breastfeeding poll

My 20 month old is still breastfeeding… it is a great help in smoothing out all the ups and downs of toddlerhood!

Hi i am still breastfeeding my almost 13 month old. I will continue to feed her until we both feel ready, not when people think it is right. I am trying for another baby so if I cant get pregnant while breastfeeding then I will wean her around 2years.

I am still breastfeeding my 14 month old and he and I still enjoy it. I plan to only ween him when I become pregnant with the next one. He often finishes a big feed, rolls onto his back with a big milky smile and starts clapping. How can I possibly ween him yet when my milk gets a round of applause. Magic.

I fed my baby for 15 months

i am still BF my lil daughter until now and mostly will try to BF until she is 2 years old. She seems to like it very much and when she tired or having a great fun during the day, she will BF more and more…we both like it very much :smiley:

I breastfed my eldest until he was 15 months old, then I had to stop as I got pregnant (without getting my menstrual cycle back beforehand), causing my breasts to become dry and breastfeeding became painful for me. After delivery, I engaged my eldest’s help to nurse whenever my breasts feel engorged, especially during the first week. From then on, I nursed both newborn and toddler whenever possible (usually in the lying-down position). Nursed them until my eldest was 4 and 1/2 years old and my second-born almost 3 years old, and had to stop because of my third pregnancy. I still have fond memories of the times when they were happy to see me home from work, and chanting ‘Milk! Milk!’.

When I offered to nurse them after their brother was born, they adamantly refused and even said “Yuck!” lol

Ha-ha Momof3boys…, lol

I bf my LO till 9month when I had a minor operation and coming home realized that I was given antibiotics to take…
I don’t think she actually was getting much milk anymore, as it wasn’t hard on either one of us to wean her. :wub:
It’s a great way to lose extra weight :wink:

wow! and I always boasted about bf for 10months! I’m still bfeeding my LO now bt don’t think I’;ll go past 10months this time as well. hope she makes it easy for me, cos she doesn’t even want to take the bottle even if it’s expressed milk in it.

I have breastfed my first baby for 10 month and she actually quit herself as she just sucked for 2 or 3 minute each time. I am breastfeeding my LO one and she is 5-month old. I plan to breastfeed her for a year (that’s when my mat leave ends)!!

Breastfeeding in public is my nightmare! I know it has many advantages, but I just can’t find a distraction from my surroundings.

Just put the baby under his/her receiver when breastfeeding in public. You and baby will be just fine.