Confessions of a Doman mom

  1. I don’t read enough to my son. My goal is to read at least a few early readers and then out of a read aloud book (a biography, history, poetry, fairy tales, etc…) daily. Somedays it happens, somedays wiht work and dinner and all of that it simply becomes late and we crash into bed exhausted with nary a book read.

  2. When my son is disobedient I send him to the corner, sometimes I am happy to send him to the corner so I can have a few minutes to check my e-mail.

  3. My son is very verbally precocius, but his math skills are not great. I am nearly certain that this is because I find teaching math boring and was not consistent with our math program and still don’t like to teach it.

  4. My program has really fallen to the wayside in everything except reading, but he is making progress in reading!

  1. My math and reading program are not as consistent as I wish they were.

  2. I have almost given up on elimination communication - we just don’t seem to be communicating anymore.

  3. I use breastfeeding as downtime to read many parenting books, most of which I do not have the time or motiviation to implement.

  4. I retyped this post at least 5 times, dd kept turning off the computer!

My confessions:

  1. I also spend ALOT of time online.

  2. We haven’t been to the library in over a year and I owe them $50 in late fees. (It’s my hubbies fault though. He left 2 videos in the car for almost a month and they charge something like $1 a day.

  3. I have no friends, something I keep saying I will fix but between teaching my daughter and my online time I never go out.
    which brings me to number

4: I have been meaning to take my daughter to the mom and tot drop in for over a year. Why can’t I make myself go? I am worried that I will go and no one will talk to me. I have belonged to 3 different drop in centres in the last 18 yrs and never met anybody. I am shy and peole tend to stick together.

my little girl still can’t read yet. nothing
(even though i taught lots of other kids to read)

the first year i spent at home with my daughter i hated ever minute i was not at work

i spend way more time read about early childhood education then teaching my daughter

sometimes i think i’m learning more then she is

guilt anyone?
some nights i wake up in a panic because she is already 2 and a half
there is so much to learn and so little time

but there are great things too
muse loves
fine art
classical music
and is soooo sweet
it’s been a wonderful 2 years

It was encouraging to read from everybody here, :slight_smile:

thanks for starting this thread,

looks like a lot of us need to invest in our off-line, no-book time, teaching our kids, going out and having fun!
Good news, teaching little kids doesn’t have to take long, just few minutes a day!

Staceycanada, I think it’s time to go this week! If you already put your fears in words, they can’t stop you any longer! Nothing worse can happen, I bet you might find another shy mom to reach out to :slight_smile: Where in Canada are you? I have good friends in Montreal…

About book reading/not implementing: take notes of what you try that week while you are reading, go back to book only after you’ve tried and tested your noted plans!

I didnt really read to my daughter as much as I should (and wanted to) when she was younger. She would pull at the book and scream and wouldnt sit on my lap or sit still. I only really started reading to her about 4 months ago, and now I cant stop lol.
She is 12 months old now and is only interested in her books, I sit down to rest for a bit after doing some work around the house (I’m a stay at home mum), and she will toddle up to me (she used to crawl til she started walking a month ago) with a book in her hand and then shove it at me saying mumumumum…
I take this to mean “read me this book” :smiley: So i sit and read the book, then again and again, until I put it down elsewhere. Then she will pick it up again and bring it back, lol or another one she has found…she has plenty.

I wouldnt worry too much about her not sitting still. My daughter was like that too and now she will stand still while I read it or sit on my lap if I ask her to.

I hope it sorts itself out for you :slight_smile:

I eat the marshmallows out of my son’s Kaboom lol lol

I am in Ontario. They are closed for this week but I am for sure going on Tuesday (they are closed Monday’s) and on Tuesday I am going to a Le Leche League get together. Way to jump with both feet huh!

way to go! :smiley: tell us how it goes :wink:

I’ve got some more:

I have to put the oldest in his room when I breastfeed my youngest.

I can’t keep up with my youngest for milk while I’m at work so now I have to supplement with formula while I’m away. I hate this.

I don’t have too many friends in real life either. Canada isn’t too far from me. You can come over for a play date! :slight_smile:

I don’t always change my baby’s diaper in the middle of the night after I breast feed him.

I am very unmotivated to potty train.

Math with Dirk isn’t working so far it seems.

I never feeel like I’m doing a good enough job at being a mother, but this could be a little post partum depression going on.

I think that I’m learning way more than my children in this process. I’m picking up foreign words left and right and reading about early education way more than I ever had before. There is just so much information out there.

