Baby sleeping place

Interested to know where do your baby sleep. I started off with mine - my baby sleep with us on our bed. But usually at my chest first before i move him to our bed. Has a cot in our room, but he refuses to sleep on it… :frowning:

My 14 months old sleeps in her crib since she was 6 months, The first 6 months she slept in our bed, but the bed became too small for three of us…I got to a point where I was sleeping really unconfortable,and the next day I will feel like crab, but We decided it was time for her to move to her crib in her own bedroom, we use the monitor to listen to her, I thought she will have trouble sleeping in her crib, but she didn’t ,she was fine with it…now she is so used to her crib that she won’t sleep in my bed not even for a nap!!

I heard by my doctor if babies cry in the transition bed to crib, let them cry the first 3 days, they will have to get used to…I know it is hard let them cry, but they will be fine in 10 minutes and they will go to sleep.

We had a pack’n play next to our bed for the first two months. Since she was born she slept in it. When she was two months old we transferd her to her crip in her room and that is where she has been sleeping for the last 3 months. We only use the crib for night time, so she has a connection that when she is in it is time to go to bed. SOmetimes when we put her down she is not asleep, so it’s good she pretty much knows that by now.

What PY is saying is true, sometimes babies do not transfer well to their cribs. For people that have sleep issues with their babies, this book is a great resource: Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber . I didn’t have to use it, but I lent it to one of my friends and she loved it. She was very thankful because it gave her back her sleeping time :smiley:

Like PY, my baby slept with me until he was 6 months, and then he started sleeping in his crib.

Are daughter still sleeps with us quite often but does have a crib in our room.

The most balanced book I have read (and I have read many) is

by Marc Weissbluth. It is the only book I read that was mostly research-based rather than the author’s anecdotal evidence, or the author’s medical practice. The author is a doctor specializing in infant sleeping problems, but he does reference many other studies, where most sleep books base it on only their personal experience or a vague “Studies show” statement.

However, you don’t actually say that you are having sleep problems, so perhaps I only assume that you are worried you have a problem.

Our son slept in a bassinet next to our bed for 6 weeks (and hated it–he wanted to be in our bed, preferably on my chest) before he moved upstairs to his own crib–actually liked it better, as the mattress was more comfortable.

Our daughter still co-sleeps with us in our bed. She has her own crib in her room but she doesn’t/can’t sleep in her crib. It doesn’t bother me though that she still sleeps with us, in fact i love the feeling of being right next to her. Maybe when she’s a year old we can give it a try, will put her crib in our bedroom right next to our bed. I just hope the transition will be smooth :huh:

Our baby is 3 months old and she sleeps in her Moses basket, which is next to our bed. She slept like that from the day one. I think she enjoys the security of being right next to us, while the coziness of her own bed.

A few times I tried having her sleep in my arms or next to me, but she just played around or stayed awake. However, the moment I put her into her bed, she just closes her eyes, and it usually takes her just a few minutes to go to sleep. It is somewhat of a routine, and she likes it.

In the morning, when she wakes up, she lays there in her little bed and smiles and gurgles, unless she wants to go potty, then she shows that to us. So having her right there, next to our bed works really great, so we can respond to her needs right away ( like when she is showing that she needs to go potty, or needs to nurse), instead of waiting till she will start crying ( which would be the case, if she would be not next to our bed and will have to let us know of her needs through cry).

So overall, I think it contributes to her being happy baby, secure that her needs will be met when she communicates about them, and not just when she cries, and at the same time independent enough to fall asleep on her own in her “own space”, her own bed. Sometimes, when I put her to nap, she stays for a while with her eyes opened, and then just puts herself to sleep.

I will have to disagree with Yaroslavna, because a 3 months old baby of course like she says , she needs to be close to mom and dad but my daughter is 14 months old and she is more mature and more active than a 3 months ols baby and it doesn’t mean she is unhappy because she is sleeping in her own crib!!

I think some people has misunderstand what I said, of course I love coudle with my baby…who doesn’t?I love having her in our bed, but she was a big baby since she was born, and when she became six months old, she became even bigger of course…too much breast milk…but our bed is a queen size, and Catalina likes to sleep really really really confortable ,she will take lots of space, she will stretch her arms and take almost all the space from us, and I wouldn’t sleep at all…next day I will wake up with sore arms…and sore body…and feel tired and sore…that’s, besides at the most insignificant noise she hears,she used to wake up, like alarms o’clock,me coughing,or any other noise like that…that’s why I had to move her to her own bedroom, where she sleeps really confortable in her nice crib, she moves a lot, she is a very active baby, she likes to change positions,she doesn’t like to sleep with blankets, she throws them out her crib, she gets hot really easy.

