Baby sleeping place

We sleep with our son and wouldn’t change for anything, I believe that’s how Mother Nature intended it to be.
Soon we are planning to buy a bed for him and put it in our bedroom, after few months of him sleeping there we are planning to move him to his own room. I think this should be slow and easy transition.

Oh Khatty, I really feel for you. And all mums with non-sleepy babies. I too have an active toddler who for the first 8 months was a horrid sleeper. He was in a bassinette next to my bed and out of sleep deprived desperation I ended up breastfeeding him to sleep whenever he wanted. This created weeks of waking every hour on the hour for 10 hours each night. I went nuts (hubby didn’t wake everytime). With support and professional help he sleeps about 9-10 hours each night. The only real periodic problem is a night of teething.

What really helped us was to hand him over to my mother for two nights when he was about six months old, for him to sleep overnight at her house in his portacot. He was familiar with it from naps now and then at her house. It took alot for us to let him sleep away from us, but the exhustion had taken over. You can’t be there 100% for your child if your not even close to 100% yourself. It gave us a good chance to recharge and start a better system with him.

hello there,

my baby at early stage was sleeping with me and my husband until she was 8 months old. This is because I can BF her easily without the need to wake up from the bed. But when I realised that she need to be sleep in her own bed, we change a little bit of the bedroom layout by placing her cot next to our bed (we moved one of the rail so that it like the cot was attached to our bed). Since she constantly still BF, I just need to move a lil bit to her when she wants to BF.

But the problem is that, when the morning comes, she ended up in my arm or next to me… :confused:

This time, me and my husband think we need to separate the baby from our bed completely…but we stilll trying for that since everytime we try to separate the baby from us…she started to cried… :wacko: still trying to figure how to do this correctly…help needed!!

I agreed that under 6 months old the bab need to be with her/his mum since this make the bonding more easily and after these onths I think the baby can manage him/herself if we put her/im on his/her own bed. I am not in favour forthe child to sleep with the mum and dad until older since the parent need space for themselves and for the child also he needed some space for her/his own activities.

My baby slept on her own crib starting day 1 and I have put a mattress in her room. When I breastfed her, I just put her to the mattress and fed her, and after feeding, I would put her down to her own crib. I read the same book as cybermommy.

And now my baby is 28-month and she really enjoys sleeping on her own. When she was younger, she may nap with me, and not anymore!

My babies sleep with me until now, or should I say, I still sleep with my babies 'coz I sleep with them on their room. I really don’t know how to end this… I want to do the right thing but I never really wanted to. :slight_smile: