Did you vaccinate your child?

Hello parents,

We are now in a campaign about H1N1, and I would like to know from parents who has just vaccinated what do they think, if it is better or worse, the time to do this here in my country is untill April 22nd. Need advice.

Personally, I would stay (and my family is staying) very far away from this vaccine.

I will definitely vaccinate my child when he is old enough (6 months), and we both got vaccinated for the new H1N1 influenza before he was born. My area of professional expertise is infectious diseases and not vaccinating (unless there is a specific allergy to the vaccine components) is unconcionable in my opinion. Vaccination is one of the safest, most effective ways to prevent diseases in individuals AND to reduce circulation of the infectious organism in the general population. I am not sure what this new paranoia about vaccination is all about (if it is about autism, this has been repeatedly debunked). People forget the devastation caused by diseases like polio and so many others. Influenza is a life threatening disease in small children and it is extremely contagious…

In our practice ( I am working with pregnant woman, in Labor and Birth) we recently had 3 serious cases of side effects from flu vaccine during pregnancy, one was immediate spontaneous abortion in mid pregnancy and two others, – complications in babies. Thankfully, most of the parents we are working with are well informed, and have access to care of superior specialists on their fields, and hardly any chose to vaccinate, but those few were very sad cases.

What I would suggest, is that you would do a thorough research, and not just make decisions based on some nurse or local doctor opinion. After all it has to do with safety of your child. I would suggest building your child’s immunity, avoiding medications and sugars, which interfere with healthy immune system responses, hygene, good nutrition.

From my experience your child would have less problems and avoid more dangers that way.

When it comes to vaccinating I really like Dr Sears advice. The truth is there are risks if you vaccinate and there are risks if you don’t vaccinate. He looks at stastics for both scenerios and determines which has the least risk. I some cases he recommends delaying vaccination.

I looked around for his advice on the H1N1 and the last update I could find was posted Sept 2009. He recommends delaying decision on getting this vaccine until the second round of safety trials are done. Here are links to his blog:

July 2009

Sept 2009

I vaccinate my 2 children, because my youngest baby was infected by the swine flu in the hospital when he was born,the three days of leaving hospital, we had him hospitalized with fever. Arrived at the hospital with 101.2 F, to the 40 minutes that were there, his temperature reached 103.9F. we had to stay 5 days with him in the hospital. Was very sad.

Dear parents,

After all your tips and experiences in this subject, I decided to vaccinate my babies and they didn´t have reaction, it is everything ok. Thanks at all.

Congratulations marimari, I know how hard should be… I did not want to do with my kids, but the doctor said if they get the flu, that could be so dangerous…And she even said that if he was not treated timely, it could even have died.

Thanks L and J,

You helped me so much! and thanks God for your baby is very very good! Everything passed.

We chose not to vaccinate as the MMR shot, immediately caused my son to stop talking at 18months(the morning after the shot) and he was after diagnosised with autism. The H1N1 shot was rushed out too fast without proper testing and my cousin who works in the ER said they had twice as many compliactions due to H1N1 vaccines then the actual H1N1 flu

Agree with you, waterdreamer, lots of complications… So sorry about your son, I hope he is doing better and I hope that other parents can avoid tragedies by informing themselves…

Thank-you Skylark. We are on the road to recovery, were the lucky ones. I kick myself every day for not doing more research. don’t get me wrong I’m not anti vaccine. There is a time and place for everything. But I don’t believe in taking rush vaccines or flooding our young childrens bodies with so many vaccines at once.

Please listen to this, food for thought. We suffered through this with my son.


Thank-you for sharing that link! Karma to you. I watched episodes and will watch more this week. I feel so strongly on vaccines, some times its hard for me to keep my cool on the subject. I recently refused my son’s 4 year shots. We are finally progressing in the right direction with his therapy, I don’t want anything to interfer with it. I asked her to test his blood to see if he needed these vaccines immediately or if it could wait till he is 6 or 7 and his brain is nearly 90% developed. She said based on his health history she sees no issue in waiting. But not everyone is blessed with an understanding doctor like we are.
For H1N1 my son and I both took so naturopathic immunity boosters provided by our naturopathic doctor. And we both were exposed to H1N1 several times and never got sick from it :slight_smile:

Good for you for going with your gut feel. I wish I had. When I watched that video I felt sick to my stomach to see what I had done to the most precious child. I will now do everything in my power to free him of the heavy metals in his system. We are still paying the price. I have compiled a spreadsheet of every vaccine, their contents, the side effects of the vaccine and the disease, the number of deaths from the disease etc. So you can make your own mind up about it. I read over 30 books on the subject and simply compiled the evidence from the books. If you are interested, I could upload it.

