Hi guys!
For those who don’t read my blog, on Thursday my family and I are all flying to Calgary for an appointment with a DAN! Doctor(defeat autism NOW!)
If you guys are the praying type, please keep us in your prays. Please pray that this is the final step for my son to finally defeat his autism diagnosis, and that God will provide us the money we need to support our efforts.
This DAN! Practitioner told me she has some children that get kicked out of speech therapy after 6 months of treatments because they no longer need it. While she’s not promising us a cure, she is giving us hope. http://domanandaba.blogspot.com/2011/02/2-days-and-counting-till-our-visit-with.html
Thanks everyone!
Not everyone on the spectrum is flapping on floor and banging their heads. Wesley is very high functioning. I’ve just told people he is language delayed and no one has questioned me. The spectrum range is so large that no two children on the spectrum have exactly the same problems. Wesley has friends, he is very smart, and most people just think he’s a quiet little boy. They say there are MANY adults going around with some form of autism, and people don’t call them autistic, they tend to say they are quirky. So I doubt you can “always” tell a child has autism.
Once again Thank-you everyone for your prayers.
I am surprised by this comment, not because it’s “ignorant” but because it comes across as condescending. This poster poured her heart out via blog about dropping everything and every last penny, stopping at nothing to recover her son and that includes soliciting prayers on a public forum. Just seems a bit crass to “call her out” about her decision to protect her son’s privacy (to avoid labels and generalizations exactly like this), when what she asked for and needed was support.
Perhaps your comment was unintentionally offensive, but there are certainly people on the spectrum that are less obvious than others. Additionally, my understanding is that her son has improved significantly since beginning his Early Learning/Doman program, diminishing tell-tale signs even more. There’s a saying in the Autism field–“When you’ve met one child with Autism…you’ve met one child with Autism.”
Be gentle…this is someone’s child we’re talking about.
Oh no! I’m so, so, very sorry! I didn’t mean it like that at all. I’m so sorry. I know Wesley is smart and I know how hard you work to help your sweet boy, I didn’t mean it to be so offensive. I guess I just showed how stupid I am, and I have no excuse other than sometimes I am, well, stupid…
Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to be hurtful…I just don’t really understand Autism well…it was rather tasteless of me to word the question like that…
No harm done. I’m just very defensive of my son. You’ll find when you have a child of your own one day, Mama Bear instinct is very strong and hard to control. I know you were just curious. Feel free to PM me any questions you might have about autism.