breastfeeding poll

Just out o curiosity was wondering how long everyone breastfed for. I bf my 1st baby for 10months and that was it! I’m still bfeeding my LO and not too sure when I’ll stop. so just wondering what people did or are doing!

I breastfed my baby for 14 months…after that she was not interested anymore… :mellow:

Hi :slight_smile:
I am still breastfeeding and is thinking to do so till my son is 3. Here are some threads that may help.

I’m still breastfeeding and planning to go on :biggrin:

I am still breastfeeding and plan to stop when Gabriel is 2.

I am still breastfeeding and plan to continue for a while :slight_smile:

I’m still breastfeeding & plan to go on til she’s 2 :slight_smile:

I am still breastfeeding and will continue until she stops. She is 17 months now and all my other children stopped between 2-2 1/2.

wow! I never thought it was possible to go for that long. I just assumed the milk will dry out, but i guess it makes sense, since breast milk is on demand. I’m encouraged to try and go for as long as I can. well done guys

I stopped at 12 months. I was sick of pumping at work. I would have kept the bedtime nursing. But one breast completely dired up, and he lost interest. Kudos that keep it up! I really liked it, but now I realize how convenient my life is without it. To each their own!


It won’t dry out as long as you are still consistently nursing. Good luck!

I’m breastfeeding my son up to now. He doesn’t want to stop! He is 2 years and 5 months old.

I am still breastfeeding my 6.5 months son n continuous to do so till he become 2 yrs. :yes:

My son turns two in a few days, and I still enjoy breastfeeding, yesterday morning after I brestfed him, he smiled and with a contended whisper to himself he said, I am so happy! in total surprise I started laughing, I asked him, what makes you happy? He said, " mamma and dadda and nana" ( he calls nursing nana), I again bursted out laughing and so did my son, I asked again - what makes you happy and he said 'nana!". After a long uproar of laughter with my son, I called out to my husband to tell him the story- I said you won’t belive this! He responded I heard the whole thing, and was laughing qietly so as not to interrupt the moment. I answered the survey saying that I nursed to 3 yrs. as a statement to intent- my son has earned one more year of nursing.

That is so cute. I think I would have to nurse longer too if that happened.

There was an article in the local paper last month on the breastfeeding statistics in my health region, South Central Saskatchewan, Canada. I can’t remember all the stats but the one that I remember was that less than 10% of mothers in the area breastfeed past 6 months.

I am currently breastfeeding my almost 17 month old and have no plans on weaning anytime soon. Unfortunately, I only breastfeed at home because there is no community support for breastfeeding a toddler.

Thank you for everyone sharing their stories, they make me smile :slight_smile:

I am still currently breastfeeding my 4 1/2 year old daugter. My son nursed until 2 1/2, and my first daughter until she was almost 2. I’m not really sure when she will wean, but I’m thinking that it will happen some time this summer. She generally only asks to bf at bedtime, so I will miss that part of the routine, but understand that they do grow up, faster than we want them to.

My daughter calls breastfeeding ‘nap’, so others don’t know what she is asking for. My son had called it nurse and was embarrasing out in public when he asked repeatedly to nurse. I think that it is helpful to have a code word for breastfeeding for when mothers are out in pulic.

Milk is produced by supply and demand, as my 4 1/2 year old can leave for 4 days and when she returns she can still bf. My body has adjusted to her needs.

Thank you for sharing your stories. I think that it is wonderful that women were given this way to nourish their children.

I breastfed my son for 10 months along with supplamenting with formula. I would have gone with just breastfeedig for longer, but my milk supply was low, and he didn’t like nursing.

I nursed until shortly after my son turned 2. He wasn’t ready to stop, but we were gently weaning him because we wanted another child.

The AAP recommends nursing until 1 if possible, and then as long as both parties are happy.

The World Health Organization recommends nursing till 2 if possible, and then encourages as long as both parties are happy.

I know women from many nonwestern cultures nurse regularly until age 4 or longer–then they come here and find themselves judged–so sad! It’s so sad that “progress” is making mothers feel awkward about giving children something that is nurturing and healthy.

I wanted to nurse for at least the first year, but after one month I got mastitis three times and even though I went to a lactation specilist and did what she told me, to my breast never recovered from the infections :frowning: It was a very hard process for me because not only I saw it as the best nutrional option for my daughter, but it was about the bonding with her :frowning: I pumped for as long as I could so she can get the nutrients and complemented with formul’, but after three months my breast didn’t produce anymore :frowning: I hope I can nurse with my next baby.