And we got a monitor, we can hear everything she does, even when she breaths. When she gets up, she is such a happy baby, I can hear her talking,laughing,playing,she has some musical thing (i forgot the name) hunging up om her crib, she loves it, she will press the bottons and play the different melodies…WHEN she is is done doing all that, she calls for dada or mama…just like that da-da…da-da…or ma-ma-ma-ma, without crying or making a big dial, and we go and get her and bringing her with us in bed and cuddle with her for some more minutes.

She loves her nice bedroom, her nice crib and she is really happy there.She has nice flowers, and colorfull butterflies, her daddy did a good job decorating her bedroom. YES she is a really happy baby in her big girl’s bedroom.

I understood you, PY. Your situation sounds very similar to mine.
I never intended to have Gabriel sleep with me, but he was a colicky baby, and he was much more comfortable when he was held or snuggled. If I laid him in his cradle, he would wake up and start crying. Since I was breastfeeding, and had to wake up to feed every 2 or 3 hours, I needed as much sleep as I could get. It just wasn’t working if he was in his cradle. So I let him sleep with me. Once he started getting bigger, it became uncomfortable for me b/c I had to lay on my side with one of my arms tucked under my head. It started to bother me to sleep like that. Every time he moved or made a sound, I would wake up, so I wasn’t getting very good sleep. Then he started moving around a lot. It then became a necessity to move him to his own bed b/c I didn’t want him falling off my bed. The transition was relatively easy. He cried for a long time the first night but eventually fell asleep and slept the whole night. Every night the crying was a little less, and I think by the 4th night he was only crying for a few seconds. After that, he had no problem sleeping in his bed.
He has always been a good sleeper. He sleeps about 12+ hours every night w/out waking up. When he wakes up, he plays in his crib for a while. I hear him on the monitor and go get him. If I am not fast enough for his liking, he will let me know!

I really think that babies eventually need to go to their own space. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. They need to know that they can not sleep with you forever.

My daughter goes to bed in her cot during the day and when she goes to bed at night. Then when she wakes at around 3am in the morning for a breastfeed, she comes to bed with us and stays there til we get up in the morning. This can be quite uncomfortable for me as she tends to take up a bit of space, and keeps wriggling closer to me in her sleep til she has some part of her body touching me. This means I cant move…and I need to move to sleep. :smiley:

I dont believe in letting my child cry herself to sleep so I cant just place her in the cot as I would not get any sleep…plus she and I would get stressed…

As she gets a bit older I will put her in her toddler bed which she likes a lot more than her cot. She will still sleep in our room and I dont know when she will get her own room, we will see…

it was a lot tougher than i thought when i wanted my 9 month old boy to sleep at his own crib / cot as we called it here. He simply refuses to sleep in his cot, will crawl up and stand up, crying. Ended up sleeping with us. I dont mind him sleeping beside us, just that when he is sleeping, he will flip and turn in our king size bed, or just sit up and do a free fall back to bed, or simply crawl to the end of the bed. Our bed is quite high and he has fallen off from our bed before.

We tried rocking him to sleep in our arms before transfering him to his cot. but, he will wake up after half an hour/wake up in the middle of the night crying to be carried. (Actually, he will wake up as soon as he is being out down in his cot) I know the “trick” of letting him cry for 3 nights without picking him up. But cant put myself in doing as it stresses me alot when he cries. I also do not want him to associate that sleeping in his cot = not a happy thing

I am keen to know how do you guys put your child to sleep? just put him to bed/crib and he will sleep? Its stressful for me during his nap time and at night as i will either have to sleep with him / stay watch beside him when he sleep. In the end i cant have my own time at all. :frowning:

My son is 9 months old and he sleeps with us in our bed. That does not bother us at all. We tried putting him is his cot but he wakes up as soon as we put him down and cry. So we ended up sleeping with him. He is happy and we are happy. :smiley:

hi Lungile

May i ask how to you fix his sleeping time? Does that mean that if his sleeping time is at say 9pm, then you will have to be in bed by then? I dont usually sleep so early as i need to so some work, so ended up sometimes he will sleep very late like 11pm or as late as 1am, which i dun want that. I wanted him to have a fixed sleeping time whereby by 8.30pm, my maid would rock him to sleep in her arms then putting him to his cot. But the minute he was being out down, he woke up… The same goes during his afternoon nap.

