Confessions of a Doman mom

wow you just made me feel tons better about all my library fines
now i don’t check out any books for the kids only myself
because there books always get lost
also as soon as i get home from the library i go online and renew all the books three times
it gives me 9 more weeks so if i lose one i have more time to find it

oh for all the parents in the USA check out
it’s a free site that lets you trade books you don’t want any more for cool new books from other people on the site
you can use my name as a reference if you want anna haskell
when you sign up you right away get two free books
it’s another site i spend way to much time on but it’s so fun :yes:

Our biggest fine was 200 USD, but that was when I was working 80+ hours a week. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I might be messing up my child. I switch from English to German to Spanish to Chinese to Japanese. Most of it is in English, and I just say nouns in the FL. In a one hour period he might hear dog, perro, inu, or Hund. My poor little one. :wink:

The good news is my sister didn’t talk much until she was three, and she is perfectly fine and bright. I’m not going to worry too much about it. It just gets frustrating sometimes to see other kids his age who speak in full sentences.

I think that play groups are important too. Too bad none of you guys live near me because we could arrange for a play date. Dirk LOOOOVVVESS other children.

Tatianna, I’m going to have to check out the book swap, but I don’t know if I could part with any of my books! :slight_smile:


I never thought it will be so hard to teach my daugther Spanish because I’m a native speaker, but I caught myself several times mixing English and Spanish. I have had to make a conscientious decision of what language I’m going to be talking to her because base on what Dr. Tilzer says “you can’t mix the languages” and it can be hard. :wacko: Just like kids do, I was using whatever word was easier to say (either the word was in English or Spanish) :nowink: So now, I talk to her all the times in Spanish and I only use English when we are aroung people that only speak English and when teaching her materials in English. I’m still working on it. :blush:

I am happy to know that I am not the only person who spends hours online in search of something more, I Started reading the books of Doman before my daughter born, But I was very disorganized and I didn’t have any progressive in the first year. Sorry, my english is not so good, I still learning.

This is tooo funny!!!

Ok here it goes, I DEFINATELY have some confessions to make!

1.) I have let my kids taste my Starbuck’s coffee on more than one occasion!

2.) I hate cleaning, and avoid it like the plague! (Luckily I can hide things fast)

3.) I let my girls eat insects out of the back yard!

4.) “No candy” is allowed for the kids, but I’ll eat sneak a piece if chocolate when they are not watching

5.) I Spend too much time on-line!

6.) Put off laundry for a week at time, but then I’ll do 5 loads in one day

7.) Have hair issues and always stress over it!!!

8.) Sometimes it takes me WELL OVER 2 hours to get everyone ready!!!

9.) Always feel like I’m not doing good enough with my kids, even though the have read home-made books!!!

10.) I am a total perfectionist - and it’s hell!!!

Oh I thought of another…

1.) I have literally THROWN all the reading cards out of frustration, right in the middle of a session!!! I never thought it was too funny… But Lindsay did!LOL!

2.) Believe it or not. I completely gave up and stopped teaching for months and sent Lindsay to Florida for 6 weeks!!! …She was absolutely driving me bonkers!

This feels great!


Hi Autumn - check out if you want some help with your perfectionism. I can’t say how much she’s helped me - I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and this time it’s not an oncoming train!

Be well,


I really like the flylady website. Thanks!

I have made some progress from starting this initial post. I’ve been very successful at introducing new books to my children.

It definitely takes time to get organized and to work out educational goals! :slight_smile:

Thanks PurpleFungi and LTD!

Everyday is a work in progress. No matter who we are or what we do.

I really love this group!


I think that we all want to do it all (be perfect mothers, have bright kids, have a spotless house, cook the best food, be the top at our personal professions, and etc.). The only thing is that we can’t do it all.

That won’t stop me from trying, though! ;

ditto! ; )