Finally to conclude. Don’t take every word like a gospel to teaching your children.
GD method, if i break down correctly, its about exposure, exposure, exposure. Expose them to exercise early, expose them to reading (maths, ek, etc) early, expose them to books early. Children are curious animals, the more they move the more they want to know, learning is essential, learning is survival, learning to feed his curiousity, feed it by allowing him more freedom to move and explore. Exercise also builds a healthier child.
Introduce words early, in large, clear, honest factual way, show enthusiasm, and he will show interest, they think the world is about words, they discover words means something, they discover books which will answer their whys why. It doesn’t matter if you show it to them in print or in a screen. It matters the information your showing him. It matters how your showing him, and its important you can stop it before he wants to stop.
He also goes on in praise of his students at IAHP, where the speak multiple language, and do exercises, and plays a musical instrument. Kind of like a boarding school to me, If we have the means, i am sure everybody would like to be a professional parent, and be at IAHP with their child. But lets face it all if not most of us needs to make a living, to pay the bills, and if you have the means you can follow like IAHP pack your kids schedule with music lesson, exercises, maths, languages. Again Exposure to multiples subjects, thru frequency, intensity and duration. IE, teach more, teach often, teach with interest, and teach it longer … i am sure if any of us who are young and our parents have the means, and we are in an envronment where every other individual our friends our classmates are in the same beat, we would just be as talented or gifted as the kids coming out of IAHP. But of course how many of us can afford it, just do the best you can in what means you choose or can afford.
So parents, don’t worry.
Just expose your child. Show them the world. Show them words, best early as they aren’t mobile yet. But don’t irritate them, stop before they want to stop to not kill their interest but do show, show them straight forward info, read often in a playful mood, they think reading is playing, they think reading is fun, when its fun they do more. And doing more in a way is practicing without them knowing.
Hmm if any of you are looking for insight into so called right mind power … GD won’t give you that … it simply explains that the right mind can absorb a large number of materials … make use of it …, and if your exposing her sufficiently your stimulating the brain … and instead of learning how to play all the time … why not learn how to read …