Did you vaccinate your child?

I do vaccinate my children (mostly). I am an attorney who represents petitioners in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is a federally funded program paid for by per dose assessments on vaccines, i.e. we are self-insured as a nation for adverse side effects. Vaccine side effects are very rare statistically, but they do occur. Generally, they occur in people with a genetic predisposition.

Concern regarding autism is not the only reason parents choose not to vaccinate. There are many concerns regarding other side effects, and dangerous ingredients used in making vaccines. As a parent of a 15-month-old, I have decided to delay, and only give selective IZs based on my concerns. This is the right decision for our family

thanks for sharing

I dont’ want to be rude to anyone here, but I happen to be a vaccinology and influenza expert (I also have graduate training in immunology). The seasonal influenza vaccine would not provide an protection against the so called swine H1N1 influenza virus, but people who got the seasonal version may have felt a false sense of security (or they may have been part of a more at risk population to begin with), and therefore may not have been as careful. I admittedly did not read the articles quoted in an ealier post, but no, getting vaccinated for one flu doesn’t make you more inherently susceptible to getting another, it might make you less likely to wash your hands as carefully.

On the general topic of vaccinating children, I would like to appeal to parents to look at pictures of folks affected with polio, tetanus, etc. While some people will, on rare occasions get bad reactions (not including autism, this link has been debunked a long time ago), one cannot compare the risks… and if you base your decision on the fact that some of these diseases have pretty much disappeared, the reason for their disappearance is widespread vaccination. If increasing numbers of people do not vaccinate, and the number of people who are immunosuppressed or immunodeficient in the general population keep increasing, these diseases will come back… so vaccinating is not just a matter of personal protection, it is a matter of public responsibility (what a concept, I know…). Vaccines are some of the safest, surest ways to protect oneself from terrible diseases.

btw, in case I need say this, I do not profit, either directly or indirectly, from vaccines. Needless to say my baby is getting vaccinated for all that is recommended and on time.

I’m choosing not to reply to this link anymore because I know I will get to passionate about it. All I know is my child was effected and I have spent YEARS trying to correct the ill effects. No one can tell me otherwise because I have seen it was my own eyes. I agree immunizations are important, but the speed and timeing is too much for some(not all, but some) to handle.
I’m glad you found the detox info helpful Mandy. Keep me posted on your childs progress, you can PM

I do not vaccinate K for many reasons. I do however try to use natural methods to improve her immunity. We also see a natural Dr. & she still nurses occasionally. I was told that my dd would have a lower immune system due to the fact that she has trisomy 21, however she has been really healthy, & I think not vaccinating has contributed to her good health.

Mandy thanks so much for the link
long but so worth it
it really is all about a censorship of science
i hope more people wake up about this issue
it’s are poor kids that pay the price
karma to you

Such an emotive subject. I and my husband have decided not to vaccinate for many reasons. I was wondering, those of you who decided not to, do you share this information with friends and family? What kind of reactions do you get?

We don’t know whether to tell folk or just keep it to ourselves. Perhaps our son may be victimised in his early years as a result? Any thoughts?

i find that the only people who make a big deal about it are doctors
but even then my girls doctor didn’t say anything when we told him that we would not be vaccinating
i find if your polite but firm most people respect you choice

Here in Peru we heard about cases where they administer 3 vaccines at once and had problems so my niece recomended to vaccinate one by one just to be sure. The thing is that nowadays there are much many vaccines that when my kids were small.