Baby Singing While Watching Trebellina

I put some information in the description so you can sort of follow what’s going on. I have no idea if my baby is hitting the notes correctly or not, but the fact that he is attempting to sing the notes is more than enough for me to know that the information about the musical notes is really registering for him. I will leave it for people with better pitch than me to tell us whether he is singing the notes correctly. I hope Cristofori will drop by and comment on the video. Thanks all for this supportive forum.

ETA: looking at the video again, I’m pretty sure he hit that F if nothing else.

No comments on the video?? Do you all at least think my baby is cute :clown:

He is very cute. I too would like to teach my dd perfect pitch and note reading. I haven’t started yet, she is 6 months now and I’m just trying to get the reading going. One thing at a time, so I don’t get overwhelmed.

Keep up the good work, you won’t regret it. And I’m sure he will thank you one day.

Happy Singing!

Dear Kappasweet,

Yor baby is very cute and he is very close to the right pitch (as far as i can tell). :biggrin:


Thank you omimama! You are ahead of me because we have not started a reading program yet, we just read Dr. Suess for right now, I want to start YBCR soon. This video is recommended for age 1-4, so if you would like to use it you have plenty of time to squeeze it in!!!

Thank you beatrix! I’m glad to hear he is close in his singing. I am sad I can’t sing well and teach him songs in the correct pitch, I need one of those correctors that “vocalists” use in the studio!

That is adorable!

Unbeliebable for that age¡¡¡ My twin grandsons just turn 1 year I think I can try the same since they like all kinds of music. Now they dance when I play ANGEL AZUL songs in YOUTUBE (very nice spanish songs for babies). Talia dances and Tadeo claps.

Thank you! I just love him!

Your twins sound cute! I think 1 year is a good time to start because they will become more verbal pretty soon. Mine does the same thing, he claps whenever he hears music with an upbeat tempo. He doesn’t dance much except when my husband puts it on BET. He likes 106 and Park, not great for a baby IMHO but I guess I have no control over what they watch when it’s their time.

He is so cute!
I took my daughter to the music class when she was about 7-8 months and she loved it until she started walking (around 9 months) so I stopped going. Probably, we will start going again.

This video is great to see. My son is 12 months old and has been watching Trebellina for a couple of months. He attempts to sing the notes in a similar way. I thought I was imagining it at first, but he has done it quite a few times now and his pitch is surprisingly accurate. He also dances and claps to the music and sings “la, la, la”. I would never have imagined he would be doing this when we first purchased the DVD.

Thank you Xica!!! We took Kindermusik as well. It was fun and helpful, we may go back as well when he gets into the next age group, 18 months and up.

I did not know babies so young could sing either. You are not imagining at all, I thought I was imagining at first too, but those notes aren’t random babble. They are catching your ear because your baby is trying to sing! It will be exciting to see what happens when their voices get more developed and they are more “test-able” on the keyboard.

Very nice! :slight_smile:

My attempts to test CJ on the keyboard have failed. I only have a toy piano at home, and I’m sure that is not in tune, and my mother’s piano is out of tune even to my ear. I will have to purchase an electronic keyboard. My husband has been wanting to get one but I think it is because he wants to take it apart :rolleyes: Until then I am going to try to avoid confusing CJ by naming the notes on out of tune instruments. We will just play them casually until he gets old enough for Soft Mozart next spring.

Just watched this for the first time… how adorable! My son is 22 months and has just started to sing along with some of his songs… like he’ll sing E-I-E-I-O… I never even realized he was singing it until a few months ago I was bored and filiming him in the car while we were waiting for Dad to run into the store, I had music playing in the background and he started singing EIEIO… it was so cool! I never would have noticed had I not been paying attention at that exact moment, and luckily I caught it on video too! maybe I should get trebellina to help him learn the pitch and notes. His dad plays the piano and so once a day I let my son “play” it with an adult present. I don’t want him to think the piano is a toy he can just go bang on. We have a lot of fun and he loves it.

Totally cool LDSmom. We always think our kids aren’t doing anything, or don’t expect anything of them, and they surprise us! I’m sure you will enjoy showing that video to his prom date in about 16 years! lol Trebellina has been great for my baby so far, I recommend it to anyone who isn’t tired of hearing me talk :clown:

HAHAHAHA! I enjoyed this video! Thanks for sharing Kappasweet! lol

And yes - your baby IS ADORABLE!!! :happy:

I just wanted to give a little update on my baby. He sings songs these days, pretty much any song that I sing he will attempt to repeat back. On his own, he knows Twinkle Twinkle Little Star/ABC song, Where is Thumbkin, and Old Macdonald. He does not sing the words to the song, it is usually a string of DEEs or BAAs or BUHs or whatever is on his mind. It’s a lot of fun, and it is totally not in my head, everyone around (even strangers) comments that he can sing these songs and he sings them pretty often. I am trying to capture it on video, which I’ve caught a few things here and there but I will wait to post something when I get a video of him singing more clearly. He is 16 months, and I think he has learned to remember notes from Trebellina and that is how he can repeat a song when he hears it. Also, when I sing a song to him that I want him to repeat, I sing the song sort of broken into individual notes (like staccato) and he repeats the song back broken up. I started singing songs this way because I wanted him to learn the letters to the alphabet song, not all run together, but each individual letter, so I always broke it up, and sang each letter loud and clear, and that is when he started to repeat the notes/rhythm. Hopefully I will get a good video soon, he seems to do the most singing while I am driving, but he does at other times as well, such as when he is really drowsy before nap time.