Confessions of a Doman mom

Here are some of my confessions despite being an early education advocate:

  1. I don’t read actual books enough to my child.
  2. My toddler is a very picker eater.
  3. We’ve just started to potty train (2 years & 3 months)

Your turn!

I’m right there with you on number one. The other day a read in a post that people read like 10, 20 even 50 books a day :ohmy: Maybe here and there we read 10 books, but that is a lot for us. My daughter doesn’t sit still for too long even though she is not quite mobile yet. Which brings the concern on how it is going to be once she gets mobile :blink:

How does Derek do when you are reading to him? Valerie and Derek are only like 16 days apart. :smiley:

  1. I set aside my son’s portion before I mix in the cilantro/red pepper/carrots so I won’t have to wait an eternity at meal time as he picks it all out, or staunchly refuse to eat.
  2. We watch TV nearly everyday for an hour. Most of it is educational, but I like the Backyardigans as much as he does.
  3. The TV and the computer can teach my son something much faster and more pleasantly than I can. He believes anything as long as there’s a jingle to it, but won’t believe me when I tell him the “Y” can make at least three different sounds.
  4. I don’t buy organic most of the time. I try to cook a variety of foods, but my son’s favorite foods are still chicken nuggets and pizza.
  5. I have no desire to homeschool.
  1. My son is three years old and has never seen a flashcard with little dots on it.
  2. He doesn’t know what the capital of Sudan is.
  3. I don’t know what the capital of Sudan is. Or where exactly Sudan is.
  4. I had to look up Sudan on Wikipedia just now to make sure it was a country. Fortunately, it is, and is in northeastern Africa. But then, you probably already knew that.

I guess I am really pushy as a mom…everytime I play with my 14 months old or read to her, or do something else I test her,what is this?whta is that?what color?bla bla bla…sometimes I just forget to have fun and relax…like my husband says.I am really pushy…and I don’t know if that is good or bad.

-I wish I could have worked with my girl better fine motor skills,I just introduced her last week crayons, and we are doing it twice a day…trying to color something or practice her name.

I just tought of one think…it is bad… :ph34r: I have two tv shows that I like to watch and they are not educational. :blush: I watch them while I’m feeding my baby that is the time that I can sit still. I don’t let her watch them, but she is listening to them :frowning: Most of the day we have classic music on in the background. One of the shows is almost over, so I’m kind of looking towards the end, because that one is daily. The other one is once a week that is more manageble.

Joha, Derek loves books. He gets very excited. Dirk likes to “read” books to Derek and flip the pages for him. Dirk just babbles to him (no actual reading).

You guys are too funny. I love hearing “confessions!” It makes me feel more human. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, I’m totally stupid when it comes to Africa. I haven’t REALLY studied Africa since the fifth grade. :frowning:

  1. my son is now at daycare (2.5 hours) and I should study :slight_smile:
  2. I’m making some kind of curriculum for him and all Ariosto (italian literature) is waiting for me :wacko:
  3. I’d like homeschooling my son but in Italy it’s impossible :rolleyes:


You made me laugh cybermommy!
Well, at the moment my daughter can be challenging. She won’t leave me in peace. So the best trick I’ve found is to put her in a high chair with some good finger foods like cauliflower and chicken, and it keeps her occupied.

  1. I spend way too much time on-line.
  2. I miss my kids when I am not with them and can get annoyed easily when I am.
  3. The moment they see me, their behavior drops drastically (or so I am told as I never see the other)…
  4. Until yesterday, I thought my 2.5 y.o. will never learn a word, then she picked up her sister’s reader and found Mummy and water when I only showed it to them twice…
    so, I am very human too :wub:

Like Nikolett I

1 Spend WAY tooo much time online
2. When I am sooo tired from being up all night with Sophia I put YBCR on, put little miss in her high chair and have a sleep on the couch next to her.
3. I don’t always play classical music to her. I sometimes play the rolling stones and r&B and pop music and yes people that includes Madonna and Britney.
4. I don’t read any where near amount of the books that I should to her.
5. My house is not labelled with everything.

I know about spending too much time online, specially in this website lol . I’m seriously thinking about taking a break like Daddude to see if I get something done! Would see if I can do it, so much good info that is hard to resist! lol

I know what you mean- time to make some cards!

  1. i know all about Africa. i know where sudan is. thats because i live in Africa. however i dont know how many states are in the usa or how many presidents there were or who they are.

  2. when i want to chat online i play mickey mouse club house or little einsteins.

  3. i give Sa’ad candy coated chocolate sweets with lots of bad nasty sugar when i need him to be quiet.

  4. i cant get my son who can read and is doing maths and can speak in sentences to say please or thank you. he screamed 4 half an hour when i refused to give him a sweet and then i just gave it coz i couldnt stand the tantrum.

Spending too much time on this website … Reason trying to prepare a curriculam for my daughter … But I still have’nt started organising things …Everything is in the raw format … lol

  1. I spend A LOT of time on this site as well :slight_smile:
  2. I absolutely LOVE breastfeeding and the bond me and my son have because of it :biggrin:
  3. I am behind in creating new material and haven’t been reading as much as I used to lately
  4. Surprisingly, I am more relaxed when it comes to teaching him than I thought I would be :slight_smile:

We’re past breastfeeding now, but I used to nurse on the floor in front of the TV with a tape of my favorite cooking show. When my son saw any cooking show go by when someone was flipping channels, he would automatically go to the couch and pull a cushion down to the floor, then drag me over to the cushion to nurse him. Talk about your Pavlovian responses!

This site is sucking up way too much time for me a well, and I just started! I was hoping it got better.

Point 1 from your post Patience is totally true for me too!

  1. My son watches regular plain ol’ non “educational” TV in the morning with Dad while I work. He loves Mickey Mouse and Little Einstens
  2. I also don’t read enough to my son even though we go to the library every week for singing/reading time.
  3. I let my son take his cars and books to bed with him.
  4. I let him play in the dogs water bowl.
  5. I don’t always wipe his nose right away when it starts running. Seriously how many times can you do it in a day?!

I dont read enough books to bub. Partially because she wont sit still. I havent done much flashcard flashing as she rips at the cards and makes it a ordeal. As I’m a chocoholic she is too, despite my trying to hide my chocolate consumption. She woke up the other day in my bed, said “oh oh!!” and opened her mouth wide pointing to my bedside table. She lifted up a few things and sure enough there was a piece of chocolate which she popped straight in her mouth. The next day she did the same thing…she knows where I stash it even when I cant find any chocolate myself. She ate nuts (peanuts, cashews) early as she kept finding fruit and nut chocolate…
I have the best intentions but housework etc gets in the way.