Here is an interesting bit of information. I am South African and my husband is Swedish. In South Africa, a country riddled with so many diseases, we only have 8 vaccinations and in Sweden, a first world country, the only have 7 mandatory diseases. Doesn’t that say something about the 56 mandatory ones we need here in the US??? Big Business or what?

Mandy you did not do anything to your child. It’s the government pressuring parents into thinking that if there child does not get this immunization there as good as dead. I wish that vaccines were not such a capital gain situation and that they were used primary in what they were intended to do, save lifes not make people rich.
Best of luck to you. Biorays NDF plus is a wonderful heavy metal detox we used with my son. But of course you’d have to talk to your naturopathic doctor about that as I’m not one. But ask about it :)S/he may have an even better suggestion

There were a few reports in Med Journals ( and some in the press as well) lately, so I thought to share some of the information here.

In September 2009, news stories reported that researchers in Canada had found an increased risk of pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza in people who had previously been vaccinated against seasonal influenza.

In a school outbreak of pH1N1 in spring 2009, people with cough and fever were found to have received prior seasonal flu vaccination more often than those without.

Several public health agencies in Canada therefore undertook four additional studies during the summer of 2009 to investigate further. Taken together, the four studies included approximately 2,700 people with and without pH1N1.

The first of the studies found the seasonal vaccine to be associated with an increased risk of approximately 68 percent for pH1N1 disease.

The further 3 studies similarly found between 1.4 and 1.5 times increased likelihood of pH1N1 illness in people who had received the seasonal vaccine compared to those who had not.

In related news, the World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that it made mistakes in its response to H1N1 swine flu.

WHO influenza expert Keiji Fukuda conceded that the six-phase system for declaring a pandemic was confusing, and resulted in widespread panic about an illness which proved to be even less deadly than the similarly overhyped bird flu.

Critics have pointed out WHO’s links to the pharmaceutical industry. Many drug companies made huge profits when governments bought enormous stockpiles of H1N1 vaccine, much of which has gone unused.

Physorg April 6, 2010

Reuters April 12, 2010

PLoS Medicine April 6, 2010

Several epidemiologic investigations were conducted over the summer of 2009 in Canada, and the results are now in.

The finding?

Seasonal flu shot DID increase the risk of catching swine flu.

Four Additional Studies All Confirm the Initial Findings
The four studies, which were conducted by public health agencies in Canada, involved about 2,700 people in all, and each one had the same result: if you got the seasonal flu shot, you were more likely to get the swine flu. The researchers wrote in PLoS Medicine:

“ … Estimates from all four studies (which included about 1,200 laboratory-confirmed pH1N1 cases and 1,500 controls) showed that prior recipients of the 2008–09 TIV [seasonal flu shot] had approximately 1.4–2.5 times increased chances of developing pH1N1 illness that needed medical attention during the spring–summer of 2009 compared to people who had not received the TIV.”

The researchers stopped short of saying that a causal relationship had been established, saying instead that there could have been unidentified factors within the groups studied that accounted for the increase. They’ve recommended further studies to determine if the shot really was responsible, for instance, if the seasonal vaccine modified people’s immune systems in such a way that made them less able to fight off H1N1.

This latter explanation makes perfect sense.

Why Getting a Vaccine for One Disease Could Make You More Likely to Catch Another

Remember that ALL vaccines are immune suppressing, meaning they lower your immune functions. The chemicals and adjuvants in the vaccines depress your immune system; the virus present depress immune function, and the foreign DNA/RNA from animal tissues depress immunity – that is the trade-off you are risking.

