DD Hong Kong take-away

Yes KL was perfectly right. For the newbies it would be informative, as like the first time when i read the book, it was like wow. But with more reading and experience, you would come to certain road blocks and realise that there are some other problems that are not related in his books.

My views came across because i have most of GD’s book, except the swimming one which was just released. I bought the latest edition from the original publisher early last year. As i did too, got most of the books from Shichida. I read it twice, thrice over, dissect the book and re-summarise the key points, and make their teaching part and parcel of my daily affair. How i speak to my child, what i spoke, and how i response to them i make it part of my life now. As such there were certain qns that arise that i could not find the answers in any of his books. And was hoping the qn and answer session would help solve it.

There was a HK couple in front of me, they asked DD a qn, and his response was, “Did you read the book?”. The coupled answered yes but it was the translated form in traditional chinese. His reponse was “well that is the problem, the translated book is illegal, they probably translated from his earlier edition, and his book is in the 3rd edition now, do you read english? yes, then get my latest book” and that was it, the couples qn was left unanswered, and i really pity them, they probably would take much longer time to read and comprehend his writing, by that time their child would be much older.

When i asked him my qns, his initial response was the same, “Did i buy his book, did i buy the latest book, did i buy all his book, and did i read his book.” hmmmm… i am not sure if he treats all his reader the same … but perhaps he was disgusted by the pirated copies, and lost of royalties. I can understand his view, so i try not to be offended by his remarks.

In any case, i do recommend that for beginners who are interested, to do read his book first, that is the acquisition of knowledge, and know how, before applying it. “How smart is your baby”, has descriptions on how to make your baby physically superb as well. But i doubt working parents would have the time to do all his physical exercsie anyway, and i doubt many could afford the crawling track or the briachiation laddar. The other book i would recommend reading is “How to multiple your babys intelligence”. It covers how to teach your baby to read, math and EK, so you save on all 3 books since this one book covers all of it. But i do notice that in different editions, there are some minor changes, or up-dated, so the process of teaching your baby by IAHP, is still an ongoing process, like there was some confusion about whether to mix division with multiplication etc on maths. The subsequent editions gave clarification on it. But like i said, don’t tie down on every word it says, you would be boxing yourself in and feel despair, flexibility and open mind is better. As for translated copies … well that is a legal issue, but i do pity those in asia, or non-english dominant speaking country whose command of english is not that good yet, and therefore has to resort to translated versions. But so we are fortunate to have Brillkids forum for us to discuss it. There are plenty of helpful people here.

Another point or impression i took away from the seminar was, DD son of GD, is more of a physical educator type. His father GD and JD, wrote the book how to read, math and EK, other than revisions there really isn’t anything else new. So DD’s expertise is more on physical development, and hence why his talk is more on physical side. DD’s son just graduated and joined IAHP, (family business? maybe better commitment?) he started newsletter. I suspect his son would push the advance into the digital world. But then Brills kids there first.

As for the mroning teaching, its because the baby is well rested, fed and therefore more attentive. IF your going to teach bits of information or intelligence, best to do it during the morning when he is well rested and fed. But unfortuantely kindergartens are also in the morning, which clashes with the best time to teach your kids… hmmm kindergarten … how old before they attend most starts at 3 some at 4… but if your followed GD and start reading, maths etc as young as possible, by 3 they would have already started reading … so … i felt that was a non event …, but then again if your child takes a afternoon or evening naps, 1-2 hours, have water and some biscuits after that … he would be as good as new … and you can flash again …

When he was talking about bits of info or intelligence, depends on how you want to see it, the word “tiger” is an info and its also an intelligence. Intelligence for a baby, wow a word a description of something, but for adults its just another bit of info, so i go straight to the point instead of playing with words.

Bits… Sound like computer bits and bytes … rather saying small amount of info … bit by bit …

Flash card … its the confusion caused by adults, when they study for their exams they cram lots of info into the card hoping to make last minute memorisation before going into the exam hall… I done that during exam time too …, his worried that just because GD is about flash card, people who hasn’t read his book, would be thinking, hey flash card that’s easy i just squeeze all the info in and flash to the baby. Which personally, as like DD, is the wrong approach, hence he wants to move away from the idea “flash cards”… and focus on the information or intelligence, bit by bit of information, and not clustered information.

