
I want to know that parents here are doing any craft activities with there kids??? if yes than can you share what kind of craft activity we can do with 2 yrs old kid

Felicity goes to an art class and they do all sorts of things there, with glue, paint, clay, etc. At first she didn’t like getting her hands dirty lol but she got used to it after a while!

hey thats really good.And thanx for sharing.At what age she started art class??

Shortly after she turned 2.


 first i want to say iam new at txperince in this topiche site and i really like crafts for kides ..and i had a great

experience in this topic…i graduted from faculty of fine arts and worked as class teacher for K.G for two years
so i make many of craftes for kides…

first at that age kids like drawing …like colouring …cut and paste…its the first step to prepare them for craftes… i will sent to u some of colouring pages and cut and paste but i have to go now bec my baby is crying … :confused: …sorry…[/b]

With two years old I think children can not make much craft so I suppose it must me the adult who does it. I think children at that age can only draw, coluring but they cannot cut and paste at least not alone, if you are interested in crafts look for some good ones and make them to your child, he will learn from watching you. I know some websites about it :

All our kids have loved playing modelling with salt dough. Its good and inexpensive and can be made at home, and when it has dried out they love to put colour on their creations using (non-toxic) paints. The little 2yr olds don’t need to make anything recogniseable, they enjoy squishing it about but love to practise rolling sausage shapes and so on. They don’t need paintbrushes to start with either - ours used finger paints and got gloriously messy. Soon they will tell you that they have made ie a dog - car - man - for you to admire :wink:
Finger painting is also good - they love doing hand and foot prints - you need to have this activity outside or in a washdown environment - and preferable timed near to bathtime lol
Its really good for getting them not to mind getting their hands messy - that way they learn about the opposite - keeping clean.
Both these activities have built in face painting experience as a bonus lol lol :clown:

My dd loved gluing things at this age. We did crafts with cotton balls ( to make a sheep), noodles, toilet paper rolls & other miscellaneous items from around the house.

muse loves crafts
at 11 months old my mom start telling me a should start coloring with her
i thought she was way to young but my mom would do it with her
she started coloring by herself at one year old
and by 15 months could hold a color correctly
so i started paint with her using poster paint and adult size paint brushes
at 18 months we start gluing colorful foam shapes on card stock
and make collages one of are favorite things to do
i go though old baby magazines with her and she picks out pictures she likes
then she takes stick glue and glues it herself on to a large paper
she makes really beautiful pieces
playdoh is a big hit too

all this art stuff has given her really good control of her hands and fingers
so next week when she turns two we will begin write exercises

Hi there, my son is three and a half and we follow the first school letter of the week program. I am inclined to go for the pictures that can be cut out after painting or colouring. In this way the end product looks really neat and he is just so pleased with himself. I cut them out - he is getting the hang of scissors, and do let him have a turn with some of the art work. I then display them in his bathroom and bedroom, and rotate them as we do new work.

Hope it all works out for you - some great websites have been recommended!

TABS :smiley:

As the one year old in the picture has shown me,
Painting can be a great deal of fun,
and the creations children and babies come up with
deserve to hang in a museum for the originality and uniqueness
just be prepared for a mess to clean up afterward

I have tried to tackle sewing with the three year old girl it
is challenging though, and the seams on one dress we have been
working on have to be taken out many many times and the project
is taking much longer, but there is nothing in the world like the
smile on her face when she realizes she accomplished something

I think children can accomplish any challenge we put them up
against the problem is we are afraid that they will not be able to


What i think is that one should never stop the child even in case they draw lines on walls.Some parents may not like making walls dirty, however in case the kid is stopped doing that, in such case, the parents may be supressign his hidden talent.

The clay of different colours can be given to child, and different shapes can be made through them, i am sure the child will like that.

As i have treid the same with my child, he liked the same very much.
I hope yours will also like it.


Seema I feel the very same way …Dont stop him/her doing so.Though you can paste some sheets of paper upto his proximity.
This habbit infact makes him more creative.Somewhere I have read
when child starts doing this ,that means some good chemical changes are stimulating his brain.

Anyways family makes a “house” a “home”.
So be patiant next time when your child draws.he can be next M F Hussain.


My daughter is only 14 months old and so far she is only starting to colour in - we gave her crayons at 12 months and she can use them fairly well now though I actually find a pen is better as it makes marks more easily and with less pressure.

When she is a bit older I plan on painting a wall black to make a blackboard that she can draw on with chalks - hopefully this will prevent any other walls from getting messed up - I actually do think that children need to learn suitable places to use their artistic skill, but then I also plan on providing plenty of space for it (including an area of the walls)

Hi Tanikit,

We felt the same about appropriate places on the wall to draw. In my sons bedroom he has a painted blackboard on his wall and he just loves it! (we primed the wall first and then used blackboard paint, I think you can get it in a variety of colours - well I know for sure you can get white and green as well as black). It’s a great place too for him to bond with his dad. They draw together and trace a few letters or words like his name etc. It’s also a good place to write notes - for example, I sometimes write - “Mark needs to clean his room”, or “Mark has been so good today” or “Daddy and Mommy love Mark” I then read it too him a couple of times and then during the day I often find him says the words again “reading them” whether it’s from memmory or not doesn’t matter, it’s been a good way to let him know things that are important. Having different chalk colours are lots of fun and I found it was a good way to find out his favourite colours. His are red, blue and green - I have then tried to use these in Little Reader. I change the colour of flash words to either of these colours and he often wants to see them again in green or blue. I hope he is taking it all in - but isn’t it a great feeling to know that we’ve made some effort to help them along the way to learning?


TABS :slight_smile: I think blackboard paint is great! I didn’t know about that…so that doesn’t leave any traces at all, huh?

I also loved your idea about finding out his favorite colors and using them in LR, very creative :wink:

The chalk doesn’t make a mess? I know whenever I use it, it gets all over my hand and leaves dust everywhere. I know there is dust-free chalk, but it still seems a little messy.

what about crayon
e enjoys painting with crayons though she sometimes draw on the walls

you know nhockaday, i heard once that that chalk dust is bad to breath in…do you know if this is true or just a myth?