daycare abuse my child

I found out a few days ago that my son’s daycare (home care) was abusing him. When my son’s started there, I told her he is not fully potty train. She said its ok, she will potty train him. At that time my son was 34 months old. When my cousin went to pick him up from daycare, she found him in the shower naked and shivering. He made a mess on himself and they took off all his clothes and lock him in the shower. When I called her about what happened, she said he is a big boy so he should know to go to the washroom by himself. I asked her why did she take him. I really can’t believe she did this to him. I took him out and going to keep him home until he is ready for school. How do you protect your kids from people like that.

Report it to child protective services. That’s unacceptable.

I’m so sorry your son was in that kind of environment. :frowning:

You HAVE to report that. It is abuse and she needs her license taken off her. Your son needs to be interviewed by a professional counsellor who may be able to discover other sorts of abuse locked away in his memory.

I agree, like I said in my email to you. Report it to the police, and tell all the parents who have children there too so they know too.

It breaks my heart to hear your son went through this, I am so sorry. How is your son doing?

PS…Please report her to the authorities so she can’t abuse other children.

have you noticed any other types of unusual conducts in your child’s behavior before?what about his vocabulary…can he speak and explain you stuff? For how long he is been going to this daycare?how many kids do they watch?
I will totally understand if she needed to bath him after a big mess…but I woulnd’t leave him by himself in the tub, and “lock” him in the bathroom!! Unacceptable!!
I hope everything will be ok after this sad incident, Give him lots of love and hugs!!

I for one (I run a home daycare) would never bathe someone elses child. I haven’t ran into this problem yet, but if a child soils themself so badly that they need a bath they are required to go home and bathe. Bathing a daycare child just opens up a whole can of worms I’m not willing to open. Not only that, I have 3 other children to supervise, who would watch them while I give someone else a bath?
sthomas, I hope your little man is ok. Please keep us posted.


so sorry to hear that. please report to the authority… they must have her licenses removed…

i hope your little one is alright.

Breaks my heart… then I get angry… then… never mind.

I hope your little guy is okay. Lots of hugs and assurance and consistancy.


Thanks for the kind replies. My son been going there for two months and we took a two months break. He started going there again for the last three weeks. Its three of them that works there. Its about 13 kids all togather. My son is not able to tell me anything that happened there because he just answered yes to every question you asked him. My son suffer from asthama so leaving him in the shower without clothes could have caused serious attack because its in the basement that they have the daycare. He is doing well, and he is using the potty too. I am going to report her, my mom is the problem. My mom is upset with what happened but we all are from the caribbean and she wants me to leave her to god. My mom is a piece of work for sure.

Well, maybe your mom can trust that God works through people…and maybe He wants to work through police officers this time!

Shame on that director and her employees! For the sake of the other children still under their care, you need to report it!

@sthomas, you must report to police, to prevent abuse of other children.

A couple of months back i took my child to day care - I wanted to put my child for just one month in day care as i had some health issues and couldnt take care of him properly. There there were many children of course, and when one of the children started crying NO BODY comforted him :(. what kind of day care is all these where they cannot care for children? I dont know about other abuses there may be. I think in many day care this is happening. children are so small and unable to speak, so they cant communicate :(.

I brought back my child the same day within a few hours and hired a babysitter during day time, who will be present alongside me to take care of my child for that month which i was sick.

** i m sorry to hear the abuse you child had to suffer.

That’s terrible! :mad:

Aside from reporting to the authorities, maybe it’s best to go to another daycare center – one that has lots of good reviews / feedback

I’m just worried for both of you that something like this might happen again if you stay with that daycare (especially if the people who did that to him are still working there) :frowning:

I hope your son’s doing well now, and as PY said, “Give him lots of love and hugs!!”

Please do report them as they cannot be allowed to continue doing this to other children. I am so sorry for what your little boy went though, it is heartbreaking…
If you have to take him back to a daycare again, apart from reading reviews, reports, references, etc, do ask to spend some time there with him initially. You will observe them with other children while their parents are away and may get a better idea. I hear some parents even put up a webcam in the daycare play area (with the daycare and other parents’ permission, presumably) to keep an eye on their children from work (via free programmes like Skype).

I totally understand your point of view, being a daycare provider envolves lots of responsability …but Years ago When I was in collegue I used to baby sit for a family for over 3 years, they had couple of wonderful kids, their parents were very busy most of the day at work or travelling, so I was the one who will cook for them, take them places, take them to the preschool,soccer,beisbol,jockey…etc and also bath them and put them to sleep. These kids will cried whenever I had to live their house …they will say don’t go!!. I still visit them at least twice a year, their family loves my daughter, we still have a great friendly relation. One I got married these kids were the ring kids…these kids and their parents are like family to me!! Of course I just had two of them…this is a different situation than having a daycare with more children. This is a different case.
My point is I don’t think there is something terrible wrong bathing a child with PREVIOUS authorizacion of the parent of course. If they trust you enough to take care of them during the day and even change their diapers , I don’t really understand why people always goes to the bad and dark site of situations…
I was talking with a teacher assistant yesterday and she said that in the school she works they don’t allow to hug the kids or even play with them because it can open bad interpretations…if the kids want to give you a hug you need to push them away!!
BUT I like I said locking him in the bathroom and leave him all by himself !!! THAT IS WAY OUT OF LINE!!! UNACCEPTABLE…
Well I think this is a very different topic …Going back to sthomas9 situation… I wish you guys go thru this sad event and feel better soon.


I was telling my mom about your situation and she suggested spending an afternoon outside the day care place and meeting each parent as they entered to pick up their child. You could tell them each of your story or have it written out for them as most parents are usually in a hurry after work. She said that you should ask them to stop by the daycare unexpectedly, too, to see if anything is inappropriate. And, of course, to let you know if they have similar complaints. Sometimes it’s cheaper and easier emotionally if you have another family to work with when you file your complaint with the authorities.

But please don’t keep this to yourself. I know that your other option is letting God deal with it, but in the Bible it says to pray for our leaders - that is our government - and so, if we are to pray for them they must be part of God’s plan to help us keep order in our world. Please consult someone who is able to help you and prevent it from happening to any other child.

If I can be very honest with you, and I obviously only know what you’ve told us about the situation, but if my child was in the same daycare as your son and a few months later something similar happened to him…I would be so utterly disappointed to hear that it could have been prevented.

Oh if I were a nanny and the parents were ok with it I would-be fine with bathe a child. However like sthomas said there are 13 children to 2 adults. That doesn’t sound like a safe environment to bathe a child. And just to protect myself and my family I just choice not to. My personnal comfort level.

I can’t say that I’d choose to bath another child either. As a former camp director and classroom teacher, its been drilled into me to NEVER be alone with a child. NEVER…let alone a naked child. But this is a little off topic.

SThomas, if you do decide to proceed with charges, please let us know - you, obviously, will be able to get much support from this community. You may have to go to meetings and fill out paperwork alone, but we’ll be here to encourage you through it.

I am very sorry to hear what you and your child have been through. It is unbeliebable that people like this may be runnig a day care. I don’t know how i will react in this situation. But as kizudo said, you have to do something. Think if there had been before any other abuse and nobody warn you of this., how would you feel.

I will actually pull my child out from this program right now!!if you are going to report this case to the authorities,I don’t think is a good idea to keep your child there. You should have more options, there is always another window open!!
I wish you the best courage to deal with this!!