Anyone play foreign language CD while baby sleeps?

I’d like to start teaching my 12 month old French but I don’t speak French. I was wondering if anyone does “sleep learning” where you play a foreign language (or any bits of information) to baby while they are falling asleep and apparently they retain like 60% or something like that.

Anyone do this?

For how long should I play the French CD? Should I play it just while she’s falling asleep or for a couple of hours?

Many thanks!

My daughter likes to listen to a Spanish language CD while she goes to sleep at night. We do not speak Spanish in out home (because no one knows how), but I have been told that her accent is amazing.

Once she is sleeping, we turn it off.


I’m not aware of this. Do you know where to read more about learning while sleeping please? Thanks.

I have never researched that. it just made perfect sense to me that you have a child who is lying still amd quiet in the dark and her auditory sense would be tuned in (until she fell asleep that is). i’d love to read some research on it.

I think it’s also called sleep talking. Here is the link to a recent thread on this board about it:

If anyone find out anything more about sleep learning please post it on this thread so we can check back.


there is a bit more on teaching french thread, namely that first 5minto half an hour after the child fell asleep are the best time for learning in your sleep and a study showing babies under one still absorbing audio material while asleep. :slight_smile: I think I will try it out on my younger ones nap time and will let you know how it goes. :slight_smile:

I just started playing cds for my daughter - I am using
as this method is based only in audio they do not use books and it has been highly reccomended to me by several people.

Other cds are talking and refering to page numbers or other references that well if you are only hearing would not make any sense - Pimsleur is based on audio exclusively.

Will keep you guys posted about progress - can not yet comment on results.



This sounds very interesting. I will check it out. Thanks for the great information on the method. :slight_smile:

Hi Gloria
Could you share with me as to how you go about this programme. Do you normally play this CD just before your child falls a sleep and how long do you play and how many times during the day.

Hi, Had never heard about foreing language learning while sleeping. However I am pretty sure it works. My mom used to put the audio Bible to my younger siblings as they fell asleep, and they learned many Psalms pretty quickly.
I have a Pimsleur program at home. Never thought about using it while my baby sleeps. It is different than other programs in that everything is audio. No books and no reading. But it is also based on translation, which some linguists do not recommend. It tells you a word or sentence in English and then it tells it to you on the other language, then it tells you to repeat it. It uses several dialogs and it works step by step in the sentence structure, so you pretty much learn naturally.
I was raised in a bilingual environment, but I did use this program to learn a little of other languages. It is fairly easy to use recommended 30 min. daily.
You can buy it online…$100 each big set
Hope this helps

Can get it in Singapore? Or do they ship to Singapore? I’m keen.

Hi Gloria!

So far, what can you say about the product?Is it good? Is it worth the money?
Will this work for a 2 y/o?


Has any found any scientific evidence for sleep learning? I’ve tried looking for literature and haven’t found much support - although it would be fantastic if it worked!

Dear Everyone,

I always play Qur’anic Arabic recitation for my children as they are going to sleep and let the cd run until it stops.

Here is an interesting article from the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School about Sleep, Learning, & Memory:

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Interesting article!! So it’s true that burning the candle at both ends before sitting exams doesn’t work. But there’s nothing to suggest that you can learn passively while you’re sleeping. No wonder preggie mums and new mums forget lots of things - cause of the disrupted sleep (waking up constantly to relieve your bladder … and then waking up to feed/settle bub …)

I have just purchased a sleep learning cd to learn spanish so i’ll have to get back to you and see how i go. Unlike pimsleur this one is ‘supposedly’ designed to learn while you are sleeping. It mixes soft music with the language or something and is meant to help you relax enough to take in the language in your subconscious mind. I dont really think that it will work but i’d like to believe it. So when i recieve it as it is still being shipped, i will use it and let u know what i think.

It is a bit cheaper than pimsleur.

Dear Rose08,

What is the name of the program, please? Do you have a link for it, please?

Thank you.
Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks rose, I will definitely wait for your advise. Also, can you post here the website of the product?
Just want to know more.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey everyone the website is

Like i said i am not sure if it will work or not but for the english to spanish one it says:

Speak SPANISH within 30 days. No Pens, No Paper, No Homework, No Memorising.

You can rapidly learn SPANISH or ANY NEW language.

So the best thing i can suggest is to take a look at the website and see what you think yourself…the only problem is that you will never really know if it works til you do it yourself. It will probably be about 2 more weeks til i recieve the product as i live in Australia but i will definitely post back here and let you all know how I go. :smiley:

I have jut started playing a french cd to sophia when she is sleeping, so i will have to see how it goes.

Thank for the link rose i will check it out. As I have little pim spanish and I would love to learn a 2nd and 3rd language if possible.

Let me know how you go.