He also did mention about convergence of the eye sight. Or focusing. You can do this regularly by playing toy games and letting him pick up small toys, also when he starts to feed himself biscuits or cereals, he would have to practice the focusing and gripping and letting him feed himself helps. Which i figure is the same, as using the briachiation ladder, except the briachiation ladder builds up more strength, but we can do that by using our thumb or playing pulling games. The idea isn’t the ladder per se, the idea is the convergence or focusing, the idea or gees is the exercise needed. The idea isn’t the flash card, the idea or gees is the bits of information or intelligence or data being shown.

I guess it comes from a lot of reading or exposure and cross referencing to get the gees. But in so saying i like LR, it certain is environmentally friendly, and saves alot of time too. And the materials involved can be vast. Although i would recommend using a large LCD screen as a monitor, its a lot cheaper now, for those under 1, due to problems of convergence or focusing. It can be easily done using a HDMI or DVI cable.

Trinity papa, I agree with you that DD is a physical guy. My friends who went to the courses said that JD & some other lady is the intelligence person whilst DD is the physical person.

I must have been in a different seminar than you (I went on 12th - Sunday) because all questions during my session were answered and he didn’t mention anything about reading his books. There were questions about concentration level of a child and also a question on whether it was possible to brain injure your child if they fall out of bed many times. He answered most of the questions that night.

I agree that he seemed pretty annoyed about the pirated copies of the book as well as a local early learning centre which keeps using the Doman name. One parent asked him about this ‘school’ after the Q&A and he was very annoyed saying that school has nothing to do with them etc. and that the kits that this school produces are all illegal too. I guess I can understand why he was annoyed as I think all the profits from sales of the books and kits and courses go back to the institute for research and also to help the brain injured children, so I guess it’s not as simple as not getting royalties from the sales, but also affecting lives of those who need the help.

By the way, can you let me know where I can find books by Shichida, I cannot seem to find anything. I need them in English since I do not read Chinese (I know there are some in chinese). Can you share your findings from his books, would be interested on what his research says too. Thanks!

Hi Nana, yes I was on the saturday one. There wasn’t much time for qns and answer, and we only got our chance when most of the parents left and DD returned back to the stage that we were able to ask him qns personally.

So pls do share with us about what you hear on sunday, and the qns and answers that took place on that day i am sure alot of mummy’s and daddys would be delighted to hear too. Sunday’s talk i was told was for brain injured children hence i did not attend. I’ll offer some karma points… :slight_smile:

Also they said that if response is good they may conduct a 5 day course in HK somewhere in oct or nov, i think they conduct once every year in singapore, by their asia distributor. Course being “How to multiple your baby’s intelligence”.

I am just wondering, why GD doesn’t print translated books or authorize it to be done. Shichida allows their taiwan office to do it and most books in Asia are printed using traditional chinese. My wife reads chinese so i am lucky. But i also ordered the book from Japan by calling their number and asking to speak to an english speaking sales rep and getting their email so that i could email to them personally my credit card number and the order form. Very quick very prompt but the courier cost about the same as the books. Well not really books, its more like binded A4 copies, and english translation was hmm pretty poor, and my wife and i have to cross reference our reading and our understanding of what is written.

I think you can try searching shichida under search entire forum. There are quite some large area of shichida discussions, from memory to maths to its method, and its all in english. I think i posted some there much earlier too.

oh yeah you can try this link for other methods of teaching too, i notice nobody posted it before …


Thanks for your input, everybody,
as I am a non native English speaker, can anybody elaborate on what exactly is “discreet, concise, and unambiguous”? Esp. unambiguous…

‘discreet’ - This has different meanings, but i think what he means in this context is that it should be simple and not overdone.

‘concise’ - This means brief and to the point.

‘unambiguous’ - This means it should be clear and have nothing there that may cause confusion over what you mean.

A good example is if you are trying to show what “dog” is, you should show a picture that only has a dog, not mixed in with other things.

Perhaps the word he said was “discrete”, which means separate, isolated or distinct from other elements. That would also make sense in the context (i.e. a picture of a dog, not a dog eating out of a bowl in front of a house by a tree).