Any tips? beside letting him crying out for 3 nights, ignoring him…(i dun want him to hate me for doing that)

hi Nhockaday

May i know how old is Gabriel when you made the transition to your bed to his crib? So when he cries, you totally ignore him? close his door room and let him cry? I am so envy when you said he could sleep through out the night without waking up. Cos mine will wake up in the middle of the night and cry…for water, for hug, for milk…

I wanted to have him on his own bed cos i dont want to take any chance for him to fall off my bed and the risk of my husband sandwiching him (he is kinda of big size, even though we sleep on a king size bed)

Let me preface this entire discussion by saying that my dd doesn’t sleep much, no matter where or with whom she is sleeping. The best I can figure it she sleeps about 6 hours a night and maybe (if I’m lucky) takes an hour nap during the day. She didn’t sleep much when she was first born, and it has only gotten steadily worse. She is a mostly happy well adjusted well fed well stimulated kid that needs less than 7 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period.

We co-slept with my dd until she was a year old. I had a crib, but she wouldn’t fall asleep or stay asleep in the crib, and I just gave up fighting it. She was much happier in between Mom and Dad. At about 11 months she started to move around in her sleep a lot. I decided to put a double(full) mattress on the floor in her own room. She slept on it the first night for usual 3 hours before she woke up to bf. Then she feel asleep again for 3 hours. I really like the mattress on the floor. It gives me a nice space to lie down and breastfeed her to sleep, and then I can get up and go back to my own bed. The mattress is low enough that she can get on and off it without assistance. She sleeps as well as she has ever slept on the mattress, much much better than her crib.

A couple of the drawbacks are that she won’t cry it out, if she doesn’t want to sleep, she will just crawl off the bed and play or come find me. Another draw back is that her room doesn’t look very well put together with a mattress on the floor, but I figure better her happy than a good looking baby room.

fruityfruit8 - I am feeling your upset right now, and I can really really sympathize. As my dd needs even less sleep than me, I never never get anytime to myself. I don’t even get time to do the basic chores or shower. Days just run into nights and I feel exhausted 24 hours a day. I wish I had some magic cure for you! Parenting is tough for me and I need to constantly remind myself that this will only last for a short time and it is important to respond to my dd needs. The one trick I have is that read while I am breastfeeing her and then at last I am stimulating my brain for a few minutes a day.

6 months. Like I said, the earlier the better. He cried for 3 nights, decreasing the length or crying every night. Yes, it is hard to hear your baby cry, but they are not going to remember it and be traumatized later. They will be fine. And they will not think their bed is a bad, unhappy place. After a few nights they get into a routine and they start to go to sleep without a peep. I am very happy that I stuck to it and got him to sleep in his own bed. You just have to be consistent and deal with hearing your baby cry. It is hurting you more than him.

I will never let any other children sleep with me. As much as I loved it, I don’t want to have to go through the transition again. My next babies will sleep in their own bed from day one, and they will get used to it.

I totally agreed with Nhochaday, My baby when she was 6 months old ,she start sleeping in her crib, the first 3 days was hard, she will cry for 20 minutes straight and the second night for 10 an the thrird night for 5 minutes, the fourth night she won’t cry at all, she totally got used to it.
Besides my baby since she was born she will sleep 12 hours straight without waking up,the first 3 months she just will wake up twice at night for breastmilk and go back right after milk to sleep…UNTIL now she is 14 months old, and I don’t know what is waking up at nights because she doesn’t sleep. I guess is the way you educate them how they should sleep.
she used to go sleep at 9pm o’clock!!(that is very important,be consistant on timing) now that she is more active she is awake until 10pm and gets up earlier, she used to get up 9am every morning and now she gets up at 7am.

I have a friend who used to sleep with her baby since she was born and now the baby is 4 years old and she still sleeps whith her, mom has moved to her daughter’s bedroom, because her girl can’t sleep without her.

Well we are a living case that it works! My daughter has never slept with us. The first two months we did have her next to us in a plack and play and after two months we moved her to her room. She didn’t cry and slept great. She has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old. We also didn’t get her use to going to bed when she is already asleep. She gets her bath everyday, gets a massage, we put her in her pj’s, she eats and it is time to go to bed. It doesn’t matter if she is awake or not. She knows is time to go to bed. Most of the time when she is awake, she just hangs out for 10 minutes and falls to sleep by herself. She has cried a couple of times, but we don’t pick her up and she falls to sleep after 10 minutes or so. Last time, it was harder because she started saying “mamamama” while she was fuzzing. I wanted to go up so bad!!! :huh: But I didn’t do it and she felt to sleep after a couple of minutes. I think being consistant is the secret. They are babies and they don’t know. We give her pleny of love during the day, so she knows we love her and we are there for her!

By the way, once in a while in the morning she will take a nap with us, but is just a nap and is not very often.

our baby slept in a pack n play in our room for a couple months and then we moved him into my large walk-in closet in a porta-crib (it’s right next to our bedroom, so I could always hear him. He’s 2 now and finally about to move into his own room with a twin bed. I don’t think he’s minded staying in the closet, but it sure makes me feel better to have him in a real room now.