DAN! Visit

God Bless you and your family.

My best wishes and may god bless you and wesley.

All the Best Wishes and Prayers for you and Wesley.

Thank you so much everyone! We are back home. I learned a lot and we have started a new homeopathic program. She also gave me heck for not taking time for myself as well and gave me ideas what I can do for myself too.
I plan on writing about our visit, but we flew in at midnight last night and our car was dead as a door knob so we didn’t get home and into bed till 1:30am. So were pretty tired today. As soon as I get the energy I will tell you all the juicy details!
Thanks again so much for your support. And please keep us in your prayers while we do our treatment.

I will continue to pray for you and your family. I am glad your trip was fruitful and I am looking forward to hearing more awesome news. God Bless You and Your Family! :slight_smile:

Get some good rest and tell us all about it! :biggrin:

Well were back! What a trip. Wesley did fantastic flying. While I was struggling with my ears popping, Wesley didn’t even flinch. We arrived in Calgary to beautiful weather. Friday we drove down to the doctor’s office. She met with me alone first and we went over Wesley’s medical history. I learned a lot, like Tylenol prevents your body from naturally detoxing for 21 days. Also Wesley can’t sit still at the dinner table because he is busy moving trying to get his food to digest. Wesley was amazing when he came in. I could tell the doctor was nerve that he was going to get aggressive, no matter how much I assured her he wouldn’t. She told me none of the parents of the children that attacked her expected them too. But by the end of the appointment she was amazed by him and told him he was the best patient who came in for a first visit she has ever met. She went on to tell me, that I did him a great service cutting out gluten and dairy when I did. It may have saved his gut from more damage. She found that the cough his peds doctor told me was “Just a virus” was actually the start of bronchitis. Also we found protein in his urine. So his kidney’s are not working properly. These are the remedies she suggested to us.

  1. Solidago Similiaplex- Kidney Support
  2. Nuxvomica-Similiaplex- GI Support and Leaky Gut
  3. Lymphdiaral- Lymphatic Support
  4. Pascoleucyn- Enhances the body’s natural defences in acute and chronic illnesses
  5. Drosera Similiaplex- Bronchial and lung conditions
  6. Guna VRS- Viral Infections with acute and chronic Inflammatory presentation
  7. B12 plus folic Acid Nose Spray- Supports Methylation and Nerval
  8. Vaccinium vitis idea- Heals the mucosal membranes in the intestine
  9. Euphorbium- Chronic sinusitis
  10. Guna Flam- Acute and Chronic inflammations in various areas.
  11. Tartephedrel- Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis
  12. Wobenzyme- Useful for breaking down problem protein. Helps eliminate reactions from gfcf/IgG infractions. Muscle support
  13. Selenium- Antioxidant, immune system, Heavey metal detox, basic formula for ADHD, supports brain functions (start on day 7)
  14. Focus DMG- Improvement Behaviors : More eye contact, decreases frustration, improves speech and interest in interacting socially, decreasing aggressive behaviour towards self and others in severe cases, immune functioning (start on day 14)
    For most of them I can put the morning/noon/night drops in one bottle and have him sip on it throughout the day. As long has he is done by 6-7pm. This is such a relief for me as a parent, I can’t image giving him 14 different products throughout the day. This allows me to prepare a bottle and only little pill box of things when Wesley does to his dad’s or my parents. Heck even when we are or out and about I don’t have to carry 14 bottles in my purse.
    I also got a talking to about my own health. She sent me home with supplements to help heal a bad cough I had. She also recommended I start taking Vitamin B12 shots to deal with my stress levels and my shaky hands. She hit the money on a lot of the problems I have been having, including tension and lack of sex drive. One thing she made clear to me, I need to start caring for myself because I’m not taking enough time for me and in the end everyone will suffer if I’m not well.
    One thing I would recommend to any parent buying remedies from their DAN! Doctor, if possible check prices. My ND at home charges the same price as I would pay online sometimes cheaper. If she can’t sell it to me at that price or cheaper, she doesn’t and just sends me to the store/website to order in myself. Well our DAN! Doctor sold me almost everything way above what I would have paid on line. Ranging between $10-$20 more. One item even cost me $65 more!! I was kind of in a tight spot. Since we were the last patients on a Friday night, I could a) buy everything and hope it’s cheaper then online or b) wait, and risk that online will be more or that I wouldn’t be able to get it. Well at least now I know and I will be price checking any remedies she tries to sell me.
    For the rest of the trip we went to Banff, Lake Louise, Chinook Mall and the Loose Moose Theatre for a kids play. Friday night I was just exhausted and fell asleep right away. Saturday night I stress about our meeting on Friday, I worried about bring our remedies in carry on because they are radiation sensitive, worried about money, etc. I was just tense and uptight.
    Now that we have started, I notice Wesley seems to be feeling better and finally getting over this cold that wouldn’t go away. It’s hard to tell too much just yet as he was so exhausted from our trip. I hope though as he gets settled in the routine we will began to notice more changes.

Thanks for the update. I’m glad it went well and you had a good trip!

Thanks for the update Waterdreamer - and I’m with Nikki on this one, glad to know everything is going great with you and Wesley! :happy:

[on a side note, belated happy birthday Nikki!] lol

What your doctor said is true - I understand how sometimes all of your concern is poured over your child, but yes - do remember to take time to asses how you feel and take steps to take better care of yourself, too. :slight_smile:

It’s pretty easy for a selfless mommy such as yourself to overlook being tired, but think about it this way: a strong and happy mommy will be in a better position to take care of her family.

I think I posted this in a thread before, but do look into Vitamin D :happy: (specifically Vitamin D3! It’s good for your bones AND it also helps improve your mood!)

Anyway, I’m personally very pleased that everything is going very well, and I pray more happiness for you, your family and Wesley! :biggrin:

Hi Waterdreamer, :slight_smile:
great to hear good news.
You should take care of yourself. Here’s why: your child will get better.
I’ve seen that on me, and on a friend of mine. She has a little girl with a lot of problems. Each time she, the mother, takes care of herself - her health, her sleep, her emotional life, etc. - the girl is fine, getting better.
For a week or so I have started for myself a programme including taking care of my body, emotions, flexibility and more. Guess what? I’m happier and my son is too! He hugs us often telling: “He loves mummy” (can’t say “I” yet).

Happy and healthier mom - happy and healthier child!

Best wishes,


So glad to hear the trip was really beneficial for you both! I am inspired, I am going to call our local naturopath today and at least inquire on prices. I know preventative health is the way to go but implementing it can be a challenge.