The traditionally held belief is that it is acceptable to exchange a small overall immune depression for immunity to one disease. However, this trade is not at all in your favor when you consider the fact that you’re trading a TOTAL immune system depression, which is your main defense against ALL known disease – including millions of pathogens – for a temporary immunity against just one disease, which in most cases is a non issue for you and your family…

This may explain why people who had recently been vaccinated with the seasonal flu shot were therefore more likely to fall ill with swine flu. There are other theories circulating as well. According to Deseret News:

“One hypothesis suggests seasonal flu vaccine preoccupies the cells that would otherwise produce antibodies against H1N1.

But, according to Dr. Rubinstein, the research shows that people who received the seasonal shot during the 2007-08 flu season remained vulnerable to swine flu well into 2009, an interval that should provide most immune systems ample restoration time.”

CBC News Canada published another theory:

“Theoretically, antibodies created by the immune system after exposure to bacteria or a virus can facilitate the entry of another strain of the virus or disease. The effect has been seen for other viral vaccinations but never for influenza, said Dr. Donald Low, chief microbiologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.”

Whatever the mechanism may turn out to be, waiting for science to figure it out seems foolish given the heightened risk. Nonetheless, the World Health Organization, who has admitted many times over that they made major mistakes in their handling of the H1N1 pandemic, has gone ahead and recommended that H1N1 be included in upcoming seasonal flu vaccinations.

A Brief Reminder of How to Prevent the Flu Naturally

If you’re feeling skittish about going through flu season flu-shot-free, you should know that there are far safer, not to mention more effective, ways to prevent the flu.

Most people do not realize that vitamin D, unlike flu shots, is a proven method to keep yourself from catching an infectious disease.

According to the Irish Independent, R Edgar Hope Simpson was one of the first to discover the link between a deficiency in solar radiation and seasonal influenza. Then, in 2006, the journal Epidemiology and Infection published Dr. John Cannell’s paper Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D, which presents the hypothesis that influenza is merely a symptom of vitamin D deficiency.

He followed this up with another study published in the Virology Journal in 2008.

His findings were again confirmed by another recent study – the largest and most nationally representative of its kind to date – that involved about 19,000 Americans.

It found that people with the lowest blood vitamin D levels reported having significantly more recent colds or cases of the flu. In conclusion, lead author Dr. Adit Ginde stated:

“The findings of our study support an important role for vitamin D in prevention of common respiratory infections, such as colds and the flu. Individuals with common lung diseases, such as asthma or emphysema, may be particularly susceptible to respiratory infections from vitamin D deficiency.”

Add to this the fact that vitamin D has been shown to have a dramatic impact on nearly all chronic diseases, and you begin to see why optimizing your vitamin D levels may indeed be crucial for avoiding the flu in the first place, and/or avoiding serious and potentially deadly complications from the flu.

Please Note
While you can use vitamin D acutely to treat the infection by using 20,000-50,000 units a day for three days, it is FAR better to have your levels optimized BEFORE you are exposed to the flu. If you have been taking relatively larger doses of vitamin D (5,000 units a day or more) then there is very little likelihood that this high dose for three days would work and it is not suggested to try it.

Only use that dose if you have not been on regular doses of oral vitamin D or had healthy sun exposure.

Optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds, and vitamin D deficiency is likely the TRUE culprit behind the seasonality of the flu – not the flu virus itself.

It makes much more sense to get your levels optimized than risk taking a shot that may increase your chances of coming down with another virus.

Fascinating, Skylark. Thanks for sharing. That’s great info about vitamin D too.

Well thanks so much for the heavy metal detox suggestion. I will put it to my dr. and see what she says. Right now we are on an elimination diet and well, it is TOUGH! My son has leaky gutt and I totally attribute that to the heavy metals in the vaccines. For those of you that are on the fence, I have an excel spreadsheet - very dry but totally factual of the side effects of the vaccines, each vaccine required, the amount of deaths caused by the vaccines, the amount caused by the disease, the last reported case etc. etc. Like I said dry and boring but factual. After you read how they make vaccines i.e. passing it through the liver of monkeys and using pig cells etc. most people refrain from putting it directly into the blood stream. It is amazing that vaccines in essence haven’t changed from the original invention a few hundred years ago!!

Mandy, I would like to have the spreadsheet, can you PM it to me. I have a lot of information, but it is good to have something precise, dry and factual :slight_smile:

Praying for your detox!