. It cost $35 dollars after the trial.

For somereason I couldn’t down load it onto our good (newer) computer, but it works fine on this older one.

It also has an easy to use flash card section for words, just type in the words and it flashes and says them. It doesn’t have the pointer option, the varied text, or the picture word alternating of little baby.

The last feature I use in it is the “picture” mode. You can easily download a photo folder to your computer, naming each picture what you want pronounced, and then it will show the picture and say the name. In this way it is faster to make the presentation than it is in Little Reader, but a little less quality of a presentation.

So here is the link:

Tanikit, this is very helpful. So the Math book doesn’t have you continue doing addition equations after adding subtraction, multiplication, and division?

If I’m understanding this correctly, what a relief!

Also the does the Math book have you show 2+6=8, with dots on seperate “cards” and not just say “2+6=8” while showing the 8 dot card.

I have a very old copy of multiplying your baby’s intellegence and I wondered if perhaps things had changed.

Thank you for your suggestion. I have used Doman Mom’s info and equations. In fact I just cut and past them into the power dot program to do my 9 a day (some days less).

Thank you,

Sorry for the delay, all! We’ve been trying to iron out some last minute issues, and hope to launch it either end of next week, or the week after that!

Thanks, KL, I’ll wait for it then rather than getting into a different software.
Thanks cp and DomanMom for the PowerPoints.

Jen, yes you do show all the dot cards when you begin showing the equations - so you would say 2 while showing the 2 dot card, then plus 6 (show the 6 dot card) equals 8 (show 8 dot card) Later on in the teaching you do go to just showing the answer (2 + 6 = 8 and only show the 8 card) but not when you are first introducing equations.

You do two weeks of addition alone, then two weeks of just subtraction and so on through multiplication and division then later on you show longer equations and start showing equations which continue both addition and subtraction (eg 2 + 4 + 8 - 3 = 11) or multiplication with division (eg 10 x 2 x 5 / 25 = 4) They tell you to leave out the equations that mix addition and multiplication early on (and I think this has to do with order of operations but I am not sure)

I have never read Multiply your baby’s intelligence, so I don’t know if it is just a summary of the other books and that is why it is slightly different or if it is because you have an older version.

i am a newbie
i have two kids :: a 25-month-old boy and a 6-month-old girl…
i do not know how to begin the Doman Dots Program and i dont even have any friend who knew it either :confused:
please help me on how to start this program…
i’ve read about the super DomanMom who taught her boy at the age of 30month old(correct me if i wrong)and turned to be very successful now.

so i am so excited to start this program on my son.
i’ve already download the provided materials…
but because of not knowing on how to begin,nothing have been started yet…
please help
thank you…

Dear CP,

I would be interested in you uploading th rest of your slideshows, please - if you have not already done so.

Thank you.
Ayesha :slight_smile:

hi cp,

I was wondering if you can also upload the addition, subtraction and multiplication equations in LR Library? …please…please…

I was trying to download the PPT slideshows you have made but found out that I only have PPT 2003 version that’s why I can’t open the file.

Many of the mothers are interested for sure but maybe they have not visited the free download section-ppt slideshows or maybe they have the same problem like me. :frowning:

I’m very sorry for the verrrry late reply. I’ve been really tied-up lately.

Hi Ayesha
If you are still interested, I can upload another 21 subtraction equations (for 2nd week of subtraction equations) that I prepared. I’m in the midst of preparing another 21 multiplication equations. I’ve been slow in preparing the slides as teaching my baby maths did not progress as planned. She does not seem to be too interested. I’m lucky if I can get her to pay attention to 1 math session a day. I’m still trying to finish teaching her quantity and additions although I started more than 1 month ago.

In case you did not notice, nteoyp, another member, has uploaded some division equations which I intend to use as well. Check them out under Math section – PowerPoint slideshows.

Hi Danellie
The equations that I’ve uploaded were prepared using PowerPoint 2007. I’m sorry I do not know how to convert PowerPoint slides into Little Reader cat file. I noticed that there is an option of saving the files under PowerPoint Presentation 97-03. I’m not sure if you can open the files if I do that. If you want, I can save the uploaded equations under PowerPoint Presentation 97-03 and upload them again for approval PROVIDED BrillBaby is ok with it … I don’t want to clutter up the file library with the same material. Maybe someone can suggest a way to this more efficiently.

A note to BrillBaby, I’m not trying to get double points for the same material as I don’t think I received any points for uploading the files earlier anyway (I only received points when the files were downloaded).

Sorry again for the late reply.

I think all of you should just swich to Little Math when it is released now. It can do almost everything you need to teach math (much easier then Little Reader or using PowerPoint - I used both for creating equations). Try Little Math and I bet you would not consider anything else! :slight_smile:

Hi CP. You really can’t earn points just by uploading in the downloads section. We only earn them if someone downloads our files. :slight_smile:

Guys, who of you prefers to use the symbols (+,-,etc) in the equations? My daughter seems to understand the equation better if the symbols are on. I think it is better if the child sees an associated symbol when we say “plus”, “minus” because she can connect what she hears to a visual. Same as she connects the dots to what she hears me say. It works for us!

Personally, I prefer to leave the symbols on. However, it seems that Doman recommends not showing the symbols. Or it may be because it’s easier not to have to flash the symbols? I’m not sure.

btw, with build 65 of Little Math, you can now have the symbols turned on/off.