That must be it! Thanks, Shuki! I’m going make sure I add “discrete” to Felicity’s reading curriculum!! (mine too!)

as I was in DD seminar in Latvia half year ago, I can also exchange my opinion.

After that seminar, there was also a lot of disappointment in LV parenting forum. Mothers wich are doing GD system for years and have done wonders with their challenged children were disappointed because they did not hear anything new for them. There was also disappointment among people which listened to translation because sometimes it was very bad.

I was very satisfied. Before this event, I was very negative about IAHP at all. My opinion (which I got from books of child psychologists) was that teaching a child to read before 4 years can harm.

This seminar changed my mind totally. I started to look at my child in antoher way, I started to speak in another way, and I found that the best way to stop baby crying is to teach him. I purchased books.

I think this seminar was about the introduction to IAHP system. It’s aim was to make an interest among parents which don’t know anything about early education. It’s aim was to convince. If you want to convince someone, you must speak in a very simple way, with very few facts :smiley: :smiley:
So, some parents will allways be dissapointed. But I think that it is more important to convince as many people as possible, about the importance of early education. Later, they will find their answers on their own :smiley: :smiley:

(But I agree that there was something wrong with a seminar attended by Trinity papa.)

I agree also that there are some unclear things in this business.

For example, I purchased " how to teach your baby to swim". While reading it I found that it is only about the newborn babies. Swimming is started in the first weeks, and than continued and developed. Chapters like “how to teach 2 years old” is about babies which started to swim as newborns.

My child was 18 monts old, and there was no single sentence that swimming can be started in this age. When I tried to start swimming with my doughter, she just cried and did not allow me anything. In this age, children often don’t allow to wash their hair. Of course, such children don’t want to be immersed in water. May be there can be some recommendations for such children but they are not in this book.

Something like “dont’t buy this book if your child is older than 6 months” should be mentioned in introduction or in amazon description but it is not.
Of course, there is a word " baby" in the name of a book. But I thought that this method, similarly as with reading, can be started at any age. Probably many parents spend their money on book which they can not use.

Concerning updates in the newest GD books.

I purchased my books 5 months ago from amazon.co.uk.
" How to multiply…" is copyrighted from 2005.

May be there are some updates but they might be very minor and unsignificant.

In chapter about the reading, there is about the use of that strange paper size. Like every other paper size is poisonous. But now, everyone is using A4. Why not?

There is even a comment on use of stencils (who will use them in the age of computers?) but there is not anything about the use of computers. Well, here is said that you can use computer for printing. But computer is something more than just a printer.
So, this book still is (and will be) half century old.

In general, I think that GD method is great. But it was published in sixties and have not much changed from that. And it is OK. Other authors continue his work.

It is as like as with photography. In sixties, there were black and white photos which were developed manually. Nowdays, if we want to make good pictures, we use basic recomendations from old times but we don’t need to follow all the recomendations on how to manually develop pictures in bathroom, in red light :slight_smile:

Hope that I have a chance to attend the talk as well. Thanks a lot for sharing.

I wanted to say that I have enjoyed hearing everone’s thoughts and experiences on the talk. :slight_smile:

teaching babies is sure about exposure and repetition and keenness, calm mom and they playful way it being delivered.

before i learnt about these methods, i learnt that the first three years is crucial and so i taught and taught, and got mocked in the way as well. my gran still mocks at me for buying Kyle books, which is my favourite way of spending money, i tell you!

but all of my teaching long before he started walking, and then intensifyin when he started talking did pay the price.

and yes i tell you, take from the things that interest them most, and you can teach encyclopedias into them! like my sons new fav being those construction vehicles and he differenciates them all and is learning the parts of it! their interest, our attitude, repetition, consistency and having it all ready are the keys!

feel the same lol

the development chart was brilliant …

There is a brief talk by DD when he was in HK on this show (first part only).

Its mainly in cantonese, but watch the 4min++ to 5mins into the show and you can see DD talking in English for those who are interested.

Again he mentions the frequency, intensity and duration and this time he describes it … enjoy.

(pls see link below download and click on it it uses windows media player.)

For those abl eto read chinese … pls see link below and find the windows media player to play … it covers alot more than just GD method but also include montessori … and others …