I’m not good at discipline. I want my children to trust me and maybe, if I’m lucking enough, to have them look up to me. I have a hard time telling Dirk “no.” Sometimes if I get really mad, I might start yelling at him. He really tries me.

is it only for mum’s?? can Doman dad’s post too?? :laugh:

flash cards flash cards flash cards … everyday flash cards … everywhere flashcards … i am seeing red everywhere …

I think i need another cabinet to store the flash cards… there ain’t no more space, the diapers and wet towels, the milk powder, the tricycle, the stroller, the high chair, the rocking chair, the potty, her play room … wow … and i am up at 3am collecting data for her and getting hook here waiting for doremisoft … what to teach, when to teach, how to teach … everyday … its in our mind … now she seems to be having tantrums too (terrible 2 coming early) … making teaching harder …

I mean the more we teach the more she learns, the faster she is able to learn and the longer her concentration … materials are like flying off the shelves burn rate is high … and i hope i can get the LR content reorganise suitably for her to start it asap … well have to proof read everything before letting her view … and i guess its going to be many many more lates nights …

Sorry Trinity Papa! I never meant to exclude the dads. I like reading the father’s posts, and I think that it is very wonderful that you guys take interest in the education of your little ones. :slight_smile:

I see red everywhere too. I even ran out of red toner first!!! Talk about expensive!

Dirk likes to carry his words around now. It was funny yesterday that he had the word, “bed” on his bed. Was he trying to tell me something? Who knows?

The terrible two’s definitely make it harder to teach because you really can’t teach anything when they are upset or angry.

Another confession…Dirk doesn’t talk as much as other kids his age. He babbles a lot and does say two-three word sentences, but they mostly consist of things like, “How are you?” Other children seem to talk way more than him. :frowning:

Another confession:
What I’d love for Mother’s day is for my partner to take my daughter out with him for a few hours so I can read the newspapers with a cup of tea… and have the house to myself…

I am a chocoholic… Though I try to hide from my kids :wacko:

I totally agree. I’m really into Dove chocolates right now. I never used to like chocolate so much! :slight_smile:

Mother’s day is great! :slight_smile:

After giving birth…I became and chocoholic also…so funny!! But I not any more… :wink:

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms and thanks everyone for the great posts. Strangely comforting.

Lots to confess here, including still not getting LR and LM organized and properly implemented, but the main thing is the almost overwhelming sense that things are about to spin completely out of control…

I recently stumbled over a site that’s helping me organize my head and home:

I was skeptical at first, but it seems to be working - things are slowly coming together and my stress levels have dropped significantly. Now, if I could just get Herself to sleep through the night…

My daughter has already sampled a lot of things. I’ve never used any guidelines and so far she is fine. At 9 months she’s virtually tried all vegetables & fruits, and ‘adult’ food like chili, garlic, oignon, tofu, mocha with soy milk and had a bite of strong dark chocolate once…


I think this two post go together becuase one has the concern and the other one is giving you the answer :yes: … this is just my humble opinion… I think that it is taking longer to Dirk to talk as much as kids of his age because he is learning more that one language. :yes: This is very common on kids learning more than one language. Their brain is trying to figure out which words belong to which language. Same thing with the phonics. So don’t stress about it. :nowink: I’m preparing myself in case this happens because I sure prefer it takes my daughter a few more months to speak, but whe she does she is fluent in at least two languages :wink:

Regarding the lock of friendships… I encourage everybody to be part of play groups or whatever helps you to get closer to other people, even if they don’t become your “friends” you get to talk to them. I think this is neccesary to stay sane. I have to make myself to go to playgroups and story tellings at the library so my daughter gets to see other kids and I get to see other people too. It is much easier to stay home with her doing our activities, but the social part is important too. I say I make myself go because everytime I go to a playgroup or something my schedule gets very off and sometimes I do not get to do all the activities I normally do with my daughter and then I feel bad :frowning: but I remind myself that the social part of our lifes is important too and she is learning to share with other kids.

My kids and I, including bub, are banned from the library. It’s so hard keping a track of all that material all those books, dvds, cds…I’ve had hundreds of dollars in fines, but every couple of years luckily they have an amnesty where you can donate canned foods and get fines waived (except for lost items). Only one problem, as I’m banned I’m not in the library much so it’s hard to know when amnesty is on. And the libray doesnt let me know. I was so glad when bub got a library card, so I could borrow again. Now we wait for the next bub to be born to get a useable card, although I best just keep out of the place and never borrow again.